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boulevard of broken dreams — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Ghost who has 61 posts.
Inactive Pup
Kára Archer
Skipping post order to revive this, up to just @Odin and @Craw to post exits or a fade and then we can archive!

Kára was having much more fun with this than maybe she ought of if she were a halfway decent wolf. The blood of their opponent coloured her fangs and stained the cream portion of her muzzle as she dropped away from her first strike and moved on to her next; the legs. Odin moved in towards the Rye wolf's muzzle until suddenly she shoved against their weight rather than continuing to try to back away from them. Startled by this sudden change of developments the pup allowed herself to be knocked to the side as silver eyes followed her retreating form.

Coward, couldn't even stand to fight back. Instead she had stood like a frightened hare while blows came at her and then she had bolted. While she thought the end of the fight was rather anticlimactic what mattered was that they had one and the carcass was their prize now. Turning around to face Cer Kára was absolutely beaming as she moved back towards what had started the whole tussle. Bumping shoulders with Odin she practically cooed with glee, "Didy' see tha' Cer? Sh' couldna run any faster if 'er tail was on fire!" Prancing back to the carcass the child waited for the signal that they could feast, while they had been taught to fend for themselves they had also been taught the pecking order of life.