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i swear — Turtleback Lake 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Relieved that she hadn't noticed his sudden skittishness, Askan felt confident to look at her once again- especially when she wasn't looking his way. He had no idea where the conversation was going to lead next, but he hadn't anticipated her bringing up family, specifically her mother who from the sounds of it was dead. From what Askan could tell, his mother was still alive and kicking- thank the Gods. But as to her actually well being, well he had no idea. He knew without a doubt that she'd be upset, disappointed in him still, but he figured she'd get over it eventually. In time everyone had to move on, lest they get left behind. So with that said, he didn't really- he couldn't- understand what Adelayde was going through even if he wanted to. Which, in all honesty he didn't.

So of course, when she stated her belief, Askan responded with absolutely no tact. Or at least he had been about to. 

"Well that's the most-" Askan stopped himself mid sentence and frowned. "Well.... She might be. It'd be nice, I suppose. It is kinda pretty up there. Hope she's doing good wherever she is , at least." Askan shrugged, that was the best he could muster at such a short notice. It was hard work either way.

Placing his legs in front of him, Askan splayed out on the ground so that he could get more comfortable. This way, he was now on the same level as Adelayde, they were on equal footing. Truly, he wasn't good at this whole consoling thing but there had been an attempt and that was what counted. He deserved a pat on the pack- a figurative one of course as he wasn't all that fond of being touched by others, unless he knew them well enough. 

Glancing back over at the other, Askan puffed out a sigh and watched his breath cloud in front of him. This night certainly was not living up to his expectations and as of yet he couldn't decide whether that was a good or bad thing. Another sneaky glance at Adelayde made him think that perhaps it wasn't too bad. She wasn't awful, not by any stretch. She was still too big though, he wouldn't be getting over that any time soon, even though it wasn't her fault.

"You were right, I think. It is a nice night, sort of. It's not snowing at least. Feels like it might though." Stubbornly, Askan stared forward unblinking, as though that might help him salvage this pathetic mess he had created. Gods, he was an embarrassment.
(This post was last modified: Oct 13, 2016, 09:22 PM by Askan.)
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[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva

Ade wasn't sure what kind of response she was anticipating. Askan being rather blunt and rough so far, she figured he would call her crazy and continue on with his grumpy facade. Perhaps, she was testing the waters too much and she was getting too personal for him. Granted if that was the case, she'd back off and be bland or normal, she supposed. Adelayde was used to bland. That's all the Elders wanted her to be. To be just like them, bland and boring; strict and controlled. But she wasn't like them, not even partially like them. And she would never be like them. She was wild, free, and passionate. Like a star, she was unique and everlasting. That she was determined to keep alive in herself. She would never let that flame inside her get snuffed out. Not again.

"I hope so too," she mumbled quietly as she stared out across the lake, watching a flock of ducks fly across the calm plain of the water. An ear tipped towards him as he shuffled down to her level, he seemed to becoming more relaxed with her around. She could feel his daffodil eyes on her as he let out a sigh into the cool air surrounding them. Winter was fast approaching, she could feel that much from just the air. Which meant traveling any further would be foolish. Adelayde needed to settle somewhere and soon.

To her surprise, Askan was the one to break the silence that fell upon them for a moment. Glancing over towards him, she nodded as she was just thinking the same thing about the weather. "I can feel winter in the air. Its definitely fast approaching." She countered, her breath creating a faint cloud in front of her, but the cold couldn't break through her thick Mackenzie coat. "I should settle somewhere soon, before the first real snowfall. Not sure where to start though." Ade opened the door for him to perhaps give her some ideas of any packs around if he knew of any. Or he might be in the same boat as she was.
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Askan hummed in agreement. The weight of the approaching winter was already thick and heavy in the air, he could tell that this winter would be a tough one, that it'd hit them hard like a bludgeoning strike. Knowing that he wouldn't have to face it alone was a reassuring thought, but the fact that this would be his first winter away from home made it daunting nonetheless. Not enough to scare him-obviously- but he was cautious and was doing his best to prepare himself for the brunt of it. 

