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I'd like to say I'm fine — Wild Rye Fields 
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Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Part of Reyes had expected the same response he got last time – angry teeth, speed that shouldn’t be attainable by such a bulky wolf. To be fair, he was inciting such a response, but this time, the wolf was ready. It seemed, however, that Askan too had learned from their last (poorly attempted) wrestling session. The teeth never came as the scarred male darted away, snow flying up around his bulk. Just as he glanced over his shoulder to see if the other Rye wolf was following, something caught him around the hind limbs far too quickly for him to slam on the breaks. Front legs kept peddling, but with hind legs outstretched, Reyes flopped into the snow with an impressive spray of snow exploding upwards.

“My ass ain’t fat, you little shithead!” he replied, wriggling forward. “I’m fucking voluptuous. I look fantastic. You just wish you had an ass this nice!”

Please, Reyes had seen his own reflection! He knew what a fine piece of wolf flesh he was – simple barbs weren’t enough to pokes holes into such a sturdy self-assurance. Twisting when he couldn’t simply lurch free, the wolf kicked backwards into the swarthy male’s chest, pedaling like a jack rabbit. “C’mon, hermoso. Gimme your best.”

REYES | Dead man walking.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

The Selwyn expected some sort of rebuttal for the insult, but he didn't anticipate that it would be so fervent. Or that-stranger yet- he would find himself agreeing with Reyes' words. I mean, now that he mentioned it, it was rather difficult for the Yukon wolf not to notice and or think about said butt. Which was silly really, wasn't it? A grown man thinking about someone else's ass, and not because he wanted to kick it. But actually because he thought it was a nice but. And as Reyes so adamantly claimed, both he and his butt were in top shape. To say the least.

But all of these thoughts about butts and being as close as they were-hell Askan was an undignified mess atop of Reyes- it was a little uh... Askan cleared his throat in an attempt to chase away those confusing, unfamiliar feelings that were beginning to make a habit of revealing themselves, whenever Reyes- and his nice butt- were around.

This was weird, unexplored territory for the Selwyn, but as of then he was unafraid of the idea of dipping his feet in a little more, to sink further into whatever the hell this currently was. If anything, he couldn't help himself. The urge dive headfirst in was too strong to resist.

Distracting as he was, Reyes wasn't going to get the satisfaction of an awkward compliment quite just yet. Espically not considering that this was a game and that the Yukon was very determined to win said game. Even if it meant that he had to get up close and personal.

"Pffft." Askan scoffed, as he squirmed, doing his damndest to keep Reyes pinned to the ground. "You pigheaded-"

He didn't quite have the chance to finish that line of thought as Reyes began twisting and wriggling beneath him, his legs thumping against Askan's chest in a quick, drumming beat. Winching a little, Askan squirmed forward to try and keep him pinned in place. Reyes' wouldn't be getting out of this without a struggle. Maybe he was the one who needed to give his best.

"Maybe you should try and give me yours for once." Askan quipped back, giving his black nose a nip for good measure. "Thought you'd be good at this, considering all those scars."

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Later, they would have to revisit the whole pigheaded comment.  Not because it wasn’t true, mind you.  Quite the contrary.  It was simply Askan’s choice of words on the matter – his language left a lot to be desired.  The swarthy male had half a mind to share it with the beta right now, but given that his feet were currently thumping against the other wolf’s chest, maybe not.  And given that said wolf was now squirming on top of him, dios mio.

¿Lo bueno es que no es la primavera, eh?

Pedaling his hind feet harder, Reyes began to twist – this had started out playfully enough, but having the other wolf on top of him--  For the second time, the man’s mind shorted out, filling his head only with white noise.  It took the sharp nip to his wet, black nose to sort him back out, the wolf giving a full-bodied shake before moving one forelimb, bringing it down on top of Askan’s snout.  Not a moment later, he was rolling, using his bulk to try and tip the other wolf over.  The snow helping, in this particular moment, because even if he could toss Askan just a little, it was enough to increase his struggle and allow Reyes to grab his thick neck fuzz, growling softly.

“Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente.”

REYES | Dead man walking.

(This post was last modified: Feb 18, 2017, 01:03 PM by Reyes.)
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

It seemed as though Reyes wasn't down and out quite yet. Askan had never doubted him, not once, but it was clear to him now that he was more than just a handsome face and smart mouth. Any other wolf would have likely called it quits there and then, after Askan wasn't light in any sense of the word. But Reyes thought on his feet and made the Selwyn work for his position. There was no way he was going to stay on top for much longer if Reyes kept rolling and flailing as he was.

Askan saw the whack to his snout as what it was, a playful retaliation to his nip. By no means did Askan like getting hit in the face, but for now-for Reyes- he could make an exception to that rule. That said, there was going to be a victor to this little game of theirs, so the Selwyn wasn't going to cut Reyes too much slack. Or at least that is what he thought, until he wobbled from his spot and lost his leverage over his companion. Cursing beneath his breath, tried to lean out of the way but it was too late. There was a flash of white, then teeth tugged at the thick scruff of his neck. A rumble flowed through Reyes' throat to his, a playful growl, and Askan couldn't help but offer one in return. Though he wasn't quite as enthusiastic.

