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my lost heart — Firefly Weir 
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Anyone from the pack is free to join up with her for some Ele time. :3

The very instant Angier Lyall was gone, Elettra was aware. There was no longer a time in her life where she would spend hours, or even days, on a journey to ether search for herbs, catch up with an allied pack, or seek the lands aimlessly with a possibility of running into someone worthy of recruiting into the ranks. Now, she would merely roam bits of her territory at a time, just enough to see to that everyone was doing something of importance towards the well-being of the pack before going back to the den in order to keep close at her mate's side. More often then not, he would be resting and she was there to rest with him if not messing with some of the herbs which Ravenna he captured and brought back. If anything, it was Elettra's aggression alone which kept her at the top within her ranks. She did little to tend to her members needs, savor her mate and her two children which remained. She would make sure to snap off her jaws before even a thought of mutiny could be raised, if any. As far as Elettra knew, the majority of her members might have just been waiting for winter to come, where her injured hip would tighten up and she would be forced to set down from her position without anyone doing the dirty work of challenging her. Still, Elettra was happy enough to at least get some peace from the other members who mostly left her be, if only to allow her to spend what time she held with Angier left.

Now he was gone and a very obvious panic set in her bones. Elettra had not called out to her members, no, although certainly with her rummaging about, calling out to him (and Niles) and her mournful howls had certainly allowed others to know that her mate and child was now missing from the ranks. She could only think the worst given the circumstances. Was this it? Had Angier left the lands in order to die alone and Niles had gone off looking for him? Had they gone off together and Niles had not bothered to tell his mother? Had he already passed and now her son would take him away to spare her the grief? Of course there was the thought that perhaps he was going to Grizzly Hollow to see his Lyall family should it be the last chance he had... Ether way there was not an ounce of rest for Elettra as she padded through the Lagoon in her search. She stops in what seems to be a cove, just as the sun begins to fall down into the trees in order to give way to darkness. A high-pitched whine takes her as she pants, having worked harder today then she had in quite some time. The woman was tired, though she does not allow herself to be defeated by this just yet as she circles the cove as the first flashes of firefly light whisk by her.
(This post was last modified: Jan 11, 2017, 12:27 AM by Sahalie. Edit Reason: removing pack tag )
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Long overdue these two threaded again <3

Amber irises watched the once blue sky slowly transform into an array of brilliant oranges and pinks through the droopy boughs that made up her Willow home as the onset of night began to creep over the land. Creatures of the night; such as the piebald timber wolf scratching her back against the bark of a Willow trunk, slowly stirring from the safety of their homes to begin a twelve hour shift of foraging for their next meal before the first rays of dawn beckoned them to return. Having just awoken herself, Enoki was giving her muscles one final stretch when an ebony blip on the horizon disappearing toward the general direction of the lagoon caught her curiosity. The wafting scent of the dark queen further piquing her interest.

Like the vast majority of the Willow Ridge members that remained, she too had opted on giving the regal Archer the space she deserved since the abrupt disappearance of not only the queen's mate Angier, but also her only remaining sons Skoll and Niles; the latter of the two causing more alarm in the two toned woman having grown close to the young prince similarly to how she had with Deacon of the previous litter, as well. There was no denying Elettra was plagued by their missing presence, though, with the mournful howls and aimless wandering that was typically uncharacteristic of the dark woman whom normally stuck firmly to the inner heart of her territory. Distant, or not, Enoki still worried about her dear friend and leader and thus decided to pursue the other woman.

Nose hovering over the ground and paws moving at a decent pace, she followed the scent trail of Elettra's footprints in the path she took only lifting her head from the ground once in a while to gauge how much further ahead she was. Eventually a dark silhouette emerged upon the horizontal line once more as Enoki rounded the banks of the lagoon to what seemed like a small cove ahead. It was once the Ashrelle woman was confident she was within hearing distance did she release a chuff announcing her presence, tail immediately dropping to brush the ivory tip against the blades of grass that tickled her paws and warranted resting fireflies to take flight and illuminate the night sky around her. "@Elettra?" She questioned carefully, unsure just how her friend would react, whether it be with gnashing teeth in warning or a stern command to leave her be.

