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house of gold — Kingsfall 
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Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
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Jynx Myrddin

The tone in his voice suggested that what had happened, was anything but good. She braced herself, preparing for the worst. And when her old friend spoke again, the news that he delivered struck her like a chilling splash of ice water. Her eyes widened slowly in shock, disbelief. Maksim and Naia were dead?  For a moment she could do nothing but stare, empty eyed into the space before her, while she struggled to wrap her mind around the fact. While she had not known either of the River wolves particularly well, the few memories she had of them were fond. In her book, they were both memorable, respectable wolves. For the pack to suffer such loss was a cruel twist of fate.

When she composed herself again, it was to look up into his eyes, her own moist at the brink of tears. Ears flat, a low whine came past her lips. "Lachesis...I'm so sorry. I had no idea...I can't imagine the heartache you all have been through." She said solemnly, her voice thick. With a slight bow of her head, she offered her condolences, and prayers to the wolves she had once been a part of. Renewed interest peeked up when he stated it was he and Kisla leading the pack now. That they were recovering. Jynx was glad to hear the tawny female she had respected (and still did) was still at the helm. And with Lachesis in Maksim's place...well...she felt a sense of great comfort, as if she knew the pack was in good hands. "Kisla and the children...how are they?" She asked tentatively, aware that they certainly would have taken the passing of the old king particularly hard. Even if she may never cross paths with them again, at least Lachesis could relay a message; that she cared and sent her sympathies. 
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark

His paws shifted, uncomfortably, as he watched her reaction. Just because she had chosen not to return to Hearthwood did not mean that she did not care about the river wolves, and her expression clearly reiterated the fact. A frown cut deep across his pale features as he avoided her golden gaze, his ears falling flat against his skull. He appreciated the condolences that dripped off her tongue and he smiled, weakly, to show his gratitude. “We’re moving forward—it’s what they would have wanted,” he responded softly as he returned his apple-green gaze to his russet companion. The ghost was determined to keep the river pack afloat regardless of the endless turmoil they seemed to experience.

At the question his smile deepened, expression growing warm. “They’re doing well,” he started with a soft wag of his tail, “Some of her children have wandered off to start their own adventures, while some remain in Hearthwood.” XIX was thankful for the Baranski’s that lingered, for Hearthwood would not be the same without them.

Now, it was time for him to ask her questions, for his curiosity was nearly burning a hole through his chest. “Where’s home now for Jynx?” The change in subject was desperately needed. Once upon a time they had been friends and while they no longer shared the same scent, he still cared about the russet wolf. His ears were perched high atop his crown as he waited, patiently, for a response, apple-green eyes focused on the girl.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Sorry for the wait! <3

The River wolves were moving on. Healing from their losses, but never forgetting. With a soft, solemn nod, she conveyed that she understood, wishing them well. The news that some of the children had struck out on their own, as many young wolves often did, brought on mixed emotions. Surely having some of her children leave was hard on Kisla, who had suffered the loss of her mate and long time second. But others remained, and she was curious who those were. "Well...I suppose that is natural, for those that chose to leave." She offered rationally. "I hope they find what they are looking for, out there." She couldn't say she related from experience. Jynx had never grown up in a traditional pack, with the lifestyle of a lone wolf forced upon her shoulders. She never got to choose whether to disperse or not.

As she received the words from his mouth, she found it was now herself being asked the questions. Quietly, she mulled over her response. She would have to be honest, but at the same time be careful so as not to give away too much information. If Gent or Raela discovered that she had been away chit chatting with an old friend of hers, from a pack they did not deem as allies, then only trouble lay ahead. The other question was, if she came out with the complete truth to Lachesis, could she trust him not to go spreading the word like wildfire? Tactfully she chose her answer, her voice remaining steady and relaxed. "I have found a new home in Northern Eden. The pack is relatively young, but strong." Peeling her eyes away, they landed on another, more distant cluster of pumpkins. Deep in thought, she soon decided that it was time to wipe the slate clean and lay all the facts out on the table. She turned back to gaze steadily into his eyes. "Look...Lachesis...I believe I need to explain to you what happened following my disappearance. It's...a bit of a long story." She added, hesitating long enough for him to decide if he was willing to hear her tale which led her to the life she had now. 
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
no worries!! <3 @Jynx

“As do I,” he responded after a brief pause, his lips curling into a soft smile. Lachesis would like to see the Baranski children return to their mother, for he knew how much she needed them, but he was not hopeful. Despite Hearthwood being their birthplace, it did not mean that it was their home. As much as the pale medic wanted to keep them within river borders, he knew he could not restrain them. It had taken Lachesis and Anastasia a few tries before they found somewhere that was suited for them. After the dove’s brief return it appeared that it was still not the place for her, as she left shortly after. Lachesis, however, had never felt more at home. The river wolves had already fled from not one but two homes; he could not imagine living anywhere else.

