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Like a star you fade away — Kingsfall 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
i've been trying to notice a lot more now because i was so bad at it before ;___;
i can fade out with my next post too if you'd like? <3

The corners of his lips twitched at the darker wolf’s comment and he nodded softly in agreement. The Rye wolves had a puppy missing and there was a puppy-attacker on the loose. Now was not the time for social calls, unfortunately. Lachesis would be sure to let his packmates know of the situation so they could keep an eye out for the missing youth. With spring and more puppies on the horizon XIX would expect that their neighbours give them the same curtesy if one of their own was to go missing. Feud or no feud, a missing puppy was a serious issue. Especially when a rogue was on the loose.

“Absolutely,” he responded grimly, a line forming between his brows as he studied the charcoal wolf. “Like I said, you have my word that we will be looking for her,” he assured with a sharp nod before adding “and her attacker” as his lips fell into a thin line. “If anything changes on your end do not hesitate to come find me. I’d like to see her return home safely.” At this he offered a soft wag of his tail, his peridots focused on the wolf before him.

“I will take you up on that,” he chuffed in response, his tone much lighter than it had been before. The grass Askan spoke of peeked his interest, as well, and he considered following Inna to the borders of Wild Rye once the season arrived. “You’re right, I think she would like it too,” he mused in agreement as his lips curled into a lop-sided smirk. “There’s a plant I’d like to collect some more of that’s near your borders before spring fully sets in. It’s good for mothers—your pack might find it useful, also. I’ll call for you when I go to grab some,” he added as an afterthought, hoping that Askan would find the information useful. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Suurre thing, I love Lach we gotta thread again sometime sooon <3

As soon as Percy was found Askan would make an effort to let the other packs know. It probably wouldn't be his top priority, but at the very least he could promise that he'd tell them in a timely manner. He wouldn't leave them waiting months, as that would be a massive waste of their time and energy, but he wouldn't run over here as soon as he could. It was the best he could offer at this point, and Askan was certain the River King would understand. He seemed the reasonable sort after all.

When Lachesis expressed interest in visiting, Askan nodded, pleased with his reaction. For a brief moment he'd feared that the alpha would dismiss his offer with a snort and some derisive comment, but clearly Askan had it all wrong. This man wasn't a Whitestone wolf, he'd been gracious so far, so why would he change now? The talk of grass- of the medicinal type- caught Askan's attention and he nodded along to his suggestion. Yes, that seemed like a good idea. Of course, he had no idea whether The Rye Monarchy would breed, but surely it would be good to have some stored away in case. And the fact that Lachesis intended to call for him made his chest puff a little in pride. He'd done good, hadn't he? He'd managed to talk this out like a civilised, well-tempered man. And everyone else thought he was such a lost cause...Well screw them!

"I'll keep an ear out. I ought to go, but really thanks for hearing me out. Means a lot to us." He ducked his head, and took a couple of steps back.

Now that all was said and done, it was time to leave and resume the search. After all, he was certain that Percy wouldn't be found without him.

(This post was last modified: Mar 28, 2017, 08:36 PM by Askan.)
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
yes PLEASE soon!!! cause he'll have to get collecting dem herbs~ <3 @Askan

Lachesis just wanted to see the missing Rye cub returned home, safe and sound, and that her attacker was also found (and dealt with accordingly). If one of his own had been attacked or taken he would like for his neighbours to keep an eye out, as well. Even if things were still tense between the two northern packs they could dismiss it for the time being. The ghost did not see anything wrong with the wolf standing before him—whether it was a façade or not, he would never know. XIX had been wary of their presence before they claimed the fields to the west, but Craw’s disdain toward them did not help his negative feelings. His co-lead trusted them, though, and wanted to work with them. After his meeting with the charcoal wolf he did not see any reason as to why an alliance could not be formed between the two packs.

He nodded in return, his previous smile still pressed to his dark lips. Once their missing pup was returned to them Lachesis would seek out the golden-eyed male for some grass collecting. While he poked his nose around the lowlands for other herbs he would keep a watchful eye out for the dark cub. The ghost couldn’t help but hope that the missing Rye pup had found one of his own children, for he now worried that her attacker had stumbled upon the Stark twins. With their absences only prolonging Lachesis had begun to fear for the worst. He just wanted to see them return home safely.

“Anytime Askan,” he responded with a dip of his head, tail wagging slowly behind him. “I hope to see you soon with better news,” he added before disappearing into the Kingswood, allowing the trees to engulf his pale, lanky frame. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you