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down in the forest — Spectral Woods 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kickin' it back to @Aponi

She felt bared in a way she never had before, at the complete mercy of strangers, being the one to divulge information rather than drawing it out of others. She'd been so young when they'd originally joined the Pines, the memory was a faint blur of cowering beneath her father, terrified of the pale giants she'd never met before; Where is he now..? There was no one for her to hide behind as that same fear crept into her, an unfamiliar and very unwelcome emotion. She looked up at this stranger, appearing so strong and imposing, her last hope of connecting with someone who shared her blood, and felt icy fingers creeping along her spine. But a sudden weight pressed against her shoulder, sending heat spreading through her body and chasing away the chill, just as Aponi voiced her surprise, keeping the yearling's attention on her. Though she leaned back into Arion's touch in silent gratitude.

Nodding lightly towards the silver woman, Nalda continued to hold her respectful posture, eyes still turned down. "Sh'ad me," she confirmed with clarification, just her, no siblings; Thank the winds! She'd never longed for siblings, shuttering at the thought of how much her parents might have screwed up a brother or sister. And she'd still had the other pups to keep her company, the twins to scoff at and look on in distain; And Ari… She glanced sideways, watching as he attempted to explain their messy past. Arion was closer to her than any brother could ever be, she was sure, and yet, it was still better that he wasn't her kin. His own parents hadn't been much better than hers, sure, but still a little; Enough that he'd turned out better than her.

A faint, heartfelt smile lit the girl's face as his words turned to her, their eyes locking briefly and she pressed her shoulder closer into his side; Yes, definitely better... She thought gratefully, realizing that she was not all alone after all. Then, like him, she turned her attention back to the two leaders, wagging her tail lightly as she cast a nervous glance between them. "So… We'd like t'join," she began, allowing her voice to tremble slightly with a remaining hint of that fear from earlier; "I'd like t' get' know wha's left'o m'family." And the hopeful tone, and that light in her eyes as she flicked them up at Aponi's briefly, was entirely genuine.

Word count: 398

"Speech" Thoughts

Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
@Serach whoever is last feel free to pp Aponi leaving with the group!

Serach's comment was met with a lopsided grin of her own, while she had not been there when he met his niece she was beginning to understand how surreal it had been. So Nova had had a daughter of her own, Nalda. It was curious that the dark woman hadn't mentioned her when they had reconciled a month or so ago but then Nova had seemed more curious than ever. Speaking of sister's and goddesses and what not...and those scars marring her face.

The story of what had happened within the Pines was like hearing what could have easily happened within the Bend with the change in leadership. Things had been chaotic, she had taken the throne and with it many members disappeared but thankfully they had survived anyways. This other pack had not been so lucky. Whatever Aponi had been thinking quickly vanished at the hopeful tone of Nalda and the words that accompanied it.

Meeting Serach's pale yellow green eyes for just a moment to confirm that they were on the same page Aponi turned back to the pair with a smile. "And I would very much like to get the chance to know my niece, and I'm sure your cousin Lila will be happy to meet you as well." With one final nod she moved forward to press her flanks against each of Nalda's, leaving Arion to be marked by Serach, "Welcome both of you, to Oak Tree Bend."

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata
@Arion & @Nalda feel free to either archive or get another response in!

The young man's brow furrowed and as he began to explain what had befallen the Pines pack, Serach's heart ached with empathy for the young pair. The irony was not lost on Serach that they had arrived at the Bend's borders after their pack disbanded from an unstable leadership and wolves abandoning the pack. Had they arrived at the start of winter, the leader would have reassured them that they would face no such hardships in their new home, but it was not a statement he could truthfully make now. "I'm very sorry to hear that," he responded quietly, his voice sincere. In many ways, he admired their resolve to keep moving and to seek out other options. If it had been him, and it almost had been, he had no doubt he would have starved to death beside the great oak before looking for another pack to live with.

Nodding his head in affirmative response to Aponi's silent question, he smiled and offered a wag of his tail as she welcomed them into their new pack. He was intrigued to learn more about Nalda and her mother, Aponi's sister, although he would imagine more would be revealed to him in time. There was much and more to learn about his new partner, that much was clear. Striding across the invisible border with confidence, Serach circled Arion, touching his side to the younger wolf's to mingle their scents and mark the younger man as a member of the Bend. "Follow us. We can show you where the den is and introduce you to some of the others. We've got a few other members your age, so I hope you get settled in quickly," he said, indicating with his head that the pair should follow him and Aponi.

Serach exit.  
[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Arla who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arion Celencio
@Nalda feel free to add 1 more or archive :* 

For a moment he was worried they were going to get turned away. Sent with their tails tucked behind their legs to find another place to call home. The pair did not have a plan B—this was their only option. And Ember was supposed to meet them here. That had been the plan all along; he did not know what they would do if they were rejected.

The smudge gnawed nervously on his lower lip as he studied the older duo, his brows knitted together as they waited (impatiently) for their response. His pale gaze flitted over to his friend, trying to read her composed expression, before he returned his focus back to the leaders in front of them. As the silver female began to speak his chest heaved as a sigh of relief rolled off his tongue, causing a soft smile to pull at his lips. They had a home! He could barely hear the older wolves speak as excitement buzzed inside him. He allowed them to press their fur into his, embedding the scent of the Bend into his pelt, and mirrored the gesture with an excited wag of his tail. “Thank you,” he said in a small voice before he pressed his shoulder to his friend’s. It would be an adjustment but it was somewhere to call home—and somewhere they were together. And that was all that mattered.

He followed the pair without hesitation, his tail swaying behind him as he remained close to Nalda. Arion could not wait to explore the new territory with his tawny companion. 

Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank

No, it definitely wasn't a nice feeling, to essentially put your life in someone else's paws, no matter how much family they supposedly were. Glancing sideways, she felt sure Arion thought the same, though they both did their best to keep their faces neutral. Nalda looked up at the two leaders through lowered lashes, trying to judge their thoughts as the moment passed, achingly slowly. One, bat-like ear twitched as the male, Serach, offered sympathy for the fate of the Pines. Personally she hadn't cared, the pack hadn't been a home for her for many months at that point, convenience the only thing that had kept her there. Its collapse had pushed her here, which might prove to be more fortunate; As Aponi finally answered her plea, graciously.

A pale smile lit up the yearling's face, head lifting towards her aunt; My real one! She felt lighter, knowing she might still have a chance at a real home, somewhere she'd actually care about. I have a cousin! Well, another cousin, she thought briefly about Kyna, wondering why Aponi hadn't mentioned her age-mate, but the curiosity was brushed to the back of her mind. She'd find out soon enough. By her side she felt Arion's touch, the relief radiating off him as he thanked the Bend leaders, again prompting Nalda to remember proper manners; "Thanks'a lot." She bowed her head and folded down her ears as the silver queen brushed her sides, inhaling deeply to fill her nose with the scent of Oak Tree Bend.

Once they were done, the two alphas lead their new members across the borders, and Nalda paused briefly to look at Ari, wagging her tail faintly; We made it! Then she hurried to follow Serach and Aponi, surprisingly eager to get to know their new pack.

Word count: 300

"Speech" Thoughts

Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile