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Played by Flywolf who has 128 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anaia Lieris

OOC! Okay legit though I just read the most depressing Jason Todd thing on pinterest and then what Namid said just made me lose it. Beautiful.


Word Count: 257

She was sure they would say no.  After all, who in their right mind would accept a wolf who even said she had nothing to offer them into a pack? She would be out and wandering on her own again, lost and alone. She couldn’t go back to the Monadnock; they would kill her.  She could only aimlessly travel the land.

Vespertio’s words stunned her. His trust in his beta was mighty indeed if he would simply accept her on that basis. He looked to his mate, and the pale girl’s heart leapt into her throat.

Her words not only brought immense relief and disbelief to the girl, but also a strange prickling sensation in the back of her eyes. She bowed her heads to Namid’s kind words. “Thank you.” She said earnestly, not knowing what else she could say. She had no promises to give, no declarations of boundless loyalty.  All she could do was give them her best, and hope it was enough.

Kajika had been right; these monarchs were nothing like the ones she had left behind.  Here, she had a chance.

Speaking of the man who brought her to this place, he nudged her cheek and congratulated her.  She smiled at him. “And thank you.” Because without him, she never would have had the guts to leave the Monadnock.  Without him, she never would have made it here.

She swayed blearily on her feet, exhausted and ready to sleep.  They were finally done traveling; hopefully, she wouldn’t be on the move again any time soon.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
A fade from @Namid is all we need to wrap this up <3

Much like the agouti patriarch assumed his wife had no arguments in regards to accepting Anaia, instead praising their newest member for the honesty she displayed when she could have easily covered her own rump and weaved together a lie on the spot to paint herself in a better light than just some lone wolf; unaware of just how Kajika came to find her, looking for somewhere warm to sleep and get an occasional solid meal. At this a smile of his own tugged at Vesper's lips, charcoal dusted tail swaying in good spirits above his spine. Yes, she would indeed be a good addition to the pack.

"Well, then that settles it. Welcome home, Anaia." He spoke warmly, stepping forward to lean his head down with jaws parted, wrapping them around the slender muzzle of the pale woman with a grip that was firm enough to portray her new ranking below himself and Namid while remaining gentle enough not to cause her any harm. Holding her muzzle within his jaw for just a few seconds his grip released, prodding her scruff to transfer the scent upon his own fur to hers. Officially marking her as a member of the Cove. "I think a long drink and good meal is in order. Come on." Molten gold gaze momentarily held Anaia's before shifting to Kajika with a nod, body turning to head toward the heart of the territory after briefly nudging his shoulder against that of his mate's.
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
I have loved the stars too fondly

The matriarch genuinely thought for a minute that the pale woman was going to cry, her brows rising in surprise she moved forward to press her nose to the woman’s forehead with a comforting smile. “Of course,” she said, her plumaged tail waving behind her frame. This was the sort of thing that she loved about her place, about her home. They were able to give so much joy and hope to those who had seemed to completely lost it. Even this year, at the expense of not having their own brood, they had given a dream come true to their subordinates who otherwise would never have been allowed to carry their own. To those who were given permission, this spring would ensure the prosperity of the pack and a new hope to those below them.

Auds swiveled back to catch her husband's words, stepping to the side as he moved forward to wrap his jaws gently around the woman’s in a show of dominance. Namid moved forward to brush her own pelt against Anaia’s before turning and moving to her husband. “I think that is a wonderful idea, love,” she said, her stomach doing a small flip at the fire his touch brought. A small breath was sucked in through her teeth. Damn this heat, she thought to herself. Again she had to remind herself that this was for the best and they always had next year. With an internal sigh she moved along after him.


To be fearful of the night
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