Adelayde's next line of thought was a natural one, and he could see why she was worried. Winters were tough enough with allies at your back, a winter alone... Well it wasn't a pleasant thought, he wouldn't wish that fate on anyone- lest of all someone he didn't mind. So... Askan shifted uneasily and licked at his lips. His ears twitched at the ducks honking but otherwise he paid them little mind. He was thinking, quite intently too. 

It was his duty to ensure that everyone was safe, he had taken it upon himself so really it was only his job to watch his own. But she didn't seem bad, if he was any judge of character and maybe she could be of use? She was large and smart, and if Drestig thought that sickly bag of bones was worthy than surely the same would apply to- No, he was getting ahead of himself, the cogs in his head were turning too fast. Askan rested his chin on his paw and let out a huff. How frustrating, not knowing what to do. Whatever, to tell with it. 

"Around here isn't too bad. I'm sure my boss- the Old man wouldn't mind. If he can put up with my bullshit, then surely a little bit of stargazing won't bother him." Askan spared her a quick look, noticed she was still damn smiling at him then proceeded to back peddle with great haste like the chicken he no doubt was. At least to his credit, his voice remained its usual timbre, instead of coming out all squeaky and mortifying. "It's just an idea. Whatever. You know, wouldn't get your hopes up." 
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[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva

Slowly her tawny cranium fell to rest upon her soft cream paws, just as Askan shifted restlessly. Her mismatched eyes peered over at him as he licked his lips. Ade couldn't exactly decipher what he was thinking, but he was clearly brooding about something. It didn't take him long to rest his chin down and he let out a deep sigh. A questioning look crossed over her delicate face, as her eyes shifted to look at his. What was he thinking that was getting him so worked up inside? Must be something serious she said to get such a reaction out of him now. Just what she wanted. Marking it as a win for her, she waited silently for words to leave his maw.

Her seafoam eyes were upon the lake when he finally spoke. At his first few words, her eyes stayed plastered upon the lake. They shifted when he mention his boss, the Old man. A soft chuckle escaped her ebony lips as words that almost seemed jokingly came out of his mouth. Was that a playful tone? She dared thought inside her head, though she wished she would have said it aloud. Though with his slightly dismissive statement at the end, she almost dared.

"Sure, I could give it a try." She answered, her smile soft this time, but she was hiding pure joy within her. Perhaps this was her chance to really belong somewhere. Somewhere that will accept her for how she was really was and not how they wanted her to be. But again, might be getting her hopes up too early. "Maybe, he'll love my stargazing," she dared, a smirk crossing over her face as her blue green eyes twinkled like the stars above them. "Lead the way, boss."
You end with a fade?
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
It was true that whenever Askan spoke of Drestig, a sort of warmth seeped into his voice. Not quite affection, but perhaps admiration, respect? Askan certainly cared for the old man, that was true regardless of whether he admitted it or not. Without him, he would have had nothing, he would be nothing still. Now at least he had a chance to prove himself and he'd be damned if he let this opportunity pass him by. He'd make the old man proud or die trying.

If she noticed the slight change in his tone, well there was nothing he could do about it. He wasn't ashamed of it, so he wasn't going to start getting all pissy. He trusted her enough anyway, not so much that he was going to start spilling his soul and all of his secrets but he didn't think that one little slip up was going to doom him. Or at least he hoped it wouldn't. He prayed it wouldn't.

At her words, Askan's lips barely ticked up into a smile. Just barely, you'd have to be close to see it. Being called boss wasn't something he'd ever heard before, but he couldn't say that he disliked it. Not to say that he was hankering to be alpha, he was content being second in command, but it felt good to have his authority recognised, validated. It was enough to lessen the harshness of his gaze.

"Yeah, yeah. Follow me," he grumbled and got to his feet with a bit of a groan. "I'll take you there, can't promise anyone will want to talk to you at this hour." That was a bit of a idle threat really. If no one was about they could wait, it wouldn't do any harm.

With that, Askan turned on his heel and led Adelayde back the way he came and together they headed off into the night.
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[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]