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winter's cold is too much to handle — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank


Well… Truth be told, Reyes hadn’t been thinking much beyond finding some shelter and bunking down until the winter storm had passed. He was all about tact, about plans, but sometimes, the now was more important than the later. This was one of those times. Once they’d found the small den, he rather expected them both to curl up and go to sleep, the older man guarding the entrance. (He always seemed to be the one on watch.) They could sort out details in the morning – or whenever the weather finally broke.

Or now, he supposed with a heavy sigh, lifting one brow as he regarded the yearling with some curiosity. Shouldn’t have opened his big mouth. Should have let Cotton fall asleep.

“I didn’t say that, Cotton. Was wonderin’ what your plans were. You went wanderin’ off by yourself last time, after all.” Reyes lifted his brow a little higher, but-- Eh. Being irritated, or judgmental, or anything, quite frankly, took far more energy than he was willing to expend at this particular moment. “We can stick together this time. If you want. ‘til you find that girl, anyways.” He wasn’t keen on a whole travelling band, but-- Two heads were better than one. They’d be fine as a pair, at least for a little while.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Emmett who has 375 posts.
Inactive Deceased
asdfghjkl, I didn't realize I posted the wrong reply <.<;

"Oh." The lone word fell from his mouth, slowly and softly and dumbly as everything else seemed to fall into place too. Because he did do that, didn't he? Just sort of wandered off all by his little self and that was the end of their last encounter. Immediately he could think of one hundred reasons and explanations why he did that, all petulant excuses ready on the tip of his tongue. He didn't feel so much as hurt but rather just embarrassed now. And truth be told? He didn't like either of those two emotions much.

All because he felt like @Reyes had scolded him.

If he could, he would have already liquefied and oozed right into the packed dirt under their resting forms. But the world was cruel, so unbelievably cruel, and he had no choice but to settle for the next best thing—which was to sulk. He did his best to hunker down in the corner he had claimed, tucking his stocky legs under him and rolling his ears back against his skull. Didn't Reyes know that he had gotten attacked near where they had last met? It was scary. The bad kind of scary that involved an angry old wolf with a whole bunch of teeth and eyes that seemed to look red in the dark. And—he forced his mind to shut up.

The older wolf at his side had said something important. His tail gave a tentative thump against the wall of the makeshift shelter, and one of his ears twisted forward atop his head. He risked a glance at Reyes. "I'd—I'd like it if we stuck together."

The idea of finding Vic was nice. But the idea of finding Vic with someone else at his side was even nicer and he couldn't say no.

(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2017, 01:07 PM by Sahalie. Edit Reason: Fixed a coding issue )
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

“Alright, then. It’s settled.”

See? That wasn’t so hard, he wanted to say, but the dim light couldn’t hide the way the kid hunkered down, and Reyes wasn’t keen on tormenting him any further. It wasn’t intentional, sure, but the little white wolf was clearly some sort of fragile. He wasn’t going to ask why the yearling left last time (though he had a feeling it had something to do with the way the kid got all weird when they’d come down from the mountainside for water in the forest), and he wasn’t going to ask the kid why he was alone now, and he wasn’t going to ask the kid why he was being all flighty now, either.

Fighting the urge to drop his face and drag a paw across it, the older wolf made himself comfortable instead. It would be a long night, and if he had to guess, a long couple of weeks to following, trying to find this missing girl in the middle of a snowy wasteland. Dios mio, how did he get himself into these situations?

“Get some sleep, kid. We can start lookin’ for your friend once the snow stops falling.”


[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]