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i will shrink and i will disappear — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan supposed that made sense. His home pack was fairly balanced in terms of gender ratio, but being the only male in a litter of four... Well he learned about women the hard way, whether he wanted to or not. Which he hadn't, at all. It wasn't that he yearned to be around men more often, because he didn't exactly swing that way. He didn't swing either way really, Askan just was. But that was aside the point, he was frustrated not because of the laughing itself, but rather what they were all laughing about. Everly was talking about him, they were laughing at him. And no matter what he said or did in protest they didn't stop. She had all these 'funny' stories from when they were pups and sure they were hilarious to her and the others but the same couldn't be said for him.

"I suppose. I have three sisters, it was the same thing here. More or less." He shrugged, trying not to think too much on it.

Did he really want to divulge all of his problems to this strange loner? No, not really. It wasn't anything personal but Askan had always held his cards close to his chest, personal things were supposed to remain just that. But he figured it wouldn't hurt to give Gen a hint, just enough for him to grasp onto. Maybe he would have some good advice, maybe this loner would be able to help in his own little way. It couldn't hurt to hope, right? Except that as always, Askan worried that it would.

"My sister is the worst of it. Keeps dragging up the past like it matters, but it doesn't cause it's not who I am anymore. We all change right? I've changed and she won't let go or admit it. Keeps trying to make me someone I'm not anymore. It's so annoying and she doesn't get why I can't stand her when she's like this. She just batters her eyelashes and goes" he cleared his throat in an attempt to do his best, sickly sweet Everly impression "oh Kanna!"

(This post was last modified: Feb 02, 2017, 10:40 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Becca who has 91 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Heigen Colette
Three sisters? He wondered if that was amongst multiple litters or the same litter. His mother must have been quite the lady to birth so many children. Heigen could only hope that he would be able to find such a fertile woman. That wasn't the point right now, though.

Heigen didn't chime in until the dark male was done talking. The large male chuckled softly at the impression of Askan's sister. "Maybe she misses you and this is her way of getting your attention. It seems to be working if I do say so." He raised a brow softly. Obviously, the sister's attempts at getting her brother's attention, if that's what she was doing, seemed to be doing well. The male seemed ruffled by it enough to be ranting to some lone wolf he'd just met. "And if it makes you feel any better, Kanna is kind of a cute nickname." Heigen spoke gently to not offend the male. He certainly seemed to not enjoy the nickname but it was truly adorable. This big grump being called something so utterly precious? Well, that was something all on its own.

"I know we just met but I'll probably be in the area for a few days. If you need anything you can come here to find me. I'll check back here in mornings and nights if you'd like." He shrugged at his kind gesture. Perhaps this fella could use a good male friend around for a few days.
(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2017, 11:09 PM by Heigen.)
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan had no doubt in his mind that Everly had missed him. She had always been the sort to wear her heart on her sleeve, and when she'd first arrived in the field she had said as much.

I came all this way... just to see you again..

Askan sighed. Well, if this was her way of getting his attention it worked, all too well. It was impossible to ignore her when she was like this, but at the same time she was intolerable to be around. Impossible to deal with. She got under his skin, brought back memories and feelings he'd much rather forget. But there she was dragging them up and throwing them in his face with a shameless, innocent smile. How typical. As for Gen's opinion, well he didn't really like that. It wasn't anything personal per se, he simply didn't like the word 'cute' attached to himself like that. Askan wasn't cute, he was manly, strong, independent. Not cute. Then again, she had always called him by that name and Askan hadn't always been the man he was today. Long ago maybe he was cute, maybe he had once been pleasant to be around.

"It doesn't." Askan responded, his tone sharp but not quite aggressive. He hadn't gotten there yet. "It's not a bad name really, I just don't think it suits me. At all."

That said he wasn't really fond of nicknames anyway. What was the point in them when he had a perfectly acceptable name? It was a good name, a strong name. Kanna was not. It was weak, soft, so in that regard he resented it. But truly, Gen seemed like an okay sort of guy. The sort Askan could vent to without feeling as though he was spilling his beans, that he was making himself vulnerable. So when Gen put that offer out there, the Selwyn took a moment to consider it.

"I might take you up on that." He wasn't going to make any promises, so this was the best he could do. "Like I said, I'm around as well. Not hard to find."

Was this it then, were they parting ways? For now at least.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Becca who has 91 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Heigen Colette
He figured it wouldn't help any but it was worth a shot, wasn't it? From Heigen's point of view, the male didn't have many reasons to be so grouchy. He had family who loves him, a home who sheltered him, a full stomach. The large male wouldn't argue about it. Askan's feelings weren't his to control. "Fair enough." He noted softly. A cute nickname would be fitting even if the dark male didn't think so. Maybe Kanna wasn't manly enough for the built male.

Heigen wouldn't admit that he was excited when his offer was accepted. His tail did wag softly. "Well, if I need to see you again I guess I know where to come." He stated calmly. The Colette would be eager to see if anything changed at the next meeting. Perhaps there would be good news to share other than bickering woman annoying the Rye wolf. Heigen couldn't be bothered to ask to come home. He had things to do elsewhere. "Well it was a pleasure to meet you, Askan. Hopefully, we'll cross paths again." Heigen tipped his head politely before he took off into the distance. He needed to find a place to bed down and think what he wanted to do with himself. A meal might be nice too if he could snag a hare or find an old frozen meal.