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You Could Turn Your Back on the Bitter World — Stonewatch Timbers 
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Played by Van who has 237 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Castel Lyall-Noor
Do you want to end it here? Or in your next post?

She hadn't meant to hurt the poor yearling's feelings, and she could obviously tell when his mood dropped. Her heart reached out for him, but there was no denying what she was - a diseased wolf who could not hope to make such a journey as the one he wished for her to go on without exposing her weakness to this stranger. Something Cas was not fond of doing- at all. No, she was a badass - she was tough, and strong, and needed to express to others that much. If she traveled with this boy to find his friend, she would be showing him the wrong side to herself - the limping, weak, pitiful side whose body did not work properly.

It just wasn't something the small wolf was keen on doing.

She jumped at the idea that his friend was nearby, and waved her tail in an attempt to get the mood up again. She really did like this wolf; they could have been wonderful friends, had she not mucked everything up by being so freaking sick. Not for the first, or the last, time, Cas cursed herself and her weakness; it crept its way into her life, even now that she was free of the cages and humans that had bound her.

She'd never be free. Not really.

"Well, let's go find him, then!" she chirped, tail wagging as she trotted down the slope in the direction he'd pointed. "I'm sure he loves you and misses you very much; I know I would, if we were traveling buddies and you just suddenly vanished on me." She turned bright blue eyes over her shoulder at her new friend, hoping desperately that she hadn't harmed him on some deep, emotional level. In the short time she'd known this boy, she knew he was an innocent, gentle soul who deserved to be happy.

She didn't want to ruin that.

Played by Emmett who has 375 posts.
Inactive Deceased

If they were traveling buddies and he vanished, he'd be missed and adored. He couldn't help the tentative swish of his tail or the soft smile forming on his face at the thought. And while the idea of Reyes holding such feelings for him struck him as odd, he didn't mind the sentiment the girl was going for. That she liked him even if they weren't going on an adventure like he sorely wanted. It wasn't much, but it meant a lot to his sensitive heart. His steps came lighter as he hobbled down after her, toward the familiarity of wide open fields of white.

He picked up the pace, huffing away as his short legs worked to try and get ahead of Cas. Reyes would be nearby—at least, he was pretty sure the older wolf would be. Except there was something nagging in the back of his head. His steps came to a halt, and he looked over his shoulder at Cas. His tail gave another wag, slow and gentle while he picked over the words he wanted to say. I'm sorry, was at the top of his list, because he couldn't shake the suspicion that he had somehow done something wrong. Except nobody said the words they hid under the nice ones, and he wasn't going to start.

"It was nice meeting you," he chirped, the words sincere even if there had been a storm brewing inside of him just moments ago, "And I hope you feel better soon." With one last smile thrown her way, he turned and set off to where he had seen Reyes last. He didn't stop and he didn't look back once he started his trek.

Exit Cottongrass