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Oh god, yes it is...!
She had been basically all to herself for weeks now, not speaking to a single soul, including her daughter Ravenna. Though Ravenna was relentless, Elettra's responses were with a mere huff, growl, or snort towards her daughter. Though in her more delicate moments, mostly at nights when she would have otherwise been spending her time with Angier, it was very obvious that Elettra appreciated her young daughter very much for everything she had done for her since the moment their roles were reversed and Ravenna was caring for her mother instead of being cared for herself. Still, Elettra's distance only proved her determination. She would not be abandoned by her mate, she would not be left in the dark on what was happening with her family as it scattered further and further from her paws.

Though as darkness dipped further into the cracks and crevices of the land, her strength was zapped from her. After a few moments long, she had found a pleasant spot not far from the water's edge, along a little knoll nestled against one of the willow trees beyond her territory's border. Its trunk was crooked, stretching out towards the water so that the tips of its hanging branches could dip within for a drink. By now, the dark woman had become so still as she looked out at the cove that the fire flies had come to life, flashing little bursts of bright light all around her. That is, until another wolf disturbed the peace.

She growls at the other woman's presence, alarmed by her only because Elettra did not notice her until she saw her, given the fact that her nose had failed her once more. It was getting worse as time went on, she figured. Even after she took note of the very original white and black pie bald markings which Enoki had, Elettra's gaze still remained hard on her. It took only a moment or two longer for Elettra to question herself as to why she was being this way. Not only was Enoki one of her very own pack members, she had become one of her close friends. Of course Elettra never liked the idea of looking vulnerable in front of anyone, including friends and family, however she figured that granted the magnitude of this situation, she could let this one time pass... "Hello Enoki..." She speaks delicately.

(This post was last modified: Sep 10, 2016, 01:15 AM by Elettra.)
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

Immediately ebony ears were pinned back and any steps intended to bring herself closer to @Elettra were halted as the sound of the Archer's growl reached her location. For a moment a frown etched itself onto her dark complexion despite half expecting a similar reaction from the woman before her, unaware that the growl had actually arose more so out of surprise from a failing nose on the matriarch's behalf than her presence being entirely undesirable. Regardless the warning was received and deemed acceptable given the current situation, the magpie keeping her distance even after those piercing grey eyes softened their hardened gaze and a delicately spoken response left the dark queen's lips. The fireflies gradually began to settle back on the blades of grass and once the soft yellow orbs died down completely Enoki finally dared to approach entirely.

Habitually keeping her body just low enough to be shorter than Elettra's after years of loyalty despite being on unclaimed lands, her two toned frame came to saddle beside the ebony woman's left side while mindfully keeping a respectable gap allowing personal space to be had. Ivory tipped tail wrapped firmly around her closely pressed paws, her smoldering amber gaze focused on the smooth surface of the lagoon that so easily mirrored the night sky above. Twinkling stars and zipping fireflies that resumed fluttering about after her approach included. "I hope I hadn't interrupted anything. Saw you leaving and wanted to make sure you were okay." She spoke softly, the concern nestled internally cloaking each word uttered like a blanket. Head turning to the side, she tore her gaze away from the lagoon to steal a glance at the woman, watching her facial features closely should they betray whatever answer would be given.

Half of her expected to hear the infamous I'm okay line that everyone used when they wanted to avoid the truth, to divert people from opening wounds left by the demons that plagued them, or by the doings of others. In truth, though, the magpie wasn't sure how someone could be okay should they find themselves in a similar predicament as the woman beside her. Those closest to you, those that came from your very womb suddenly gone with no clue as to where they were or a sign as to how they were fairing? It couldn't be easy on anyone, but if there was one thing she knew for sure it was that no matter what she would try her damnedest to alleviate what ache she could.

