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[M] the bishop is easy, the bishop is wrong — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael
Sit, boy. Down. NOT LIKE THAT.

As @Morganna stepped closer to plead @Piety's case, Wraith smirked. They were devils, the both of them. Every move they made worked to undo his resolve when their scent alone was working its magic. But still, he persevered longer than most. While his Alpha buried her muzzle in his thick ruff, he let out a soft, rumbling growl that was all delight. Lazily, his tail thumped against the ground even as he lifted his mouth up close to her ear to breath hotly into it. "But what's in it for me?" he asked sweetly, knowing full well what was in it for him.

When Piety circled around him like a vulture and made her own case, Wraith had to admit she had a stronger one for herself than Morganna did. Here was not some needy female begging. She was standing there goading him. All but demanding him of it. If that didn't get his rocks off, well, nothing would. A tremble worked its way down his spine beneath his fur and he resisted the urge to shake.

I'm sure others could be of help.

Fat fucking chance.

Any chance he had at remaining impartial vanished the very moment he pictured another male taking them. And then that little minx had the gall to saunter away? She knew she won, and while it rankled, he refused to be outdone. Wraith stood quickly and followed at a pace fast enough to close the distance between them in a heartbeat. As soon as he could reach, the male used heavy paws to pounce at her rump in an effort to knock her off balance. If she should fall, he would step over and hover with his muzzle inches from her face before giving a long, slow lick up her cheek.

"Don't pretend you want a little boy with me around, darling," he murmured, voice deep and husky. He even dropped down closer until his body was pressed against hers, effectively pinning her to the ground before he was suddenly up and moving away with a smug flag of his tail.

[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]