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i will make you believe you are lovely — Lavender Ethos 
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Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
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Lilya Valrorys

She wasn’t sure if she felt so at ease because of the severity of the situation (strange, but definitely a possibility) or if it was his presence, but either way his words calmed her down significantly. He… He was their alpha just like Kisla… surely she’d listen to him? His touch felt like fire still, though not to the severity that it had before – it just made heat rise to her cheeks softly. The nerves that remained were the major insecurities she always faced, and ones that weren’t about to go away. She felt hints of guilt as the possibility of both of them being chased out popped into her head, reminding her that all might not be calm, and she could have potentially just torn Lachesis away from his family as well.

She drew in a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds before letting it out softly, her gaze finally looking for his. They… they could do this… right? “Can we do this?” She asked softly, more of asking if he could do this, if he wanted to do this and if he was ready for this. She knew she wasn’t but she also knew that she could and would try her hardest if he was going to too. Even if she had zero experience, with any of this, with being around pups or caring for them… she felt like her nerves were frayed. “M’super tired.” She mumbled softly – she’d been running on fumes.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark
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The ghost was exceptionally good at keeping his composure.

He had admitted to the blue-eyed sparrow before that he had no idea what he was doing; that it was all a façade. Nothing had changed. If anything, he had gotten better had masking his disheveled nature. He could not let the river wolves know that a basket case was at the helm. That wouldn’t be very good for pack relations.

Just like Lilya he was scared. Mostly scared of losing her, but also scared of losing Hearthwood. Guilt also reared its ugly head, making a nest in the dark corners of his mind. Perhaps he should have gone to Kisla sooner and let her know what had happened between them. But he did not know it would have ended up like this… with more Stark children on the way. The thought alone made the corners of his lips curl in excitement but he remained subdued, for now. He did not know if Lilya shared the same feelings and he worried that she would leave him just like the others had in the past. Everyone left. XIX just hoped she would uphold to her promise.

As she exhaled his peridot’s met her sapphire gaze with a softened expression. Can we do this?

Could they?

“Yes,” he answered, his tone gentle, as he nosed her cheek once more, “we can do this, Val.” He knew that he wanted to be with her, regardless of whether the Kingswood surrounded them or not. This was his home. Lachesis would do everything in his power to honour Maksim’s memory and ensure that the river pack succeeded. But Lilya… she was home, too. This place would not be the same without her.

“Let’s get some herbs for your injuries and rest before we call for Kisla,” he suggested with a slow wag of his tail. The ghost was still angry at Whitestone for the attack. and despite wanting to deal with the situation as soon as possible the sparrow’s health was more important. He needed to treat the cuts before the risk of infection settled in—that was the last thing she, or the puppies, needed.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
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