(This post was last modified: Oct 06, 2016, 05:53 PM by Enoki.)
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
It took a few moments for the other woman to realize that Elettra was okay with her presence and after zips of fireflies made their way back around them, Enoki slowly approached the woman, deciding to take a seat to Elettra's left so that she too could look over the waters of the lagoon. The Matriach remained laid under the willow tree, taking in a deep breath as Enoki finished her explanation of why she had come to her and how she had found her so quickly in the first place. She had been trailing her all this time and yet Elettra had failed to notice, only further allowing her to realize her failing senses with her growing age. "I'm not sure 'okay' is a reachable state." She spoke with an absolute honesty. Elettra would not be okay until her mate returned to her safety... Of course she missed both @Skoll and Niles. However she knew those two men were young and healthy with no ailments hindering them. Skoll even more so, whom she knew was fully capable of taking care of himself. After she spoke, her pale gaze turned to the woman, catching her looking into her direction. Her expression was dishearten, yet she was still already with the fact that Enoki was here. If anything, she could make the pack aware of their leader's whereabouts upon her return. "I figured I'd search further... Maybe visit Cedarwood to see if any of the Lyalls there have spotted him." In truth, she would much rather not go face to face with the Cedar wolves at all, but she did not trust her scent of smell alone to see if he had passed through the forest. After all, the relationship between the two packs was shaky at best. Skoll and Rook had not gotten along well at all and Elettra's irritation with the Lyall youth only further escalated things. Since then, the leaders had been presented gifts from family members in that pack although that rift had never been fully filled. 
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Silence loomed between the two dark woman for a time and for now Enoki was content to let the woman take her time in responding, if she was planning to response to her statement at all. Alas the dark queen finally did and a rounded ear rotated sideways to catch the words Elettra offered, although they only warranted the magpie to frown in response hearing her admit truthfully she didn't see herself reaching a state of okay again. At least, not yet, but who could honestly blame the woman granted the current situation. It was surely a tough pill for anyone to swallow no matter how strong they deemed themselves and to the Ashrelle woman, Elettra was one of the strongest wolves she knew.

Smoldering amber eyes departed from the other woman's features momentarily to steal another glance out over the lagoon's surface, taking in the zipping balls of soft light that danced in and out of view before her attention was snagged once more. The dark queen adding she had plans to search further, expanding her radius to the doorstep of Cedarwood even which caused a slight sour taste to form in her mouth she kept to herself. Why she had no beef with the wolves that called Cedarwood Forest home personally, she was not blind to the tension that lay thick between her pack and them. Especially after shenanigans the missing dark prince Skoll had performed. Regardless of her views she listened closely to El speak and nodded her head briefly in understanding, finding reason above all else as to why she would want to do such a thing. Love made you do some unthinkable things.

Deciding that she wasn't about to be heading back any time soon and she might as well get comfortable, ebony limbs gradually lowered her lithe frame toward the ground, forelimbs outstretched before her while her rear tucked neatly beneath her weight. Allowing some of the dangling branches of the willow to drape across her haunches. "It could be a possibility he wandered toward them considering they are family. If you decide to leave tonight I can make sure the others don't fret much over your absence." It was true Enoki wasn't the fondest of the idea, but who was she to stop a woman from searching for the love of her life and children?   
(This post was last modified: Dec 03, 2016, 05:33 PM by Enoki.)
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
I'm going to let this thread die out since they have the other one together still. :)

Soon enough after a nod of understanding on her part, Enoki had lowered herself to the ground in the same fashion which Elettra had, taking some time to look over the landscape around them and the buzzing of the glowing fireflies. "Sounds like a plan." Elettra spoke only, knowing that Enoki had the full capability to keep the peace amongst the pack whilst she took the day or so in order to scout along the lands of the Hollow. It was not like it would take Elettra long anyhow. Once upon a time ago the dark woman had known the territory like the back of her very paw and although she had not been there in quite some time, she was sure that she would be able to navigate herself in the area just fine. Most likely, she would be back before most of the wolves within the ranks even realized it, what with them being spread out few and far between. For now though, tonight she had every intention of taking a moment to try and do something she rarely did - relax.