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walls in my town come crumbling down — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Vet who has 89 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ophelia Macieo
@Rook @Veho - welcome to all GH members though. <3

In the time since her vicious attack on Pip, Ophelia had kept mostly to herself or alongside @Nineva. Her big sister's presence was a calming one and did well for her mindset. She didn't make her feel like a pariah as others did. @Joan certainly had. Ophelia would never forget her sister's face as she spoke of a dream that led her to flee the territory with warnings of ill tidings. The pale princess couldn't help but feel they were directed at her. But she'd been working really hard to earn a place back in the pack's good graces. Truly! She'd caught fish for Pip, and though the mute still avoided her, she was at least sleeping closer to the den again. Ophie thought it may be just a day or two more before she relented and returned to her rightful place among the rest of them at night.

Her attitude had improved significantly. Not that anyone praised her for it. That alone was disappointing enough. She was trying! Really hard! It would be nice if someone would acknowledge it. Mama might have. Maybe. But she was too busy out looking for Joannie who clearly didn't want to be found.

The girl had been far more reserved with her affections than before, but found herself heart-breakingly lonely and finally relenting to the desire to reconnect with her family. "Daddy! Papa!" she called out, her black tipped tail wagging in warm greeting. She'd grown in the past few weeks. Though she'd never be as big as Joan and @Felix, she was well on her way to being a productive member of the pack. Rushing up to the pair, she pressed her muzzle to both of their chins, offering loving licks. "Have you seen Mama since she went to look for Joan? I caught another fish and wanted to give it to her. I left it in one of the caches just in case."

(This post was last modified: Mar 03, 2017, 01:16 AM by Sahalie. Edit Reason: removing pack tag )
Played by Grey who has 444 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rook Lyall

For the first time in what seemed like a very long time, his time with Veho had returned to something more of a familiar rhythm. Today, they had done something that they typically did together - surveying the lands, counting caches, and - for the most part - spending the time to reconnect. So, when he heard that young voice break one of the many comfortable silences between them, Rook was quick to stop in his tracks and whip his head to where he assumed one of their daughters would emerge. His tail rose and his face lit up as he saw her. When he had first left them, Rook had noticed that darkening saddle on Ophelia's back and made no second-guess that it had been her as she came to greet them.

She placed kisses on both of their chins, nuzzling both Rook and Veho before pulling away. "Have you seen Mama since she went to look for Joan?" she asked. This made Rook cast a glance to where Veho stood at his side. Since his return, Rook had kept to himself, much like Pip and Ophelia had. The everyday happenings of his pack mates were not as apparent as they should have been. "I caught another fish and wanted to give it to her. I left it in one of the caches just in case." He grit his teeth together before looking back to the near-yearling, beaming at her when she had shared that she had caught another fish. She, just like Tomen, Nineva, and Felix, had grown quite a bit in his absence.

"Well," he stared, thinking hard as he tried to think of when he last saw or heard of Oula. "I don't know, Ophelia." His lips pursed and he brought his gaze back to his partner; it had slipped his mind that she was embarking on a trek to search for Joan in the surrounding wilderness beyond Grizzly Hollow. This was news all over again to him. Surely, if anything, Veho would have known; truthfully, Rook had never been as close to Oula as he might have liked. "Maybe Daddy has seen her?"

(This post was last modified: Feb 06, 2017, 04:26 AM by Rook.)

Chances are I have a BEN WHISHAW gif for that.
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo

For the first time in a long time, Veho found himself not having the words to describe his thoughts, nor his feelings.  While it could not be said that he’d ever given up on the Lyall returning to Grizzly Hollow, to him, some part of him had come to accept that perhaps he would have to live his life the best he could, regardless of the holes in his heart.  That the pair was now together, that the pair could patrol borders and investigate packs – it still felt like some sort of dream state, like perhaps he would wake up and the whole thing would be over.

Trailing after Rook, he was met with some relief to find that his daughter’s call had not come out of panic or pain.  Her kisses were returned with a fond nuzzle and he let her speak, falling into silence as he words processed slowly.  Have you seen Mama?

Since Joan left?

The words seemed to rattle around his skull like empty noise, something cold coiling in his chest as he swallowed and shook his head.  No.  He’d seen hide nor hair of the Whitebark woman, nor her little doppelganger.  If anything had happened to Joan, happened to Oula--  No, he had to stop.  He couldn’t go and paralogize about the worst possible scenario when they had no evidence otherwise.  What good would it do to send Ophelia into a tizzy when there was no reason to worry?

