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Here kitty kitty — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

He had taken the feline down without too much trouble though it did struggle and hiss. During which time Kajika despite having his jaws clamped around the feline's throat was mindful of where his body was in relation to the claws. Once the lynx had stopped moving and the beta was sure it was dead he let go. With the cat taken care of he moved to tell Lunette that he was proud that she had come to help with the lynx. Telling her that her that and making sure she was okay was all he was thinking about until…

Lunette made it very clear she did not appreciate Moonshadow stepping in front of her, he could understand. The young Vuesain had seemed to be struggling with something inside herself as of late and he thought maybe she was starting to get a handle on it by coming to help. Then the worrisome part slipped from her lips as she vaguely threatened Moonshadow and shortly after that Neha decided to take it upon herself reprimand her sister for her behavior. Kajika was left wondering if any of them had any idea about what Lunette was going through and what she needed. What Neha had done was not what she needed.

He knew his place though and couldn't say anything, a whine escaped him as his gaze settled on the youngest Vuesain. He wanted to go to her and comfort her because he knew she needed it, even made a few steps in her direction. Namid's words to Neha rang in his ears before she then was taking Lunette off to talk, he assumed. “Lunette, it was brave of you to come and help with the lynx,” he was finally able to tell her because he felt she needed to hear it. He went to her side and brushed his muzzle under her chin, “If you want to talk later come find me,” he whispered into her ear, “Better catch up to your mom.”

There was now the task of dealing with the dead lynx and his orders were to take care of it along side Tagg and Moonshadow. He wanted to just crawl into his den and not come out until it was done. His ears flattened against his skull for the slightest of moments before he turned to them, “We should get started so it can be done,” he said as he moved to start getting the meat and pelt from the cat. He hoped it wouldn't take too long and he could be away in his den where he could forget for a little while.

(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2017, 10:16 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
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Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Out of character comments here

The trespassing feline had perished,  everything was okay now - or so the ebony she wolf thought. Having missed the venomous words from the young girl behind her Moon smiled through her panting as she made her way to Tagg, proud of what her family had accomplished. Only when Lunettes silver form stepped up to her and got in her face did she realize the girls demeanor. Shock hit the woman first as she hasn't encountered anyone acting like that before. Quickly over coming her initial shock she bared her own teeth and let out a low growl in warning to the pup as she dared to threaten her. Moon knew full and well it wasn't her place to discipline the girl and she wouldn't but she'd definitely let the girl know she wasn't okay with this behavior. Silver eyes watched their chocolate counterparts closely clearly seeing the darkness within them. It concerned the dark beta but now wasn't the time to worry, she was on the defensive, had Namid not been there she might have just shown the girl her place. A moment more of glaring between the females passed before Lunette turn to go towards Kajika and her mother.

As the silver pelted girl walked away Moons hackles only lowered slightly. Who did she think she was and why in the hell was she so upset? She grumbled to herself as she moved once more towards her love. Her attention was torn once more from her russet hero as the sound of a snarl tore through the air. Ebony hackles raising once more as Moonshadow whipped around to see whom the sound had come from - thinking it was the youngest Vuesian. To her surprise it was actually the eldest lake princess. Was she defending the older woman? While it was clear Neha had once more broken rank, her defense and words meant a great deal to Moon. While she hasn't been close to the yearling it was clear that she was fond of her, enough to defend her against her own blood. A small smile crept upon her inky lips but soon faded as the lake queen asserted herself. Her voice boomed out commanding everyone to be still and be quiet. She went on to thank the pack for their assistance and to tell Tagg, Kajika, and Moon to deal with storing the meat of the lynx and removing the pelt for the den.

She returned Namid dip of her head as she slowly moved over to where her teacher stood by the cat. Silver dusted ear stayed turned towards the three Vuesian females catching Namids discipline of her daughters. In her opinion Neha wasn't all that wrong, but it wasn't her place to give her opinions. As she moved towards the lynx she could see her teachers concern for the pup. Moonshadow couldn't help the slight irritation that arose in her. Should he be wanting to reprimand the girl for acting in such a way? Her ears airplaned out as she grumbled to herself. She let out a small snort as her equal praised the girl for coming to help. Any other day she would have might agreed but for right now she was put off and would be for the remainder of the day. Despite her off mood she would do as she was told and help put away the meat. So with that she began to work by separating the hide from the meat.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 137 posts.
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Lunette Vuesain
Anxiety warps her perception of the world, and her interpretation of the others is due to that.

Lunette Vuesain

I’ve got my love stuck in my head

Twisted, warped, and dark, it was stronger than anything she had ever felt before—months of the monster's voice niggling at the back of her mind fusing into a focused, singular emotion, a desperate scream of enough from the depths of her bent soul. It was everything, anything, and yet, nothing; it was a veiled plea for help, to give her a chance, but it was also anger. Misguided, perhaps, but a spark of fury catching on dry tinder and becoming a raging wildfire. With her pulse thrumming hot in her veins she finally felt capable.

But the world would not let her keep that, of course.

Hard silver eyes met darkened brown ones, black lips pulling back to reveal teeth and a growl emanating from her chest. Lunette didn't care that her display was matched—outmatched, even, as Lunette was young and inexperienced. She only cared about the boundary she laid down. For once in her life she stood up for herself. That Moonshadow growled back didn't matter, for she didn't attack, so surely, she knew that she had been in the wrong?

