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Its nice to finally meet you — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Fenrir who has 137 posts.
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Lunette Vuesain
I guess this is hunting 1/3 for Lunette!

Lunette Vuesain

I’ve got my love stuck in my head

The black female eclipsed the world around them, until all that existed to her was Moonshadow: the tilt of her ears, the movement of her jaw, the words spilling from them and sharing secrets. They were, Lunette decided, adult secrets, once she yearned for but rarely dared to ask for—but now, they were falling into her lap, and, greedily, she soaked up the information. Like a tiny silver shadow she followed the older female to the lake's edge, and the inky black water lapping against the frozen edges of its hole. All of a sudden, the idea of shoving her head into it was less tempting, but there was no backing out.

Once the little lecture was over, and Moonshadow looked to her for some kind of confirmation, Lunette nodded solemnly. Hover of the water. That part of it seemed easy, but it was the catch thing that confounded her. Her keen eyes never left the black form as it drifted onto the ice, and, every sense strained and muscle tense, Lunette watched and waited. The seconds stretched. The world lost its meaning once more.

Then, so suddenly that Lunette jumped, Moonshadow drove her head into the frigid waters and brought it up and out again, a fish secure in her mouth. Fangs punctured scales and pale muscle, and blood stained the water pink as it ran in rivulets down her jaw. Lunette yelped as the water began to spray at her, and backpedaled a bit. Soon the fish was dead and the shower but a memory, and the hard part came: her turn.

"I.. yes. I'm—do you just sort of ..aim for it? Is there some kind of..tactic?" The ice whispered under her paws as she stepped out onto it, her ears tilted back towards Moonshadow. She stared into the dark waters, feeling both excited and ridiculous. At first, she didn't see anything, only the inky, moving waters. It looked cold.

Then.. she began to see through the black layers—the curved movement of a scaly back, as it whisked past just beneath the surface. Lunette caught her breath, and waited. The next time it came, she drove her head into the water, mouth open, but the scaly thing bounced off one of her teeth and disappeared into the darkness. Disappointed, and a bit afraid of the liquid closing in on her head, she pulled her head out with a gasp and nearly fell over backwards. She sprawled into a graceless sit, and vigorously shook her head—trying to prolong it, so she wouldn't have to face disappointment at her failure.
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
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Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Teaching 2/3

Moon knew the younger girl was a bit shy so she felt it was best to tell her that it was alright to ask questions. The dark woman was pleased when the small Vuesian did ask for clarification...well kinda. A warm smile crossed inky lips as what eventually became an answer was sputtered out. Was there a tactic? "There is. You must hover close to the water and wait for the fish to swim directly under your muzzle. It works best if they're closer to the surface so that you can grab them better." She explained as she watched Lunette make her way onto the ice. The small girl positioned herself over the hole looking into the water. It wasn't long before her silver head shot into the frigid water. Moon held her breath hoping the pup would pull a prize up with her.

No shiny fish came up in the girls snout but that was okay. Lunette fell back into a sitting position as she shook the excess water from her face. The dark matriarch stood and made her way to the girl. "Thats okay, I didnt get one my first try either" she admitted licking the girls cheek in both encouragement and to help remove some water. Her large ebony form moved so that she was on the other side of the hole facing the pup. "Fishing can easily become frustrating, even for those who are skilled. Dont be discouraged why dont you try again?" She offered kindly. Maybe if she saw what happened in the water the older woman could give better pointers.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 137 posts.
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Lunette Vuesain
Hunting 2/3!

Lunette Vuesain

I’ve got my love stuck in my head

Maybe she hadn't been close enough to the water? It was what Moonshadow had said you needed to be, and she thought she had been, but.. maybe you were supposed to practically have your nose shoved into the waters? Maybe? She was still sitting in her awkward position, thoughts running through her mind, ranging from the actually constructive to her usual run-of-the-mill wow Lunette you suck why are you even alive?? you're a waste of air, but she did her best to keep them somewhere where they weren't quite loud enough for her to hear. This morning had started so good, but the familiar despair was clawing its way up her spine already.

She'd never be good at anything.

Moonshadow appeared next to her, and told her it was okay, and that she hadn't got one on her first try either. Lunette wasn't sure she believed her, but she had to stop shaking her head at least, and then she froze and her eyes widened as the black female—rather kindly—licked her cheek before moving off and encouraging her to try again. Lunette sat stunned a few seconds longer before climbing awkwardly back onto all four, and positioning herself over the hole of black water and agile fish.

Just like the first time, it took her a few seconds to start making out what went on beneath the surface. A little stubborn ice had tried to form on it, but she batted it away with a paw, and then took up her fish vigil again. Her body was tense, her muzzle just an inch above the surface, eyes barely blinking, and then...

