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at the roadside — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
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Renier Lyall
Back dated to January 1st 2017 @Nicolò
i'm not runnin'
renier lyall
it's a little different now

After a sweep of the borders for a change he was taking a rest beneath the bow of a willow, staring up at its frosty limbs. His mind was anything, but quiet. He made no move for awhile, simply holding onto the warmth. Elettra was probably where she often was the medicinal den. Ravenna he thought had gone for a hunt, possibly with Enoki. Then there was Nicolo. He wasn't sure where he found himself, but he seemed rather solitary. Who could blame him? That man didn't seem the same after Adele had left them. For the time being he said nothing, and continued doing what he had been these past months. Keeping the Ridge alive.

So when the man's voice rose for him to join him, Renier was a little surprised for what. Things were all right, and he was sure the others would be back rather soon. They couldn't be far from the Ridge itself. None the less he didn't make the Archer wait. He trotted over to where he sat. "You need something, sir?" Polity he inquired to make it easier should Nicolo be in need of a favor. For the moment the Lyall stood,  ears cupped forward, golden eyes making a point to stare below his yellow eyes. He'd already taken a glimpse, and was a little worried if the man would recover.

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
(This post was last modified: Jan 08, 2017, 10:41 PM by Renier.)
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nicolò Archer

He could hardly eat, not that it really mattered now that winter had come. Their cache was low and Attica was certainly in need of the food more than he was. The Archer kept away from the rest of his family, knowing that a glimpse of a familiar Archer face would make him feel bitter and being around Enoki's bright familiar personality just hurt because it reminded him too much of her. He knew that months had passed and he needed to get off of his ass so that he could support the pack, more than he was doing now. Currently, he was only doing the bare minimum. He hunted alone when he had the chance and he patrolled the borders when others were not around. Mostly it was because he did not want to interact with them but it was also because he did not want to see their faces when they looked at him. He did not want to see their pity and most of all, he did not want to see them worry. Nicolo knew he looked hideous but he did not care. The dark Archer would just take special care not to answer the calls at the border. Leave that to them.

It was not getting any better and he knew that the survival of Willow Ridge depended on their leaders. Renier had stuck around, much longer than Nicolo anticipated. He had certainly tried to keep the pack alive and was currently continuing to do so. With this in mind, the man called for the Lyall, asking for his company. Luckily, the others had gone out for awhile and it would be nice to know that their conversation would be had in private. He did not have to wait long for the other man. Sad yellow eyes watched the other man's approach and Nicolo felt a twinge of anger that tawny man would not look at him. He made no comment on it, his voice flat went he spoke, "You can sit." The dark Archer looked over the man briefly before continuing, "You have stuck around and worked hard to keep Willow Ridge alive..." he mused over his words silently before continuing, "I need you to take over leadership."

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall

i'm not runnin'
renier lyall
it's a little different now

The wolf had not met his gaze out of respect. He was in a bit of a sorry state, and his leader no less. He felt the last thing he needed was someone gawking at him, he had his reasons. Yet, maybe he felt it was out of piety or for Renier's own comfort. But, the Lyall wouldn't be aware anything had irked him.

He did know the sound of his voice wasn't a good sign. It lacked many a thing. Was he dead inside? He was taking this miserable bastard thing to a whole new level. He would like to see him care about something. Try to snap out of it. Or did he want to be the same place as his sister? He didn't really want to care, but figured the man had more of a fight in him.

As he was offered, he took a seat. Thinking maybe he had come to some terms and Renier could be of service even if he doubted there was anything he could do to pull him out of his grief.

Gold eyes slowly inched there way to those pale yellow. He had his attention, and was most happy to hear his efforts were not being looked over. But, he couldn't have heard him right. Take over leadership.  This man had held to it for a long time, and he would give it to him? Maybe, it was the proof he had looked for, that the Archer did care about this place. He really didn't know what to say. He had thought should he ever take the Ridge it would have been by fight, not like this.

"I have no qualms taking the responsibility. Especially, if it will help not only you but the Ridge." He answered easily in his sincere tone.  This time making the effort to hold eye contact so the dark man could see for himself Renier understood what this meant. He would uphold the role. It was strange for the first time an Archer would not be at the helm of the willows.

"Enoki seems capable in Elettra's stead." Which, had transpired given Elettra's leg was still unfavorable. He wanted to mention at least in small numbers there were less to feed for the winter. That wouldn't be well under the circumstances. He tried for something else, wanting to give the man hope. "Maybe, spring will be more kind to us this year, and we'll see the Ridge grow."

