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we are what you say — The Wildwood 
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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer
Hunting - 4/3 - Chase

She took his caution to her, the words repeated back to her, with a soft smile as she strode to her place of hiding, watching carefully as he pushed off, watching the deer scatter, and sending the doe off separate from the rest of them with a couple barks. She kept her haunches tense, ready to strike, her shoulders rolling back as her chocolate brown eyes waited for them to get close enough, her tongue lolling over her maw, already tasting the blood on her maw as she just waited… Come on, Kerb. You’ve got this. The thought ran through her head as a smirk grew on her features.

They were going to feast tonight… not just them, but the pups too, and the adults… not enough to fit a pack wolf like they were all use to, probably, but more than they’d get had they been on their own. She pushed off, leaping from her hiding location as she ran up the other side, her teeth chomping, ducking her head from its outstretched position for a few moments to avoid taking a hoof to the face. It caused a feral growl to erupt from the depths of her throat. They could do this. They could do this…

(This post was last modified: Feb 15, 2017, 09:23 PM by Maera.)
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
successful hunting 4/3
Kerberos knew she'd always be there and be on time. There was no hesitation in her getting into action. A smile crossed his face but he was quick to remain focused on the deer that was struggling to get away. He shifted his direction to lead it into a more open area. While the Rigel male was sure they could handle a takedown between thicker trees he didn't wish for that if he could help it. He nipped at the soft flesh on the inner leg. Perhaps he could injure that favored leg a bit more. The tawny male quickly fell back some to not be the direct target of the deer's hoof.

While he was making sure the doe went where they wanted, he was positive that @Maera would be quick to land a blow. It would take a bit of work but if he kept working on that one leg and Maera focused on the better leg he knew they could get this creature to submit whether it wanted to or not. Surely no animal wanted to submit to being a meal but if they were faced with no other choice, well, that was different now wasn't it?

He went in for a little bite on the prey's tender flank. As his teeth pulled back and he released he noticed he had drawn blood from the racing thing. That certainly was a start on his end.
(This post was last modified: Feb 15, 2017, 04:14 AM by Kerberos.)
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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer
Hunting - 5/3 - The Take-Down

She quickly fell in with his plan, noting how he was diverting the deer towards and open clearing and away from the tree line, a greedy and malicious grin finding her features as she started to zero in for the final kill, the blood that Kerberos drew sending her into a frenzy. From there, it was all instinct. That was all she needed, after all. Kerberos fell back, the deer pre-occupied with trying to fend him off when she pushed herself as hard as she could, falling in alongside before she tried to dive in for the kill, her jaws snapping at the front leg, weakening it with one swift chomp before falling back and to the side a little in order to avoid the hoof of a very injured deer.

She let out a feral growl as it started to stumble, shocked by the injuries. When it had sunken low enough, she leapt for it, her maw wrapping around the deer’s neck as she swiftly crunched her powerful jaws around it, watching as the light faded from its eyes. She licked the blood off her muzzle, a wide grin hinting at her features. Thank you, ancestors, for this gift. The prayer ran through her head but did not reach her maw – it never did. She glanced at Kerb with a wide grin on her maw. “Let’s eat!” They could each take their own portions before they dragged it back to the others, or they could simply call the others to them.

(This post was last modified: Feb 15, 2017, 09:24 PM by Maera.)
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
succesful hunting 5/3 completed || short but feel free to archive or fade with your next post <3 @Maera

He knew she would get it the moment she launched but he stuck around close to the deer. Kerberos offered one last nip to the leg right as the dark Slayer landed a blow. The tawny male hung back as the deer was finished off. He felt some sort of feeling of pride building in his chest. Maybe it was because he had such a skilled girl to call his own.

The Rigel male was practically mesmerized that he didn't realize the deed was done until Mae's smile greet him. Her words were even more reassuring and he bounded to the deer. "Yeah!" He ripped into the meal as his tail swayed happily behind him. It felt so good to have something fresh instead of frozen solid. With a mouthful of food, he looked around to make sure no angry family members of the deer were about to spring up. He swallowed and a grin spread over his face. "I'm sure the others will be glad to have some of this." He chuckled softly before returning to munch on more of the meal.
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