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we know we are the aching lands. — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

How could he not know if something had changed? It wasn't exactly something that could slip his notice, something that could pass on by without drawing his attention. That said, change wasn't always something that was sudden and blatant. Sometimes it was subtle and slow and by the time you noticed it was too late. Maybe Reyes wasn't so blind, maybe he'd been too busy trying to survive. Askan supposed it was possible. He did agree that winter was tough for everyone and anyone in the Lore. Though being a loner, Reyes was likely taking the brunt of it, so with that in mind maybe it wasn't so unreasonable of him to be such a grumpy bugger. He probably had his reasons and the Yukon wolf couldn't help but think they were probably more valid than his own.

The little bit tagged on the end though, he didn't see that coming. He was half tempted to ask Reyes to repeat himself, as he wasn't sure whether he'd heard him right.  Did the Selwyn have a case of selective hearing or did he actually mean that? Not many people tolerated him, let alone thought that he was... Askan cleared his throat and did his best to ignore the heat blooming in his cheeks. This was fine. An okay distraction, even if it was a little odd. He was okay, this was fine. At the very least it was nice to hear someone say that and mean it for once. And not just because they were trying to be nice, empty words bounced off Askan like water off a ducks back. But Reyes, he was a man of his word.

"Figured as much. You don't seem the sort who needs to be babysat."

Would Askan have thought he was okay if he couldn't take care of himself? No, probably not. There were enough of those sorts in the Field already, if he were being honest. Deep down he worried they were just turning into one big charity case collector. But he supposed he had to be grateful for the fact they were all working so hard to look for..He wasn't supposed to think about that now.

"Change isn't always bad." Askan agreed, he paused for a moment, unsure of whether he should or even if he wanted to continue. "Well, I'm always on the look out for..." That didn't sound right, too chipper. "Well what I mean is... If you.. I wouldn't mind you joining Wild Rye Fields. If you feel like it. Or change your mind about being alone, or whatever."

Well shit, that was lame. Askan hid his face beneath his paws and smothered a groan. Great, just great. This was why he didn't want to talk to people.

(This post was last modified: Feb 11, 2017, 05:36 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank


Wouldn’t mind seeing the girls again, though. Or Mama, if-- I should look them up some time.

Reyes allowed himself a huff, tail swishing hither and fro before addressing the other man’s comment. But the comment quickly became and offer, and the loner found himself lifting his head, brows furrowed over the dancing rainbow in his eyes. Was this some sort of joke? Ears flipped back as teeth dug into his lower lip, struggle against the urge to snarl. He was lucky he didn’t bite into his mouth, quite frankly, all the fur prickling along his spine as Askan stumbled along, all but choking on his words, and—

“You’re actually serious.” It was supposed to be a question. Lifting his head a little higher, his ears pricked back forward and he leaned in, nosing (perhaps a bit aggressively) to inspect the other wolf for any evidence of lies, and yet…nothing. Nothing. Reyes snorted softly. “You’re actually serious. But you ain’t even the leader. You allowed to do that?” He did talk about the boss, and the boss’ lady, after all. He wasn’t an expert on pack politics by any means, but he didn’t live under a rock, either. He knew how those things worked. (In theory.)

“You sure they’d even let me in?”

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

It wasn't as though Askan had a plan. Nor did he expect to Reyes to react in any given way, but at the very least he didn't think that the loner would just go out and assume that he was lying to him, that he was pulling his tail. The sudden change in Reyes' demeanour didn't go unnoticed by the Selwyn and he couldn't help but stiffen a little at his accusatory questions and probing nose. Had he done something wrong? Was he not supposed to offer? Had he offended him? The Yukon wasn't a stranger to offending others ,but whilst he never really it on purpose, right there and then he'd been making an effort to be nice. He truly thought that Reyes would be a welcome addition to their little family.

But then he spoke and Askan's worry cleared up a little, like sunshine piercing through grey clouds.

Of course he was damn serious, he wouldn't have offered otherwise. Askan's brows knitted into a frown and he let out a discontent grumble. Not at the touch, that was welcome, but the doubt was not. He was determined to drive it away.

"I'm deadly serious." His voice was low and quiet, but carried the weight of his words with ease. "I wouldn't have offered otherwise. And I know I'm not alpha, but I'm his second and that means something. @Drestig lets me bring people over whenever I feel like it, so yeah I think I'm allowed." Askan leaned against his side a little harder, as if to run his point home. "I don't make the final call, it's all on him, but I can't see him turning you down. He's reasonable, he let me in without any argument. And as long as you're not an ass he's willing to give anyone a chance."

The Rye King allowed Icicle to stay and he wasn't the most.... Agreeable of wolves, considering who he was and all. So with that in mind, Askan knew for sure that the alpha would let him in, and once he proved his worth he'd be a welcome addition. Of that the Rye guardian was certain of.

"That's why I want you to join us." He concluded, resolute.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Huh. The leader must really like Askan, or really value his opinion, if the man let him drag whatever scraggly loners he found to the border for admission. Admittedly, it made a little more sense than he had originally imagined, but the male still chuffed, studying Askan’s face for several more moments before dropping his chin back onto his companion’s back. Earnest, he still seemed earnest, like he actually thought Reyes would get along alright in this Wild Rye Fields, and wasn’t that something?

It was more than that. Askan wanted him to join the pack. No one had let him stick around long, never mind actually want his presence, his skills, his-- What? Friendship? Is that what they were? Friends?

“I guess I might give it a shot…” he muttered into that dark fur, cheeks heating up beneath his own winter coat. “…gotta get Cottongrass settled first, but. Once that’s done.” Because he made the yearling a promise, damnit, and no matter how much he wanted this (it wasn’t that bad, he wasn’t eager or anything), it could wait until the kid was settled. And Askan would understand that. He was a wolf of his word, he said as much. “This gotta do until then though. Okay?”

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Reyes' voice was muffled, but Askan heard him loud and clear. By no means was he making any definite promises, but even so it meant a lot. It meant that he was at least willing to try, coming from a guy like him it was the best anyone was going to get. At least for now anyway. No matter what, the Selwyn wasn't going to push or shove him to be more direct. He didn't expect him to exclaim his loyalty just yet, he could wait. He would wait for as long as it took. The day Reyes turned up on the borders of the field would be an interesting one, to say the least.

Reyes clearly had priorities he had to deal with before that and Askan wouldn't begrudge him for that. After all, how could he trust someone who broke their word with such ease? If anything, the Yukon expected him to deal with his other companion before they settled their business. And contrary to common assumption, Askan could wait. If given the motivation to.

The words that truly caught his attention came last and the Rye wolf couldn't help but shiver a little at their meaning, at their weight.This would most certainly do.

"Okay." Askan responded with a little nod, so as not to jostle Reyes too much. "This'll do just fine."

Fade out
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]