Did this mean he had lost? That Reyes had gotten the better of him? It seemed so, as embarrassing as it was to admit. Was he really surprised though? Not really. Askan knew who he was dealing with here, he knew full well how capable Reyes was at looking after himself, but here was the proof. If he could latch on to Askan during a friendly little tussle then no doubt he'd be able to look after himself. If this was the path that Reyes wanted to take then Askan had no doubt in his mind that the field would be safe from any threat that came their way. No matter what, together they would do what needed to be done.

Grumbling, Askan pulled back, trying to ease himself loose of Reyes' grip. What could he say, he was a poor loser. Not that Reyes could make fun of him or anything, seeing as he was exactly the same. That said, Askan wouldn't put it past him nonetheless.

"Well played." It was only then did Askan pull away and unfold himself from atop Reyes.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

As soon as Askan started to withdraw from his grip did the dark male release him, his interest in actually relieving the young wolf of his thick winter pelt very little indeed. Now that the short tussle was over, his tail returning to the same please wriggle from before. Ears rolled forward as he leaned in, offering the other male a few gentle licks to his muzzle before withdrawing from his space, allowing the guardian to regain his feet without Reyes up in his grill. No harm done, his posture seemed to say – sure, he was a sore loser, too, but that didn’t mean he was willing to put up with a sour attitude that latest beyond what he considered reasonable.

Reyes shook out his pelt, rounding on the other wolf once he had regained his feet. “That was good,” he hummed, satisfied with the outcome of their little wrestle, with the utterly delightful burn of lactic acid in his muscles. Preening, the bulky wolf arched his neck, puttering back over to Askan’s side as he gaped his jaw, chewing on his fur amicably. “So you gonna show me around or what, chaco?” he hummed, ears rolling forward. “Bet you know all the good hiding spots.”

REYES | Dead man walking.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Reyes didn't seem like a kissy sort of guy. One couldn't be blamed if they,at first glance, assumed that Reyes was just a grizzled, anti-social kind of wolf. The sort who'd seen some shit and so didn't have the patience to play nice with others. But really, as Askan got to know him it was clear that it wasn't the case, or at least not the whole picture.  There was a lot more to Reyes than Askan had originally thought, and he couldn't help but feel a little relieved that he'd taken the time to give the guy a chance. Or perhaps more accurately, that Reyes had done so for him.

If he'd been anyone else, Reyes would have had his nose bitten for his efforts. The Selwyn had never been a kissy guy either. And apart from the occasional lick he got from Percy-which he'd been missing, for obvious reasons- no one was allowed to touch him that way. Yet there he was, not making a fuss or loosing his shit. The Yukon would have even gone as far to say he sort of liked, though if asked why he felt that way, then he wouldn't have been able to respond. Not because he was in denial, but because he didn't know why. Not exactly. All he knew was that Reyes had sauntered right past his boundaries and he couldn't find it in himself to shove him back beyond the line.

So it seemed natural for him to rumble in response and lap a quick lick on the tip of Reyes' nose. Not an exact reciprocation, but rather a happy medium, the sort that said 'continue...If you feel like it. I'm not going to ask.' Alas, Reyes' show of affection-felt- was short lived and eventually the rogue pulled away, giving Askan space to shake off as well.

They didn't agree on a lot of things, but Askan had to admit he was right. That was good. Like Reyes, he liked the burn, the blood pumping through his veins and renewed sense of energy that settled within him. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to tussle more often, for training purposes of course. Reyes apparently wasn't done and saw it fit to give the Selwyn another little nibble, though this time it felt as though he was just touching him for the sake of it. If Reyes kept this up it would be hard for him to claim that he wasn't just a big soft, that all of that before was just an act, a bravado. Not that Askan minded too much, he supposed. Reyes was welcome to do what he wanted to for now, within reason.

"Hm?" Askan blinked, having lost his train of thought for a moment there. "Oh, sure."

It made sense, seeing as Reyes was new and all. And not to mention none knew the field like Askan did, no one else had dedicated so much time to exploring its nooks and crannies.

"Well yeah, I know a few. Why got something to hide?" He asked, with a sly smile as he gestured for Reyes to follow his lead. What? He was joking, a little. Sue him. "Privacy is all well and good, but you don't have anything creepy in mind, right?"

(This post was last modified: Feb 18, 2017, 10:05 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Reyes chuckled softly, the noise vibrating deep in his throat as he shook his head. Did he have something to had? Naw. He’d always been as easy to read as the scars across his face. Perhaps it was something of a character flaw, gave away more than the dark wolf was often willing, but for Askan, he couldn’t seem to work himself up about it. “Naw. Nothin’ to hide. But it’s always better to know.”

For one thing, he could imagine the other Rye wolf hiding himself away – and frankly, if something went terribly awry, he could imagine himself seeking some private time, as well. That Askan would be the only one who knew where to find him wasn’t as distressing of a thought as it really should be. The secondary remark, however, earned a click of his teeth, Reyes shoving his bulk into the beta as they moved to begin their trek. Creepy. Please.

“That’s rich, comin’ from you, cabrón. I ain’t got a creepy bone in my body.” Which probably wasn’t entirely true, but if Askan wanted to see that side of the newly minted pack member, he’d have to work a little harder. “Now let’s get a move on, huh? Before one of these little kidlets decide they wanna tag along.”


REYES | Dead man walking.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]