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hear me now — Turtleback Lake 
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There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark
literally ignores pile of replies because wHY NOT

He could hardly stop his cheeks from flushing crimson beneath his pale fur, his apple-green gaze focused on the still water before them. The ghost did not feel as though he was holding the pack together. His own son had scorned him for dismissing the dragon from their pack, which had then caused his milk-mother and sister to leave shortly after. Lachesis was not even sure if his son had forgiven him yet, for the Stark had not forgiven himself for not approaching his son about the decision prior to the meeting. To explain the reason behind the decision to banish the dragon; to explain himself. Kjors had been a strong figure in Kyrios’ life, whether the healer liked it or not. He had been there, tending to Karina and the three pups, just as much as XIX had. While he was thankful for the older male’s presence while he was out tending to his duties as a leader, it did not mean he liked the one-eyed wolf. Had he given the dragon the boot sooner, Karina might not have tended to the twins…

“Thank you,” he said softly, his eyes still avoiding hers. “I’m trying.” His voice was even softer this time, the worlds barely rolling off his tongue as he shuffled his paws uncomfortably. Lachesis was very good at giving off the appearance of a composed, diplomatic leader and as long as his packmates, and outsiders, believed his façade, he was doing something right.

Crazy huh? How am I supposed to believe all these compliments you feedin’ me now, Val?” he chuffed in response to her comment, flashing her a sharp wink and a lopsided grin. Perhaps he was the crazy one, for he enjoyed being in the presence of a self pro-claimed crazy. “You should give yourself more credit. You’re doin' a much better job than you think you are,” he added as he nudged her shoulder, gently, with his own. He remembered how nervous she had been to fill Kisla’s position, but she was doing a remarkable job. Lilya, however, had her own demons to fight—just like Lachesis. His grin widened at the thought. How did a couple of crazies end up leading Hearthwood?

(This post was last modified: Feb 27, 2017, 03:43 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
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Lilya Valrorys

He didn’t have to believe her, she was crazy after all, but she argued that she wouldn’t be the only one to tell him that. Even the children, while still notably distant from everyone after the decision was brought down, banning Kjors, would likely agree. They might be mad, but he was doing his job and they didn’t really have to like it. At the very least she was confident that Inna and Aleksei would agree with her. Heavy might be the head that wore the crown, but he wore it well and seemed to take it with strides. Still, she was a mixed drink of one part anxious and two parts pure nerves, so maybe her judgement wasn’t the best.

“An’ we all know ya are…” She reminded him with a toothy grin. He tried, and he succeeded. While others might not be entirely thrilled with his decisions, they were all still there, right? She remembered Kisla mentioning to her a while ago, back before she’d joined the River wolves in their endeavor, that loyalty was the trait this pack was built on. Lachesis, like Kisla, held their loyalty, and it didn’t take a crazy old (well not really old) veteran to see it.

Her tail wagged cautiously behind her with her grin only growing. “Ya don’t gotta, Ah mean, Ah’ve seen bad leader, and Ah’ve seen packs fall apart in front of ya.” She reminded him, crazy maybe, but experienced in the matter. She shook her head again, looking back at him when he nudged her shoulder. “Nah, Ah’ve been messin’ up left n’ right ya just ‘aven’t been there when it ‘appens… jus’ ask anyone else…” Were they really arguing with each other about one of them being a good leader, and one of them not be? “Ah’m worried ‘bout our numbers… n’things with the Monadnock and Fields…” She needed to change that topic away.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

The ghost could not help but grin at her words. He was trying to keep the river wolves together—for both himself and Maksim. Their move north had been good for the small pack but their numbers did not replenish. They kept to themselves, remaining neutral with most of their neighbours. Never bothering others; never causing trouble. The only issues they had has been internal, and with the removal of the dragon things had gotten increasingly better for the Hearthwood wolves. Aside from their lack of numbers. But that could be fixed. Hopefully.