“I am afraid I have not,” he replied grimly, mouth scrunched up to one side.  “It is a bit strange she has not returned.  Have you asked your brothers – or anyone else?”

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Vet who has 89 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ophelia Macieo

It felt good to have Papa back with them. Seeing him there alongside Daddy was as natural as grass growing, as the wind through the cedar trees. Even if @Rook had been gone longer than @Oula had when she left, for some reason, it was far easier to forgive him. And perhaps she had grown a little since her temper tantrum with Mama. Maybe she saw that Mama's leaving was necessary as she went looking for Papa and whatever else it was she was out there looking for.

As much as others thought Ophelia to be completely self-involved, she spotted the way Papa's jaw clenched and found herself wondering with some anxiety if he was upset with her. But his beaming smile replaced the expression and all seemed well, so the girl made no mention of it. When Papa had no satisfactory answer, Ophie's gaze followed his to land on Daddy. Expectantly, she waited with hope that he may have some indication.

At @Veho's reply, Ophelia actually let one brow lift with disbelief. "Daddy, boys are dumb." It was said as if the phrase was a reminder of a teaching he himself had given her. "Tomen and Felix never know where anyone is. Tomen's always off chasing Nineva or Pip and Felix is always chasing dumb bugs." Obviously, it had not occurred to the princess that the pair before her were also classified as dumb boys, but if such a thing was pointed out, Ophelia would have a ready answer. Papa and Daddy were not boys. They were Papa and Daddy. The difference made sense to her.

"I don't think Joannie is coming back," the girl confided quietly. In her heart, she wondered if Mama wished it was she who had run off instead. But she dared not say such a thing. "We should go find Mama, though."

Played by Grey who has 444 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rook Lyall

Rook's mismatched eyes began to focus on something just beyond the side of @Veho's face, an overwhelming amount of thoughts beginning to swarm his mind. The day that Joan had woken up and left in a hurry, he thought he heard her scampering about. He hadn't been able to make out the words, but he had assumed a great deal about the eldest triplet - such as, believing Joan had gotten her brother and sister to play a game. He hadn't thought it strange at all. Now, Oula was gone too... again.

“I am afraid I have not,” Veho stated. Rook merely listened, looking from one to the other when he finally came back to the world around him. “It is a bit strange she has not returned.  Have you asked your brothers – or anyone else?”

The girl's brow rose. "Daddy," she called to Veho's attention, "boys are dumb."

A humored smile inched its way up the Lyall's snout, even as the ashen-furred girl continued to explain why she held no confidence in either Tomen or Felix. It was humbling, really, when Rook truly thought about it. Just a year ago, he was practically a dumb boy. Utterly foolish, really... and where had it gotten him? Absolutely over the moon about Veho Macieo... It worked though, he decided. He was here now and able to help his loved ones through this.

"I don't think Joannie is coming back," the girl then said. Rook got the cue to be truly concerned now. "Ophelia," his tone half-chiding, but she continued. "We should go find Mama, though." Rook's lips sealed and he sought Veho's counsel again. Had he been less prone to wander and less prone to miss the shelter that the Cedarwood and the pack provided, he would have volunteered... and the both of them would be home. For good..

He raised his brows as his partner, one shake of his head telling him wordlessly that he, himself, wasn't sure what to do. "She hasn't been gone too long," he partially assured their daughter. "Has she? Surely, she'll be back soon?"

Chances are I have a BEN WHISHAW gif for that.
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo

It struck Veho as a bit odd to hear his daughter speak of her brothers so – but then, she was growing, wasn’t she?  They were no longer just children, and just playmates, but evidence of sexual dimorphism was beginning to appear, and clearly, Ophelia was more observant than she might lead others to believe.  Under a different circumstance, he might have amused, or even proud of how quickly she was growing into herself – but two members of their family were missing, now, and Veho could not muster more than an unreadable expression.

If asked, even he could not put voice to the tumultuous feelings in his chest, nor the way they felt muted, somehow, as if someone had thrown a blanket of snow over the hurt and left it there, cold.  Numb.

How many would leave?  How many would come back?