Her head shot into the water, she gasped and inhaled both water and a fish, grabbing it by not much more than its tail; she flicked her head up, started coughing up the water and dropping the flopping, indignant fish on the ice, but she was too busy trying to get the water out of her lungs to pay it much attention.
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Teaching 3/3

The silver girl made her way over to the hole across from the temp leader. A small smile adorned the older woman's maw as silver eyes watched the princess ready herself once more. After a moment Moons gaze went to the water to also wait and watch. It wasn't long before Lunettes head shot down into the inky liquid and flicked back out - pulling a fish with her. The silver dusted tail began to wag proudly for the catch until the dark female realized her student had also inhaled water. Standing quickly she made her way over to the coughing girl. "Its okay just keep coughing" she said encouragingly as she gave a gentle nudge to the pups shoulder. Once the coughing subsided and the young Vuesian caught her breath Moonshadow turned her attention to the fish that flopped on the ice behind them. Another smile formed on her muzzle. "Great job Lunette! Now to kill it. There are a few ways you can do it. You can bite onto its spine or head and clamp shut and shake your head until it dies. Or you can grab it by the tail and hit it over a rock, or even use a rock to hit its head. Its really up to you but you want to make sure you keep it away from the water so it can't escape." Moon believed that she could teach the lake princess her way but that may not work so she felt that it was best to provide her with options. 

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 137 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lunette Vuesain
Hunting 3/3! Maybe wrap this up in the next round? <3

Lunette Vuesain

I’ve got my love stuck in my head

At some point during her attempts at coughing up the lake water she'd swallowed, she got angry—at the water. It was water. It should be cold (okay, it was) and wet and.. and not feel like she'd inhaled fire. It burned in her lungs, it burned in her throat, and at one point she thought she was going to throw up from the constant contractions. Fortunately, she avoided doing it. After a few more seconds her body stopped panicking. She drew deep, ragged breaths, coughed a few times more, then.. then she could breathe without coughing. Grinning tentatively and sheepishly, she looked at Moonshadow. The female's presence and nudge was all that had kept Lunette from being sure she was going to get a scolding for inhaling half the lake.

Now kill it. She felt her stomach sink. Kill it? She didn't want to kill anything—but of course she had to. Moonshadow had killed the fish she'd had for breakfast. And every other meal she'd had in her whole life had been dead, but eating what somebody else had killed, and killing it herself..were worlds apart. She swallowed, and looked at the fish flopping pathetically on the ice. Honestly, what had it done wrong? All it wanted was to live, to be returned to the water and its family. How would the pack feel if she got eaten?

Never mind that she almost had, by that icky wolf months ago. Lunette swallowed again, and trotted over to the fish. She had three options, and one of them—the first—was the most logical and rational choice. It seemed the fastest. She wasn't interested in prolonging this. In fact, if she got to choose, lightning would smite the fish and kill it, like, now, but since that wasn't going to happen.. Lunette had to do it. She bent low over it. "Sorry," she whispered before grabbing it just behind the head and making a point, to herself, of driving her teeth in as deep as she could. Then, she began to throw her head around, until she heard a resounding crack and figured it was probably pretty broken by now. Besides, it didn't flop around in her mouth anymore.

She should've felt proud, but she felt sick. She looked at the shore for a moment, then to Moonshadow. Building up her courage she made her way back to the black female, and laid the now dead fish down in front of her. "For you," Lunette murmured, not daring to look at her leader.
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
Post wouldn't show so I had to redo it
(This post was last modified: May 30, 2017, 02:12 AM by Moonshadow. Edit Reason: Post not appearing )
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! @Lunette I'm fine with that :) you can fade <3 feel free to pp moon eating and/or leaving

Moon could see the discomfort and almost shock on the silver girls features as she told her to kill it. Her own silver ears fell back as she realized her words were rather crude. Just as she was going to open her mouth to apologize Lunette bent over the scaly prey and picked it up. She quickly ended its suffering by flicking it around within her jaws. Both pride and guilt filled the ebony leader as for some reason she wished she hadn't made the girl do that. On the flip side she knew that that was how it had to be. They couldn't survive if they didn't eat. It was a tough lesson but a necessary one. All the woman could do is give reassurance and encouragement. Her smile returned as the lake princess looked from the shore to her. She made her way over and placed the fish at Moons paws and told her 'for you'. "Thank you Lunette, although if you wouldn't mind I'd like to share it with you. Its your first catch and you should get to enjoy it as well" she said her tone kind as she nosed the fish back towards the pup so that it was between the two females. She would allow the girl to have the rightful first bite if she so choose.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 137 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lunette Vuesain

Lunette Vuesain

I’ve got my love stuck in my head

It bled its dark red blood on the pale, snow-dusted ice. It looked wrong, that pale flesh and the crimson fluid—it would've been more fitting, had its blood been white as snow, or black as the inky winter waters. The red was startling, almost offending, and Lunette kept whispering that apology in her head. She wanted to say she hadn't meant for this to happen, but ultimately, she had. She was a wolf, and she had gone fishing; what had she expected?

"Okay," she said sheepishly when Moonshadow wanted to share it with her. She wasn't sure she wanted to enjoy the poor bastard she had just killed, but in a way, Moonshadow was right. It was hers. She had done this. It almost seemed ritual. Lunette lowered her eyes and lowered herself over the fish. It was cold and clammy and salty. She bit into it, and once Moonshadow noticed that she had taken her first bite, the black female joined the youth.

They shared the meal in companionable silence. Not much more than bones remained when they were done. After licking the blood from her jaws, Lunette touched the point of her muzzle to the corner of Moonshadow's mouth, and as wolves of a pack were wont to do, they parted ways to pursue their own interests. What Moonshadow felt she didn't know, but Lunette felt guilty, ashamed, and thoughtful as she wandered the mountain, not looking for anything in particular.

The end.