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Played by Grey who has 228 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Niles Archer Lyall
She folded, her seemingly frail body relenting to his touch as she laid on the ground. He studied her face as soon as she was down, the whole of his body propped up on his right elbow as he awkwardly grazed his left fore paw over her back before setting it back on the ground. He simply laid next to her, his limbs and body sprawled out in one long almost-crescent moon shape around her. Like his mother did, once or twice when she believed him to be asleep, he preened the top of her tawny head. His bottom teeth combed at the warm fur at her brow and the bases of her ears and, once her clouded eyes had shut, he lapped his tongue over her cheek.

Niles couldn't be sure if it was just him or if she felt abnormally warm to the touch. Perhaps if he had shadowed his mother or sister more, he might have had some experience or insight to the concept of fevers, but alas... The brute could only watch in helpless worry as Castel's breathing settled into a rhythm that told him she was fast asleep. A number of times, she had whimpered and he was sure prod shoulder or nape with his nose, just gentle enough to get her to stop and yet not fully wake her. Like a silent sentinel, he stood guard as she slept, minding the winter skies every so often when he was able to pull his eyes from her. He would move her to the pack den the first moment he could, but for now, all he could ever ask for was this time with her. Even if they weren't talking, weren't exploring... even if she felt sick and he, himself, was sick with worry... he treasured this moment. This was just another way of her showing him just what it was and meant to be more than just his name, his titles, and his homelands in the west. For all that mattered, she had given him a purpose and, right now, all he had to do was be here.

[Image: grey-autumn2014sigNILES.png]
we can say goodbye, just head home, but if we're going to be alone
Chimera is currently traveling with Niles and may hop into this IC thread!