His smile only widened as the russet agouti spoke once more, announcing that she had found another place to find home. “Good, I am happy for you Jynx,” he offered in return, his tail giving a soft wag. He would have liked to see her stay in Hearthwood but he understood why she had left the river behind. Just because it was a home for him did not mean it was a home for her.

As she began to speak a third time Lachesis almost spoke up in protest. But he remained quiet, his features growing soft as he gave a short nod of encouragement. Even as an adult his curiosity always got the better of him. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin

Golden eyes downcast at her paws, she took a moment to gather her thoughts. While the events revolving around her disappearance form Hearthwood, to Grizzly Hollow, all the way to her place in the Notch were a ways in the past, she still remembered almost all of the details vividly. Settling her eyes onto his face again, she began to speak, starting from the beginning. "The day I vanished...I was out on a solo hunting trip. I remember the weather that day. While I was in pursuit, some thick fog rolled in unexpectedly. It compromised my vision...I didn't see the abrupt dip in the ground until it was too late." She turned, gesturing with her muzzle to her healed left leg. "I sprained my ankle pretty badly and I was disoriented after the fall." Another obvious fact was that the foggy conditions would not have been a help either, but she left that unsaid.

Her nerves flared only for an instant before settling down, as she knew what part of the story came next. Her ears swung back but remained upright. "Of all the places I ended up, it was back in the south." Her soft facial features hardened some, her muzzle threatening to crinkle. "I didn't know it at the time, but the wolf who found me in my state was Rook Lyall..." She took in a deep breath and let it out in a hard snort through her nose. "Understandably, I had no choice but to accept his offer of treatment and rest. When we arrived back at the Hollow, we came to an agreement that my stay would only be temporary...until I was healed." Jynx would not mention that during her time there in the first days, that she un-willing to make assumptions about the Lyall and the pack which had driven Lachesis, Kisla and the children from their first home. It was pointless, as now, in the present, her opinion of the male and his partner was not exactly stellar. 

Now came the more complex part. The twist to the story, which did not make it as cut and dry as it started out. "I lost track of the time there. And something...unexpected happened. Rook and his mate Quil, who were the leaders at the time, suddenly had to leave. They asked in their absence, that I and a wolf by the name of Veho, step up. I felt as I had no choice, since they had been kind enough to take me in and treat my injury. Besides, I wasn't sure if I ran off and sought out Hearthwood again, if I would be welcomed back after such an abrupt disappearance." She added with a touch of guilt. Slowly, something of a bitter smirk carved itself onto her maw, eyes narrowing. "I discovered for myself my true worth there. That I wasn't wanted, or needed. Which my co lead at the time made perfectly clear, but with no just reason. I saw myself out. Deciding that I would rather be alone, again than with a false king like that, with no true claim to the Hollow." The way she spoke about her last experience with Veho showed how little she thought of him. While she would love to try and make Lachesis see him in the same light, she wouldn't force it. She was better than that. "So I found myself back in the north again and that's when by chance, I ran into the Alphess of what was then Round Stone Crest." A smile slowly returned to her face. "We related well...I felt a connection almost instantly, in some way. She offered me a home. And the rest...well, that's history." She rolled her shoulders, finally settling into a calm silence to let her pale friend digest the slew of information spilled from her lips at last. 
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

As she began speaking the ghost remained tight-lipped, his chartreuse gaze never once wavering from her russet frame. His lips curled into a frown as she spoke of her injury—the reason behind her disappearance. He was impressed that she had managed to make it anywhere with a sprained ankle. The fog had not helped her disorientation, and instead of finding her way back to Hearthwood she had stumbled upon their former home in the south-west. At her mention of Rook Lyall discovering her XIX rolled his eyes in amusement: of course. The pack the river wolves had been fleeing from had found one of their members, wounded and vulnerable.

