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Let's try this again — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Ace who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Felix Macieo

Element of surprise.  Right.  He could do that.  

Before all the little bugs he loved to chase disappeared to overwinter somewhere warmer, the young would had often employed a certain element of ambush when trying to gather them up for his collection…but beetles and deer were hardly alike.  He didn’t eat invertebrates, for one.  And deer didn’t usually try to fly away if he wasn’t sneaky enough – but losing a bug (or several) rarely had the same sort of implications as losing a meal.

So he swallowed hard and looked back up at Tyne, determined to listen to the man’s instructions.  Bigger one.  Already injured.  Okay, that made sense.  It was almost nice, right?  Taking her out of her misery.  Flank her.  Not entirely sure what that meant, but he had to assume moving up on her flank.  Nothing else really made sense.  So he’d run up to her flank, and chase her towards Tyne, and the older wolf would deliver the killing blow.  A sound plan.  A good plan!  He could do this!


The boy swallowed hard, for a second time, and gave a short nod of understanding.  As the other Hollow wolf started to slip away, Felix followed suit, but instead moving away from older male.  He had to chase towards him, after all.  He crouched behind snow-covered shrubs, flicking an ear and waiting…waiting…for something.  A signal.  Was Tyne ready yet?

Hunting Display 1/3
(This post was last modified: Mar 25, 2017, 05:40 PM by Felix.)
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey

OOC! Hunting Demonstration 2/3

The large tawny male crept quietly through the brush being careful to not scare their prey. Large creamy paws were quietly placed on the snow as the hunter moved to get into position. Finding a good place behind some bushes. Crouching low Tynes charcoal dusted ears pressed forward atop his head. He listened intently while golden iries peered through the branches waiting for Felix to drive the deer towards him. Seconds ticked by and the doe's were still drinking peacefully. Where could the Macieo pup be? What was he waiting for? Then it occured to the man that the boy could very well be waiting for a signal. Gold eyes looked around for anything he could use as signal without scaring the deer away.

Seeing nothing that he could use he slowly backed up from the cover of the brush. Quietly he peered over the bushes to see if he could see the silvery pup. Keeping one eye on their meal the Kersey man searched across the clearing for any sign of Felix. A small movement caught his attention. Finally being able to locate the young boy Tyne gave an encouraging smile and small nod hoping that he could see it. Feeling as if he had nodded long enough the sea wolf moved back under the brush to wait one more time. If Felix did not see him the plan would have to change. Tyne would be the one that would chase and drive the doe towards the pup then hopefully the presence of another wolf would startle the deer again causing it to stop and change direction giving the hunter a chance to take it down. That is if all went well, if not the pair would have to search for another meal.

(This post was last modified: Mar 28, 2017, 07:31 PM by Tyne.)
[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Ace who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Felix Macieo

It seemed like an eternity before Felix caught any movement on the other side of the stream. The older wolf was giving him a short nod – it seemed to kick start his heart from a steady pulse to a thunderous roar somewhere in his throat. Only once Tyne disappeared again did the youth drop his shoulders and start to creep towards the end of his cover brush. He paused only long enough to take a breath and steel his nerve – Pip had taken a moose head on, surely he could take one single doe! – before plunging out of the tree line and towards the deer with a sharp bark.

The reaction was just as they could have hoped – the pair startled, head and white tails straight up in the air before they bolted in opposite directions. One went left, and one went right; so naturally, the young Macieo heir galloped after the deer that was closer to Tyne, snapping his teeth and continuing to bark. This was right. Hopefully? The deer was running – he might not be steering the ungulate very well, but it hadn’t circled back, and it seemed to be pretty close to where he’d last seen the sea wolf.

Please, let this work.

Hunting Demonstration 2/3
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey

OOC! Hunting Demonstration 3/3

As the agouti man settled back down into the brush his senses were on high alert for any signs that the pup got his signal. He didnt have to wait long for the sound of branches being moved through soon reached his ears. Good Felix had gotten the signal and was driving their mark towards him. Placing large creamy paws squarely underneath his study frame Tyne readied himself for the strike.

The sound of the boys barks grew louder as he came closer. Molten iries watched through the bushes as the doe ran unknowingly towards her doom. Adrenaline filled the man as the anticipation of the hunt hit him full force. Once the deer was close enough the agouti sea wolf shot out from his hiding spot with a loud snarl. His powerful back legs propelled him into the doe knocking it down to the ground. It screeched and flailed wildly about trying desperately to get up so it could escape. One of the sharp hooves nicked Tyne in the face as he moved around to deliver the final blow. The sensation of the cut caught the man off guard but he quickly recovered and took a hold of the deer's neck with his creamy maw. Clamping down the sea wolf held on tight until the doe took her final breath. Once their meal had quit moving the hunter released his grip and looked back to the pup with a smile. "Good job kiddo" he praised giving his muzzle a quick lick. The creamy fur on his face was stained red from both his own blood and that of the pairs meal. With adrenaline still coursing through his veins Tyne could hardly feel the cut. He was too preoccupied with giving Felix the job well done he deserved. With out him Tyne wouldn't have had the chance to bring it down. Panting slightly he motioned to the deer with his muzzle "You can have the first bite. You deserve it".

[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Ace who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Felix Macieo

His heart was thundering somewhere in his chest. It felt like even his own barking was far away; he could feel the growls rumbling through his chest more than he could actually hear them. But the deer was still moving in the right direction. And before he knew it, the older wolf appeared from his cover brush, galloping after the deer. She never seemed to see it coming, all but flailing wildly at the last second. Felix was lost somewhere in the intense blur of action. When the sea wolf jumped, the yearling grabbed the doe from behind – it didn’t seem like he did much, but she stopped struggling. It was over, and much more successful than his first hunt.

Still panting, he glanced up at Tyne, his mismatched eyes sparkling with the adrenaline. “Really?” he asked, his tail starting to thrash behind him. The other wolf, he thought he did a good job! [“Thank you!”

Felix was raised with manners, after all, and so he did just as he was told. Once he had caught his breath, the younger wolf dug right in, his tail waving behind him. The first bite was plenty, and he shuffled to make room for the older wolf – there was plenty for them both, and once they were sated, they could bring the rest to fill the caches of Grizzly Hollow.


Hunting Demonstration 3/3
(This post was last modified: Apr 06, 2017, 10:47 PM by Felix.)