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And one again after the fall — Bramble Falls 
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Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel

He nodded his head at the large male's words. Kerberos truly hoped he would be fine. The tawny male had gotten lucky on pairing up with Maera. It seemed to have put him ahead in life rather well. He now had friends, family, a mate, and a home. What more could a guy want?

The Rigel's tail waved eagerly. Finally, Kerberos' trips would pay off more than just a stick or rabbit! He had the chance to bring someone home. He nodded his head at first before the dusty male asked to be taken there. "Of course. Would you like to leave now or should we rest for a bit before heading out?" Kerberos would gladly leave now but he knew that the loner was in a worse condition. While Kerb had never been in that condition he knew he once worried about being that way. Helping someone out of such a situation made his heart feel warm and like he was doing good in the world.

As they kept moving along the falls got more silent. A mere background noise beyond the birds or heavy steps. Perhaps the Rigel would come back out here again sometime. He wondered if Maera or Leotie might like exploring out here. Even Treyah might enjoy visiting the falls when the weather was warmer.

When he turned to look back at Atlas it seemed the large male had changed his mind. While Kerberos was disappointed he still smiled and nodded. "Hope to see you around!"


(This post was last modified: Mar 24, 2017, 04:47 PM by Kerberos.)
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