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nicolò Archer

It did not go past him that Renier's gaze shifted up as he began speaking. Indeed. His response was instant and Nicolo was relieved that he would have this weight lifted off of his shoulders. He hummed in agreement. The future of Willow Ridge was very important and he certainly was not helping it by wallowing in self-pity and grief. He sighed at this, not knowing how long the path to recovery would take. The dark Archer felt as if the conversation were closed when Enoki's name was brought up. Charcoal ears flicked forward at the magpie woman's name, pale yellow eyes refocusing on the man's face. Was he trying to imply something?

None the less, Nicolo would not make any veiled threats. He had learned from his mistakes with Morganna, something that had torn Willow Ridge apart and was continuing to damage it. Instead, he offered the other man a strained smile, his words soft, "That is certainly the hope." He would not pester Renier with questions. He would go straight to the source of his worry and neglect. Renier would do well in this position, he was sure. If not, he was sure that the pack would be quick to boot him out. Nicolo had done his best for the pack but that was not where he was currently. If there was nothing else, he would be on his way.

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Jan 29, 2017, 06:18 AM by Nicolò.)
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall

i'm not runnin'
renier lyall
it's a little different now

The man offered little in turn still. Small irritation began to build under his skin. Sure he had reason to be so sullen but it didn't seem much different than his behavior before. The Lyall really wanted to test Nicolo. Cause some form of reaction. The man was an Archer for crying out loud and needed to get himself together. Reiner had plenty of words in mind to provoke him. The rogue was still deciphering the brute. Deciding what risks were worth taking.

So he didn't miss how the name had captured the man's attention. Why he had wondered if there was something more he really didn't know. There was a pitiful smile and spoken words of hope. Maybe, he should have walked away. He was a little fed up.

Testing time. A quizzical brow raised. "I didn't think it'd surprise you she was appointed. But are you worried?" Head tilted as he paused staring into those pale eyes. Ready after all this time to see if he'd deny what he'd done. "I have enough sense not to threaten and treat her as you had your niece. Huh, for you to be worried there'd have to be something between the two of you.. "Why he couldn't imagine what the woman could see in him, love he had found never quite made sense. Still, this pack now more than ever was his to take care of. Coming to a stand, for the first time in awhile his anger rose and a bit of it escaped. Gold eyes narrowed. "If there is you better get your sorry ass together by a few full moons and be able to take lead. Be worthy of it and what it means. She'll need someone capable to be by her side not a a pathetic shell of a man. I've had enough of Archers' screwing things around here and letting others deal with the after math."With crown and tail raised he briefly held his hard stare. Skoll was the primary example. But, Nicolo had certainly done his fair share in mucking things up. Hopefully he'd see this as a wake the hellup call and take a step in the direction of progress. If not it was his own fault and he could rot.

"You chew on that, I have plenty to do. " With his point made he would take his leave and give the man something to think about. He would not get his crown back easily. He'd have to earn it this time. Renier didn't mind being the one who stood in his way, it only seemed fair.

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nicolò Archer

Yellow eyes pinned on Renier's face, his words shoving him over like a ton of bricks. Yes, I'm worried about my older sister. He had already lost Adele. Fate would not be so cruel as to take his other sister away from him too, would it? The Lyall did not stop there and continued on, bringing up the past, somethig he had certainly learned from. Black lips pursed in displeasure but he made no response to the other male. If he so much as touched a hair on Enoki's pelt, Nicolo would kill him. Yellow eyes locked with gold, his next words sending a bitter pain to his heart. He did not know if he would be ready to lead this pack again, but he knew he could be here. The Archer had not left as everyone else had and that, in itself, said something. For a moment, the dark man was not sure if Renier was secretly referring to himself. He swallowed the lump that formed in his throat, not wanting to think about a future where the two might be together. A strong emotion bubbled in his chest. Jealousy.

Renier already took full advantage of his position, showing Nicolo exactly what he had given up. He clamped his jaws together, not wanting to spit any words out that he might regret. Jealousy is an ugly thing. The former alpha of the Ridge did not have to worry though, because the Lyall took his leave. Hopefully, things would get better for Willow Ridge after this. We can only take so much. When the man was finally gone, Nicolo let out the breath he didn't realize he had been holding in. He still had plenty of recovering to do, but until then, he needed to start making amends and repair the friendships he put on hold. With one last look in the direction Renier set off in, Nicolo moved the opposite way, in an attempt to gather up the courage to speak with Enoki.

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health