Still, he remained silent, allowing his former packmate to continue with her story. Jynx spoke of her brief time at the helm of Grizzly Hollow, causing his brows to shoot up in surprise. However, the river wolves had gone through the some leadership changes as well. Before Maksim’s death the ghost had stepped up numerous times when the agouti had not been able to lead. Even Lilya had stepped up for the Baranski widow during her absence. What surprised Lachesis was that the Hollow wolves had trusted a newcomer to lead while they were gone. Surely the russet agouti had left a good impression on them, or else Rook would not have allowed her to take his mate’s place—even if it was only temporary.

While he would have liked to see her return to Hearthwood after taking her leave Lachesis was not surprised at her decision to find a new home. The wolf standing before him was not the same wolf who had joined Cut Rock River all those months ago. She stood with purpose, radiating with a confidence that she had not possessed when he had known her. “I’m just glad to know that you’re okay,” he admitted once she finished her story, a smile finally rolling onto his dark lips, “and that you’re doing well in your new home. The Notch is lucky to have you.” And he meant every word.

“I did try to look for you… we were worried. But I am happy I did not find you, you seem much happier in your position now.” He was not at all bitter about her not returning to them. He had jumped packs several times, as well, so he could not judge her or be angry with her. Hearthwood was not meant for Jynx and it never would be. She was thriving in White Fir and that was all that mattered to Nineteen.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Last post here and we can archive. 

Her tale had been told and all that was left now was for Lachesis to listen. All the facts were out in the open, and there were no more mysteries. No more unanswered questions left between either of them. As her old friend and former pack mate listened and reacted to the facts of her story, she could relate with him on many levels. The events that had transpired were of a nature that she would never have expected before. In the end, she was glad to have put her past with the Hollow wolves behind her, content to flourish where she was now in the Notch. 

He was understanding in his reaction, openly voicing that he was relieved that she was alright. A brow rose softly when he stated that he tried searching for her. She was quick to shake her head with a faint grin. "I had a feeling you would. The wolves of Hearthwood are a good bunch. Not the kind that would turn their backs blindly on one of their own." She of course did not know of the deeper, more complex history and relations between individuals within the ranks, most notably concerning the Baranski children. She had never stuck around quite long enough to notice. "Thank you, Lach..." She used his name fondly, this time a genuine smile spreading over her lips. "I'm glad I've seemed to have found my way too, and I'm happy that Hearthwood is still alive and strong." As far as she was concerned, between the pale healer and her, nothing had changed, regardless of what Gent and Raela thought of the River pack. Confidently she stepped close to press her shoulder to his in a hug of friendship. Her ears tipped back, expressing her disappointment. "It's late...the others will begin to wonder why I've been gone so long." Lemon colored eyes met the chartreuse of his. "But please, send Kisla and her family my regards. Let her know I wish them well." Pulling away with a slow swish of her full tail, she snapped the stalk of the pumpkin she had her eye on, gave him a bump to the ear with her nose, and set back off in the opposite direction, until she was a speck in the distance. This would just be but one of many more future meetings to come.



Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Jynx archived! <3

At least the russet wolf was not far from the woods the river wolves called home. She had found safety and security—that was all Lachesis wanted for her. It did not matter that it was not with Hearthwood. Not anymore. A small smile tugged at his lips as his auburn friend spoke. While their numbers had decreased since the dragon clan disappeared from the forest Lachesis was hopeful they would make a full recovery. The winter would be hard but they would manage, just as they always had. He did not fear for Hearthwood’s survival because it was what they did best.

Jynx had left before the one-eyed dragon tried taking Nineteen’s throne, and for that he was thankful. He did not want the rogue’s poor decisions to reflect on the rest of the river pack, for the wolves that remained were fiercely loyal and deserved to be remembered. “We are certainly trying,” he hummed in response, his ears sweeping to the side.

A frown tugged at his lips as she announced it was time for her to return to the Notch but he nodded, silently, in agreement. He, too, had been gone from the river for too long. The medic needed to bring the pumpkins back before darkness blanketed the land. Their conversation had gone on much longer than he had anticipated, but he was not disappointed. He was pleased to see that Jynx was in good health and had found herself a home in the Lore. The collection of more pumpkins could wait until the morning—perhaps he could even drag Inna along with him. “Of course,” he answered with a sharp nod. “If you, or the Notch, need anything Hearthwood is here for you. I hope to see you again, Jynx,” he added as he returned the bump to his ear with one to her shoulder, his tail swaying gently behind him. The ghost watched as she turned, the pumpkin tight between her teeth, as the forest gobbled her up. A sigh escaped him, filling the still air that engulfed him, calming him. He relished in the silence for a moment before picking up a fair-sized pumpkin and retreated to the river at his back. Exit.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you