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The Tides Are Shifting — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain

Soon the meeting was concluded by her father, and everyone was free to go where they wished. Judging by the expressions on the faces of many of the pack members here, their emotions were very much mixed. And she couldn't blame them for feeling uncertain or nervous. She was too, but not nearly as much as some of the others were. Neha had been informed about the change in leadership personally by her father, and so she knew that the news was bound to be announced at a meeting such as this. Still, it would take time for her feelings to settle completely. She had other concerns going on aside from those associated with the shift in leadership.

Silently, she watched as one by one, everyone left to go off alone. To think, to digest this change in their own private way. She would respect them and allow them the space and time they needed. However, she did notice someone in particular refused to leave the communal den. And that was her young sister, Lunette. With a silent, small smile at her, Neha's admiration for her stubborn streak was apparent. She was unsure how her sister viewed the matter, be it with a positive attitude, or with one of confusion. Still, just to show her support and respect, she opted to remain here. This wasn't an easy time for anyone, lt alone herself. But as Vuesains, they were linked by blood. Siblings were meant to look out for one another. Choosing a spot beside her, Neha laid down and rested her chin gently on the younger female's shoulder in a silent gesture of comfort. And dozed off, content to let the weak rays of sunlight warm her body.


Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.
Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh

The meeting had officially been concluded and for a brief moment Draven felt nothing but relief. Now he could disappear back to the infirmary where he could hide away from the eye's of the others, especially Neha's. Then he remembered the woman at his side and how much worse this must be for her to bear, she was obviously unwell and now had given up her crown and had to watch as they publically gave it away. Pressing his dark shoulder into her side once more, hoping to comfort her in the only way he could think how in such a public setting he stood.

The raven pelted Lagina was already turning away from those who were left by the time Neha went to join her sister in their pow-wow. Even if he hadn't turned away, even if he was grieving he wouldn't have joined them. Life had made it very clear what happened to those he cared about the most and Draven couldn't risk spreading that onto the innocent child that Lunette was. Instead he slunk back to where he had come from before the meeting, the dark of the medical den. Where the smell of herbs would wash all of this away from memory as if it were nothing but a bad dream.

Draven exit

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
I have loved the stars too fondly

Her husband dismissed them and Namid sat quietly, her head lowered and gaze averted. She could feel the eyes of the others on her, could feel their questions and anxieties pummeling her as they looked at her with pity. Namid was not pitiful, she was graceful, elegant, powerful without showing it off. Except...she wasn’t. Not now and who knew when or if she would regain that persona. For now the former queen was broken and lost for reasons she couldn’t quite pinpoint. All she knew was that it was dark and consuming and she was swimming, inhaling the blackness and choking on it. It was so hard to keep her head above the churning waters.

Finally Draven turned away and Namid followed suite, trying to go the opposite way of everyone else. She wanted to get away, wanted to be alone in her own curious misery. She’d been dealt a blow that she knew was her own doing and it wasn’t the dark woman’s fault that she was doing keeping them going. Doing the job that Namid should have been doing herself but was unable to. She was ashamed, a sham, and for the moment the pale woman was at the lowest she had ever been in her life. She tucked tail and wandered off.

To be fearful of the night
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