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Heaven's On Fire — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nicolò Archer

The pair gazed into one another's eyes and Enoki's small sigh almost defeated him. That was until he heard the words that fell from her lips. His yellow eyes grew round with surprise but he was pleased with her words. It was still a relief to know that someone had his back throughout all of this and saw what he saw. He always felt tension around Elettra and knew that he should not feel guilty about what happened any longer. He needed to get over it and so did she. Unfortunately, they did not all see eye to eye on visiting policies either. However, he did not have to think about that right then, he could focus on the woman in front of him, her piebald coat catching his eye once again. Her passion intrigued him because back in the Torbine he never much associated himself with other women. He stayed close with his sister, never having any other woman truly catch his eye but now that Enoki was here he found that he could very much forget what he had formerly set out to do.

Her next phrase caused him to lift an eyebrow. Was she trying to imply something? He was completely caught off guard when she reached up to tug at his ear in what could only be in a puppy-like manner. His jaws parted slightly, unsure of how to respond to this. He had not played like a pup since he was a child, with Adele, of course. Seeing Enoki in this manner reminded him plenty of his spirited sister and a small smile tugged at his lips. Her invitation was not lost on him and he was quick to lower his upper body, eyes glowing humorously. His tail waved above his back playfully, watching the other woman carefully. A playful growl escaped his maw, lowering his haunches in order to creep closer. When he felt that he was close enough, the man's back legs readied themselves so that he was able to launch himself in the Ashrelle's direction.

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Hope the minor PP of them rolling is okay!

For a moment the magpie remained unsure if the man before her understood the child like antics she was displaying, his delayed response to her invitation even going so far as to make her feel foolish and question if he was even willing to engage in some stress-relief activity with the woman. But soon enough a smile breached his usually serious expression and relief washed over her as smoldering amber eyes watched the man mirror the position she was in, the playful growl that resonated from his chest warranting an equally playful growl of her own to come forth. Not once did the speed of her wagging tail falter, if anything the appendage maneuvered faster now that he was willing to engage.

Another bark left her lips as her gaze remained fixated on the army crawling figure of @Nicolò, watching him advance intently before suddenly he launched himself quicker than Enoki deemed possible for the man. So quick she was actually caught off guard by the swiftness. Ebony limbs sprang into action in an attempt to dodge his attack, but the man had one upped her in her own game, a loud bout of laughter falling from her inky lips as the weight of his body came tumbling into her own causing the duo to roll in a ball of stark black and whites. Jaws parted to clamp and tug playfully at any portion of his body she could reach while they rolled, using the momentum of their movement to try and pin him on his back. The points of her teeth coming to favor the rounded ears upon the top of his skull each time they came within biting range.

Eventually the momentum of their bodies slowed and Enoki used this opportunity to hover over the man, a gleeful smirk tugging back the corner of her lips as her gaze slide down the length of her marred snout to lock onto his yellowed hued eyes before reaching in to nudge the tip of her coal black nose against the fur on his cheek in what could be assumed to be a gentle kiss. "Tag, you're it." she whispered after another soft laugh escaped, removing herself from his body to bound away a few feet before whipping around and resuming a play bow position to watch and see if he would indeed give chase to the fleeing magpie.

Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nicolò Archer

The man was successful in his pursuit but soon the two were rolling. A series of attacks were placed on his body and it was worth it because Enoki's laugh was music to his ears. A small smile formed on his lips, remaining even when Enoki pinned him. She hovered over him for sometime, while he admired her from his position on the ground. When she leaned down to place a gentle kiss against his cheek, he could almost swear that his heart stopped in his chest. Her whispered words only egged him on.

Nicolo quickly rolled onto his front, pale yellow eyes finding the magpie lady quickly in the same position she was at the beginning of her challenge. Eyes narrowed at her but he did not delay in giving chase to her. They were around the same size and Nicolo used this to his advantage, pushing himself to the limits to get after her. Panting from the excertion, Nicolo finally caught up, bumping his nose to the side of her leg before dancing away from her. He did not stray far from her though, words tumbling out of his mouth before he could stop them, "You're beautiful, y'know?" Pale yellow eyes sparkled at her, the sincerity in the tone of his words.

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

Just as the magpie had expected @Nicolò was quick to roll back onto all fours, the narrowing of his pale yellow gaze warranting a playful smirk to settle upon Enoki's lips. A silent challenge insinuating he catch her if he could before dark limbs pushed off from the ground to whirl her lithe frame around, bolting across the expanse of the Rise as paws tore the decaying flowers below in her wake. Ebony sides heaved and salmon tongue lolled between pointed teeth, the sound of thundering paws behind her heels encouragement enough to push herself harder to remain out of his reach, silhouette weaving this way and that to try and throw him off course, but to no avail.

The touch of his nose to her leg was subtle, yet enough to inform Enoki that she had indeed been caught. A bout of laughter falling from inky lips once more before slowing her pace down in order to turn herself around and settle the smoldering amber hue of her gaze upon the dark man as he danced away to some degree. Permanent grin plastered across her facial features was soon wiped clean away when rounded ears picked up on those words that tumbled freely from Nico's mouth, eyes widening partially in genuine surprise. He thought her beautiful? The idea seemed so unfathomable to the piebald female after only hearing such terms of endearment once before from a man and yet that man had used it against her during the height of mating season the year she left the pack for a time. A burden shared with only one other soul whom unbeknownst to her was now dead and gone.

The memory had her ears splaying backward for a moment, a shake of her head ridding the negative energy that threatened to seep in and ruin this moment with Nicolo. No, she would not let him ruin a good thing now. There was sincerity in the Archer's tone and a sparkle in the depths of his yellow gaze that Enoki could not ignore, the words; despite her initial reaction, causing her heart to go into overdrive and the skin beneath her fur to warm at least 20 degrees. Slowly, she closed the distance between them, running the length of her marred muzzle through the fur along his neck while a low, pleasant rumble sounded deep in her chest. "That means a lot coming from someone as handsome as you." The coveted words tumbling as freely as his own had.

Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nicolò Archer

The reaction to his words were instant, but it was not the kind of response he was hoping for. The joy they had been experiencing dropped off and Nicolo could feel the dread settle in the pit of his stomach. The dark man could feel his heartbeat thundering in his ears. He forced himself to be ready to face the rejection. No words came, however, they just stood in silence and Nicolo could feel his smile slipping, no longer happy to be in this kind of situation. Nicolo had surely thought that he had read her correctly. Swallowing nervously, he almost felt the urge to leave, not wanting to remain in the awkward position any longer, but Enoki made a move before he could do so.

She took him completely by surprise when she initiated contact with him. Pale yellow eyes widened, unsure of how to react. The dark Archer inhaled sharply, frozen in place. The way she was acting now completely contradicted her body language moments ago. Women. He did not pull away from her, however, but instead wrapped his head around hers in an embrace, her words flowing over him in waves. His smile returned, though she could not see it, and a pleased rumble resonated within his chest. "You're too kind," he muttered softly.

Nicolo knew that they could not stay away for much longer. He still had a damaged landslide he had to check out and he did not want to be away from the pack for longer than he needed to be. After relishing in her touch for longer than would be considered friendly, the dark Archer pulled away, pale yellow eyes settling on her face. He sighed in disappointment, not wanting to leave her but knowing that there were other things that had to be done. His voice soften when he spoke, "I have to go look into that landslide that I mentioned earlier, but I should be back by the end of the night or early morning. I'll see you later." He bumped her on the nose lightly with his muzzle before turning in the direction that he needed to head. With one last parting glance back, he was on his way.

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Mar 01, 2017, 09:52 PM by Nicolò.)