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Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo

At the very least, the crying seemed to stop. While he knew she wasn’t injured, it was some relief all the same. The tears tugged at his heart strings, no matter if he was hurt or upset or whatever else those nameless emotions were, rolling around in the pit of his stomach. Pip had bred willingly – though it was becoming increasingly clear to him that she had not quite understood what the consequences would be. That, of course, left the father of this illegitimate litter. If he had not physically forced himself upon Pip, he had, at the very least, not made sure the woman would be fine with bearing his pups, if the mating caught. He clearly was not caring for her now as he should be, given the change in scent.

But he would deal with this loner later.

There was no reason to stress the omega out further. Rumbling quietly, he moved to his sister’s side, shoving his snout into her ruff. After a moment of shared silence, he nudged at her side again, urging her to stand. “Come, Pip. We should go back to the territory. I would like to talk to you about pregnancy and pups, at least – so there are no other surprises.” His smile, though weak, was an honest one. “I promise, Pip. We will make it okay.”

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

Pip never had been talented at dealing with problems head on. She longed to politely decline her brother's offer so that she may run off into the woods and deal with her roiling emotions on her own. But, she realized, she didn't have only herself to think about anymore. She had responsibilities to not only herself and her packmates, but to the budding life within her as well. It was best she be somewhat educated to know if something was going wrong.

The mute stood shakily at Veho's bequest and nodded, though her tail had yet to unfurl from between her legs. Her posture was hunched and uncomfortable, both from her swollen belly and her emotional turmoil. But she believed him; that it would all be okay. Eventually. Not right now, for as well as the Alpha tried to hide it, she knew he was disappointed. Whether he realized it or not, he broadcasted it with his entire body. All she could do now was prove that she would not let it affect how she helped provide for the pack. Even if her paws were screaming and her back aching from carrying excess weight, she would not slack off. Since she had no way to assure him of that, Pip vowed to simply show him throughout her pregnancy.

She hoped she didn't let him down further.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]