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rain clouds come to play again — Edge Stone Pool 
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Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
after the cut comes the blood
Piety Santoro

A shiver ran down her spine at his touch. He was so gentle and the way he submissively moved let her know he was genuine. Her nose brushed against his crown and ear softly. She nodded her head gently as he spoke. He did what he thought was best and she couldn't be mad at that.

As he pulled away she watched him with her muddy eyes. "I missed you too." The pale Monadnock wolf cooed in response. She really did. They hadn't cuddled, napped, patrolled, or scouted together in a while. Piety would need to do all of those things with him again. Her time would now be split into thirds amongst Morganna, Wraith, and Lorcan. The pack's healer was just as important as the other two. He was also a friend to her. She would work things out soon enough.

Piety closed her eyes and took in a deep breath as she felt his head on her shoulders. It was reassuring, to say the least. The Santoro appreciated his touches more and more each time. Her lips curved into a smile at his words. "I could think of a few wolves." She teased softly with a gentle nip. "If we get back to the monadnock in time we can watch them tonight. You up for that?" Her tail wagged happily as she brushed along him in a circle before standing to face towards pack lands.

[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
To his surprise she didn’t pull away from his embrace, but instead moved into him closer to brush her nose against his head. In that moment he felt pure relief; the distance that he had mistakenly placed between them had not felt right, it was cold and lonely, and he had missed her presence more than he would like to admit. Comforting her now also brought comfort to his own heart, knowing that the close relationship that they had developed over the past few months had not been lost to a simple misunderstanding on his part.

“I missed you too.” He smiled at her response, glad to hear that his feelings were not one-sided. He hoped that his promise to her would help to assure her that even after any disagreements between them, he was still not prepared to abandon her. Their friendship was worth more than that and it was not something that the Whitestone healer would give up lightly. In truth he had grown close to Piety, closer to her than he had any other wolf within the pack, save for perhaps Craw. Unlike Craw though, he considered Piety his equal and felt like he could be honest with her without the fear of being judged.

Golden eyes lit up when she smiled at his teasing comment and offered back an equally teasing response of her own. He didn’t pay much mind to her words, much more focused on the playful nip she gave towards him, which he responded to with a gentle tug of her thick fur along the back of her neck. It was only then in that brief moment of stillness that he replayed her teasing comment in his head and immediately found himself wondering who else she had shared her nocturnal habits with. Her soft voice stalled his thoughts however, and he looked up to her with a curious tilt of his head as she brushed up alongside him.

“Of course.” He responded without a moment’s hesitation, tail swaying behind him as she watched her move to face the direction of the monadnock. Lorcan moved to travel beside her and it was only after they had moved off from the frozen lake that he realised he’d left his antler behind. He glanced back behind him briefly, wandering whether to turn around and retrieve it, but he resisted. If he turned back around now, they might not get back to the monadnock in time to watch the stars. He couldn’t do that, he couldn’t let Piety down so soon after they’d made up. Glancing back across to Piety, he offered her a smile and moved into to cheekily nip at her tail.

“Come on, I’ll race you!” He barked, offering her a playful grin before he shifted his limbs into a sprint.

-Lorcan exits-
(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2017, 06:47 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together