His ears twitched as he listened to her, chartreuse gaze narrowing slightly as his gaze lifted from the water, focusing on his tawny companion instead. It was his turn to shake his head as she spoke, dismissing her leadership qualities. He frowned, darkly, at her words but did not raise his voice to argue. There was no point. He believed she was doing a good job, and that was all that mattered. What he thought, not her, for she was still battling her demons. Trying to push them away. He wanted to help her—he did not know why—but he wanted to. Help her overcome whatever was plaguing her thoughts, causing her to doubt herself. But XIX did not know if she wanted his help. His frown deepened at the thought and he glanced away, his teeth gnashing together as he focused on the islands in the distance.

A sigh rolled off his tongue at her final comment, his ears falling flat against the back of his skull. “I am, too,” he admitted softly, not looking at her. “I trust the Whitestone wolves,” he started, his mouth tightening into a thin line, “for now. As for the Fields wolves…” He trailed off, his tail twitching. “I’d like to think we’re on neutral terms with them. I know Craw is wary of them, and our alliance is stronger with them, but I do not want to get in the middle of anything unless we need to.” Lachesis was wary of the Rye wolves himself, for they had nestled in too close to both Kingsfall and the Monadnock. He had promised the silver spider that the river wolves would help them if something was to happen, for their alliance had been forged first.

“I always worry over our numbers,” he confessed, voice much quieter than it had been before. “Too much, maybe.” A soft chuckle accompanied his words despite the frown that was etched across his pale maw. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys

Lilya wasn’t sure if she wanted help, or even what kind of help she needed to get better. One might think she’d have some semblance of a clue given it was her own mind causing her issues, but she was at a loss and she didn’t want to bother anyone else into figuring out her problems for her. It wasn’t her way. The topic changed, and she left out the strange uncomfortableness she felt around Craw, mainly because half the time she felt comfortable so she wasn’t entirely sure of what to make of it.

“Ah’d trust th’Fields wolves with ma life, Lach.” She answered his concern about what terms they were on with little hesitation, a small pause before she properly explained what she’d meant. “Ah have b’fore in fact… Jessie saved ma life back when Ah was jus’ a loner.” When it came down to it, she knew that they might have to honor their alliance to Craw and Morganna’s pack, but that didn’t mean that she exactly felt comfortable with the idea of turning away from someone who’d done all that for her. They were a little too close for comfort, Lilya wasn’t going to deny that, but that didn’t mean they weren’t good wolves. They’d just staked their claim to a poor location.

Silence slowly fell over her when he admitted he worried about their numbers too… “Is there anythin’ Ah can do ta ‘elp?” She wasn’t sure there was, but if he had an idea, she was all ears.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
ya @Lilya make babies, thats what u can do to help - Lachesis, probably
already starting on another thread for these 2 TEHEHE

As she spoke his brows snapped together, head tilting to the side as he digested her words. He nodded, softly, as the corners of his mouth fell. If the blue-eyed wolf at his side trusted the Rye wolves, then so did he. Even if he was not as acquainted with them as she was. He did not have to trust them completely, but he did not have to write them off either. Kingsfall was far enough away that they were not too close to the action; instead, they could spectate from afar. He grinned to himself at this, glancing at his tawny friend out of the corner of his eye. “I trust them if you do,” he responded after a short pause, voicing his previous thoughts. To be fair, he had not gotten an opportunity to get to know his new neighbours like he had with Craw and the Whitestone wolves.

“I-I,” he started, the words hesitating on the tip of his tongue. What was there to do? Lachesis and Naia had been sort of successful in increasing their numbers last spring, but with they lost one wolf with the two they gained. Perhaps puppies weren’t always the answer.

He didn’t know. The pale ghost had been trying to increase their numbers since before the birth of the twins; however, he seemed to only be successful in losing them. He sighed at the thought, his tail flicking in irritation. “Just have to keep scouting for loners. Maybe try the lands south of us. I have not heard from the Pines back in quite some time, I have a feeling they have disbanded. There might be some former members lurking around.” It was all he could think of. It wasn’t a good plan, but it was not necessarily an awful plan either. It was a start.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you