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This city made us crazy — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael

So she had already accepted what was to come then. Wraith took it as her unofficial blessing. It was time to call his brother out on his bullshit. But not right now. No, in this very moment, his Alpha needed comfort that she so rarely received. Granted, Morganna wasn't the type to need coddling. However, she deserved it like any other wolf of the Monadnock. No one else save Craw and himself - and he supposed Piety now as well - could spoil the woman without fear of repercussions.

As such, Wraith took to licking along her crown in soothing, gentle motions to reaffirm the bonds they already shared. There was a time where he'd felt closer to Craw than the woman at his side. How foolish that seemed now. That he'd ever imagined Craw to be the more loyal of the pair was ludicrous. Morganna had only ever been motivated by family. The need to maintain it and its stability. But the spider, he knew, always had other motives.

He missed the simple days. When they'd still been in Willow Ridge and could lay in the fields of swaying green. When all at the Monadnock could rest in comfort in the shade while the pups played in puddles from rain the day before. It seemed so much simpler to keep everyone together then. Now it felt as if everyone was drifting.

How many had they lost and gained and lost again since they settled here?

Too many.

Letting such troubling thoughts wander off elsewhere, Wraith devoted his full attention to grooming Morganna's coat before acknowledging her suggestion. "As you wish."

[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]