What if he never saw his daughter again?  What if Oula had been taken?  What if Ophelia was next?  Or Felix?

Perhaps Ophelia’s quiet admission hurt the most.  Was it her fear?  Did she worry if the same happened to her, that her parents, her pack, would not be able to provide for her?  He could not blame her, not with the way things seemed to come apart around him.  “I agree with Ophelia.  We should look.  For both of them,” he added, for it made no sense to ignore Joan’s disappearance while they were looking for any sort of clue.  “If something has happened to one – than the other – and the rest of the pack are in danger.  Ophelia, would you like to look with me?  If there is something out there, we would be safer in pairs.”  He turned, glancing over at Rook. “You would keep with Felix, yes?  He’s already prone to…” Veho grimaced at memory of the moose. “He is a trouble magnet, it seems.  Haphazardly, but still.  I’d much rather he not be out and about on his own.”

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Vet who has 89 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ophelia Macieo

Ophelia sighed. One day, her fathers would come to realize the very same thing she had; Joannie was moving on to bigger and better things. Away from her. It was more than a slight suspicion that she was the one who had driven her bigger sister away. The pale princess found she was good at driving others away. As she was learning, it was her noblesse oblige to be truthful. As it was also her obligation to be kind in her truths, she did not push the issue and cause her parents excessive pain. Better to let Daddy and Papa believe what they wanted. That one day, their daughter may return enlightened and pleased to see them.

When @Rook suggested @Oula had not been gone long, the girl felt a nervous nip at her heels that begged her hackles to lift. That's what was said the last time Mama left. She had only just started getting along with Mama again.

Thankfully, Daddy put the fears to rest. They would look together, as they should. Though Ophelia felt it should be an entire pack effort - would they not have better success with everyone involved? - she did not speak out of turn and was satisfied with the idea that at least Felix would be getting involved as well. Two teams made sense.

"Where do we start looking?" she wondered, looking to @Veho for answers. Daddy always had an answer for everything. No matter what the situation, he never seemed to be caught unprepared. They would find Mama. Daddy would make sure of it.

Played by Grey who has 444 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rook Lyall

Clearly, Rook was not as aware of the situation as he should have been. Veho readily concurred with their daughter, supporting her idea of going to look for Oula. Rook blamed himself for not getting to know Oula all that well. Their only true interaction had been on the borders, so long ago, when she had first come to Grizzly Hollow with honey in her fur. He had been jealous of her then, so selfish and ever so emotional about her coming to into Veho's social circle as a "patient." He had grown up since then, or so he'd like to believe, so when he received the beginnings of a plan, he nodded.

"Sure," he agreed to the idea of staying with Felix. Even through Veho's grimace, Rook dipped his muzzle. He knew the feeling all too well, stirring up trouble without even meaning to. He would keep an eye on the boy. "Of course." As pale girl turned her attention to Veho again, the Lyall simply smiled, trying but failing to mask the worry that had begun to take root within him. Of course they would need to find Oula. She was family, his and Veho's cubs' mother and caretaker. If Rook couldn't... wasn't able to find her, someone would have to. A wave of shame washed over him. It might not have been his mess, per se, but Rook still felt helpless as to what he could do to aid in Oula's recovery and homecoming. He dropped his eyes to Veho's paws, listening in the meantime.

Chances are I have a BEN WHISHAW gif for that.
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo

“We will start right now.”

Veho left no room for argument. If Rook did not particularly care for the decision, well – being alpha came with a certain weight, didn’t it? Not often did the wolf actually indulge in the authority his leadership gave him, but with two missing pack members… The bulky male gave himself a small shake, shoving off whatever malcontent threatened to linger, to keep whispering ugly things in his ears.

“I do not expect Felix will give you much protest, Rook, but if he does… There is no room for argument. Let others know if you see them. I will call a pack meeting later if our personal search turns up nothing.”

There was no reason to worry the others if the problems could be solved quickly…though the male had little expectation they’d be so lucky. When were they ever? Sometimes he thought the Ancestors made a personal goal to challenge him – but that was not what his parents had taught him about the Ancestors, and he would not linger on those dark thoughts, either. He reached forward to nudge his daughter, urging her to pick a path. “Come. There is no time to waste. We will regroup after dark, and discuss.”

With nothing else to say, he followed after Ophelia. Please, let this be a simple one.


[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]