The fury began to fade, like candles guttering out in a strong wind. She had done what she meant to. She didn't need to be angry anymore. And in its wake, the anxiety came crawling back, preying on already frazzled nerves and high tempers, a sickening thing slithering through her stomach as she began to make her way towards Kajika. This was over and done with and—

Silver and tan fur flashed in her vision. Jaws parted and teeth connected with her slender muzzle; a firm, solid grip, controlled but heated, force pushing from earth to paws through bones and muscle and into the grip around her nose. Lunette bore it in confused silence, her tail hanging limp but not tucked, and as her older sister let go she stared up at her quizzically, desperately trying to rekindle the fires so she would have the strength to stand up to this, whatever the hell it was. Angry words washed over sensitive ears, and it took all she had not to flinch. Neha ended with a flourish, "Our parents raised you better than this, Lunette Vuesain," and if it hadn't been for the rapid, sickening pace of her pulse and the intense, desperate desire to simply wink out of existence that very moment, she would've rolled her eyes and pointed out the obvious—that they hadn't.

She didn't have time to analyse, though. She didn't even have time to feel anything but the whirlwind demanding that she sink through the floor this instant and never reappear. She couldn't even question what Neha was on about, because she could hardly function. Every gaze a dagger, thrown at her exposed back, a limelight she had never even dreamed of—she could hear their hungry breathing at the sidelines, their disdain, disappointment...

She couldn't even comprehend Namid's voice, a solid, commanding thing shearing through the air but not finding its way through the twisted mess of adrenaline and fear. Each heartbeat drowned it out, each shadow too long, too dark, and once it finally fell across her, she did flinch. A half-step back was taken, ears flat, the right one twitching to the memory of teeth tearing through it, every fiber of her being yelling at her to run

Two words fell like judgment, and then the shadow was gone, only to be replaced by another. More words, rainwater and snow falling on thick fur and making no impact; wide and blanked-out eyes barely registered the shape of Kajika, or the touch of his muzzle brushing under her chin. She couldn't feel anything but the stares upon her, and the judgment held within; worthless piece of shit.

It was only when he left that she snapped back to reality. Dry eyes blinked, jumbled memories forming some half-coherent hole, and without second thought or backwards glance, she bolted in the direction she thought her mother had gone.

Not because she felt like talking to someone ever again, but because her anxiety firmly told her that if she didn't do this, she was dead. No one would care that the world had betrayed her. They only cared about her obedience.
Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall

OOC! This is going to be Tagg's last reply.


Word Count: 248

Tagg had hardly taken a few steps with Neha’s form blurred past him.  He turned as saw, with even more surprise, that the princess was disciplining her sister. He glanced at Namid with wide eyes, half afraid for both girls.  While the alpha had seemed content to allow her daughter to get the practice fighting, this second breach of rank was hardly going to go unnoticed.

He wasn’t wrong; the queen quickly stepped forward to snap at both of her daughters before leaving them to take care of the cat and calling her youngest after her.  The beta offered a few quiet words to Lunette before the young girl dashed off after her mother and turned to their task.

“Are you alright?” He murmured to his mate as they began working on the creature that thought it could get away with stealing from them.  He had to admit the pelt would certainly be nice to have in the den; while spring was on its way, it was still incredibly cold at night.

Tagg mulled over the events of the day.  It had been quite exciting, and perhaps not in a good way.  Nobody had been hurt it seemed, and that was good, but tension had come from what should have been celebrated by the entire pack.  Tension between members was hardly something that was good for a pack, particularly between a beta and the youngest of the ruling pair’s children.

He sincerely hoped nothing more would come of this.

"Speech"  Thought

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[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain
Sorry for the wait here!

Mere seconds after her own unexpected outburst towards @Lunette, her own mother had stepped in, commanding the attention of everyone gathered. With those bi colored eyes fixed on her, Neha stepped back. Brown eyes averted, tail low and ears back, she listened to Namid's stern voice. She had been wrong to overstep her bounds, correcting her younger sister as a parent would have. But she couldn't help it...it was by sheer impulse, upon seeing such a malicious look on her sister's face. Neha had thought before acting, recklessly. "...Yes mother...I understand." She muttered in a low, apologetic voice. She could deal with Lunette later, with a different approach. Knowing that her mom was still mad, she made no further effort to kiss up and let her lead her sibling away.

Tail still held rather low, she slipped over towards the others gathered around the fallen body of the lynx. She was naturally drawn to Moonshadow's side, stepping up beside her silently. For a while she was silent, saying nothing as her teeth meticulously began to peel away the pelt from the tail end. Her muzzle crinkled at the stench of the cat, of the sensation of a few stray hairs lodged in her mouth. Finally she broke the silence, finding it too much to bear. "You didn't deserve that, Moon." She eyed the dark female out of the corner of one brown eye, before fixing her gaze straight ahead again. Her brow furrowed. "I just...I never expected one of my own blood to behave like such a heathen..." She swallowed thickly, still quite upset. "I'm worried..." What had they, as a family done wrong for young Lunette to develop such a side to her? Could it be a phase some youngsters went through? Neha wasn't sure, but she was concerned enough to openly voice her feelings in front of almost the entire pack. 


Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.