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me and you in this bodybag built for two — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Ace who has 84 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bennet Kjorsdottir
For @Daedra and then, once/if Bennet starts to kick up a fuss, @Gent :) And obviously open for @Karina too, once Dae and Bennet have gone a few rounds!
Set... whenever and wherever it makes the most sense given that Karina and Bennet are travelling to Dragonveil! But would obviously be after this thread, so it would be at a very northern part of the mountain, still close to the Spring and Fjord.
Late evening, after a day's heavy snow.

She moved with light, careful steps which left only the faintest of impressions in the crunching snow. The soft white fall had lasted all day, hours and hours, having started before she'd even woken up. Only now was it over, and the world left behind was an utter marvel to witness. It was so cold. She was reminded of what it felt like to dip her paws into the river which ran through Hearthwood, that wet, sharp chill that lingered even when she pulled them back out again, black fur slick against her flesh. The snow was, somehow, wet just like that, despite looking like dust when it fell. And now, laid all over the world as far as she could see, from the rising mountain in the south to the forests and meadows and plains and ravines to the north and east and west - all covered in white dust. Wet white dust.

Snow. She'd caught her first snowflake that very morning, reaching up with a black snout to the sky and right there on her black nose it had landed, perfect and delicate and shimmering for all of five heartbeats before it had melted into less than a droplet.

What did Hearthwood look like right now? What did @Atropos and @Kyrios think of the snow? They would be so excitable and awed, and she could imagine the games they would play, the way Ky would plead with her to join in, the way they would make her laugh and have fun even if she didn't want to.

Bennet stopped in her tracks and glanced behind her but there was nobody there. She lifted her tail and wagged it, almost experimentally, imagining what it would be like to be coaxed into one of their games right now, but it was too cold and quiet. For the first time since leaving, she felt the tiniest of pangs, a wish that she could have shared this one silly thing with them.

But... why not pretend? Turning back to face the snow in front of her feet, she pushed at it with one sooty paw, leaving a dent and disturbed snow. Ears perking up, she tilted her head at it, and poked at the strange stuff again, and felt it wet and cold cold cold - but it sparked something tiny and warm inside. Huffing in private amusement, she dropped to her chest and began to push herself through the blanket of wet crystals, a black snake in a silent world of white, white, white.
(This post was last modified: Nov 01, 2016, 12:32 PM by Bennet.)
Played by Adel who has 4 posts.
I apologize if it's weird, I'm getting back into RP'ing lol. Might be a little rusty ^^; I apologize if he's super creepy :P

It was snowing. A disgusting thing that made Dae all wet, and feel just absolutely dreadful. He shook his brown and black coat out, his bi-colored eyes scanning the terrain for any possible signs of life. It was night-time, and his companion (the crow that normally followed him around) was nowhere to be seen. How awful, now he was all alone. Not including the fact that he hadn't slept, so his mind had started playing tricks on him. He thought he had seen another wolf, but when it started cackling at him- it wasn't real. At least he was able to distort reality from illusions.

Stepping carefully on the snow, he was careful not to make any sounds as he walked. Daedra's paws touched the earth lightly, his steps carefully thought out, and to any on-lookers would look as though he was attempting to step through some sort of thorn patches, by how slow the adult male was moving. His muscles moved like an avid runners. His fur slick with wet snow, made his muscles ripple as he moved. Sure, he was a gentle evil creature, but at times, he liked to take it slow. Mainly because the paranoia began to set in and it set an onset of cautious behavior.

Daedra glanced towards the skies with blue and brown eyes, his paranoia making it almost impossible for him to even trust Frank. His lovely little Crow friend. He twitched his mouth and crunched his nose, glancing back and forth in front of him before quickly crossing the terrain. He had spotted something moving in the snow now, actually, it wasn't even that he spotted it, he practically ran into the small black figure that practically glimmered against the white snow.

He evaluated the small black figure, his breathe held, and form frozen, one paw lifted and his ear in mid twitch. Blocking out all noises, he heard nothing, even if anything did speak to him. That was how he got through most of his days. He didn't know what it was. A possible demon that was coming to violate his dreams again, with nightmares of bloodied brains and someone chasing him as quickly as possible to eat him, alive. He stared, his eyes intent on the figure. It hit him only then, though, about what it was. A puppy.

In one gesture, he placed his paw on the ground, lowered his head, and let his ear prick up like the other one- blue and brown eyes flickering across the black figure. He would have to save her from the nightmares, right? His tail began to wag. He spoke no words, just simply waited until she noticed him.
Dae is typically creepy and a mature character. 95% of threads with him will be mature.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Ace who has 84 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bennet Kjorsdottir

It was several long moments before she realised something was... off. Pelt now sporting a heavy coating of snow, Bennet paused mid-swerve, her muzzle the Moses parting the white sea - or the cougar slinking through the long white grass - or the black snake making deep ripples in the sand. Taking a long, steadying breath, the girl lifted her head from the trench of pale cold and immediately her eyes drew to the shape which had triggered that strange feeling of wrongness.

For another long moment she just stared, just like the stranger was staring at her. Blinking slowly, she carefully raised up onto all fours, yellow eyes never wavering from their target. The fur on the back of her neck bristled, her skin prickling, but she did not call him out on his untoward behaviour - she was just as good at being eerie and silent, if not better.

She twitched her chin upwards, tail stiffening, ears and head rising in a subtle display of confidence, of lack of fear. She wouldn't look away first. See how he liked being stared at. This resulted in little more than a stalemate, as both wolves watched each other, one with a hint of friendliness to their posture and the other nothing but blank.

It grew tiresome. Abandoning her game, Bennet took a step back, testing the stranger's intentions, waiting to see if she would be pursued - but nothing. After a little more careful retreating, Bennet turned around and trotted back to where she'd left her mother. The interruption was probably a good thing; there was no use in getting lost in sentimentality.
(This post was last modified: Dec 05, 2016, 02:33 PM by Bennet.)