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long lonely winter — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
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Oula Whitebark

Oula's heat had resolved itself, and she became aware that her scent had changed as well. It excited her in a way, and filled her with expectant anticipation of the new life started within her. No one had confronted her on the matter as of yet, but Oula was sure her current state hadn't gone unnoticed by her packmates. She wondered what @Veho's thoughts on the matter were, but he had not confronted her yet and she had not made a particular effort to seek him out since her return. She didn't wish to offend or upset him, but she didn't know what to say to him, either. Come to think of it, Oula had never truly seen the medicine man angry before. While it was hard to imagine, she still felt like he had cause to feel that way. Their relationship tread a fine line between casual and intimate, and while he was her superior now they had been equals before. In short, things were complicated.

Oula understood the pack rules as well as anyone else, and that she had blatantly broken one of the most primal laws. The breeding privilege was one that was reserved for leaders, and neither she nor the loner male she'd coupled with held that title. She wasn't ashamed of what she had done, and she would not and could not hide it. Oula knew that every action had consequences, and some actions and their subsequent consequences were more serious than others. And so she sought out Amaryllis for the woman's judgement on the matter, to find her penance or punishment.

Oula followed Amaryllis' scent towards the border, treading along the well-worn patrol route etched into the snow. Her nose skimmed over the markings the alphess had left, clearly bearing the scent of pregnancy as well. That came as no surprise, as her and Rook had been seen together quite often. As she continued, she caught sight of the pale grey female on the path ahead. 

"Amaryllis," Oula let the name fall from her lips, loping after the silvery woman and waiting for her to stop. "Firstly, congratulations," She said warmly and honestly, meeting Amaryllis' buttercup eyes with her own sage pair. Oula fell quiet for a moment, her body stilling before she spoke again.

 "Do you have a moment? May I speak with you?" She asked.
[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]
Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
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Amaryllis Azalea
Turning towards Oula as she called out, Amaryllis smiled lightly upon seeing her. She was glad to have some company and she hadn't spoken to Oula since her return.

“Of course. And thank you.”
She nodded, slowing her pace until she eventually was standing still next to Oula. She hadn't realised she had begun to smell of anything but surely it was easy to tel regardlessl, since the scent of her heat had abated even a little since her and Rook’s...Evening together. And it wouldn't take a great deal of thought to figure out just why.

As she waited for the other to explain what she wanted, the clear scent of pregnancy filtered into her nose. Instantly, Amaryllis had a feeling of what Oula wished to talk about as a small sliver of anger filled her, because Oula knew the rules. Knew that she wasn't like Pip entering her first heat and probably had no idea what was currently going on with her body.

But then she remembered what had happened to Oula over the past month. One of her children had gone missing and she herself had gotten kidnapped looking for said child. The anger was still there, bubbling in her chest but she couldn't bring herself to properly reprimand the other woman. Plus, Oula was allowed to explain herself before Amaryllis fully judged her.

So letting out a small rumble in her throat, the leader gently, almost affectionately, grabbed Oula’s muzzle as if to remind her just who was top wolf out of the two of them before letting go.

“I suppose a congratulations is in order for you as well.” Amaryllis allowed a small smile cross her maw again.
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oula Whitebark
A few moments of silence passed, and Oula carefully watched her leader's body language. It was hard to tell what was filtering through the other woman's mind, but Oula could hazard a guess as the realization dawned on her just what had gone on. Oula was braced for the worst, and while she tucked her chin down defensively, she otherwise remained in place to receive whatever Amaryllis would dole out. By some pleasant surprise, she was simply given a growl and a firm grasp on her muzzle. Oula whined softly, her short fluffy tail dipping underneath her in submission.

As Amaryllis released her, Oula was surprised again to receive her own congratulations. That was not something she had expected, nor felt she deserved. The Whitebark woman ducked her head down. "You are kind, Amaryllis." She said with a small smile. "I can't say your kindness is something I have earned, however."

"I've come to speak with you about a pack law I have quite obviously broken." Oula began simply. "I cannot claim ignorance, and the situation I've put myself in is fully my own doing." She said, aware of Pip's similar yet very distinct situation. There was really no way to know the mute's side of the story and what circumstances had lead to her pregnancy. But in Oula's circumstances, she had knowingly gotten herself into this and intended on explaining it and allowing Amaryllis to make her own judgements.

"While I was away, I met a lone wolf and... we spent the night together..." Did she really need to say more of her evening with @Savion? The tale practically told itself. She sighed heavily. "I know that breeding is the leaders' right, a right that I've infringed upon. I've come to seek your judgement, and receive whatever verdict you have of me." Oula bowed her head low, eyes staring down at the glittering snow between them.
[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]
Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
Even if every bone on her body was telling her to run Oula over the borders and make sure she never came back or even force her head lower still, till her nose was scraping against the snow and make sure she knew where her and her children's place were in the pack. Oula knew the consequences of lying with another - and her mind stopped there when it was processed it was a loner that had fathered the unborn life growing in her. So the father wouldn’t be around, when it came to the birth or raising of them.

If she were another who was crueler, she would act on her instincts. But Amaryllis was far too kind. Oula was carrying new life within her, just like herself. And truthfully, the leader couldn’t bare to turn Oula away with that in mind. If she truly wished to leave then Amaryllis wouldn’t stop her but the guilt she would feel would be there regardless.

“Oula, though you're right in saying breeding is just the leader's right, I'm not about to oust you from the pack or attack you.” The words spilled from her mouth honestly, a sigh heaving from her maw as she reached forward and gently touched Oula’s forehead. “I know you think you deserve a punishment but anything that come to mind are too harsh and if I were more cruel of heart, I’d give in. But I can and will not do so.”

But maybe...blinking slightly as a thought came to her mind. It could be taken as a punishment, depending on how Oula took the offer. But Amaryllis knew it wasn’t anything even close to it.

“If you don’t mind it, your children can be raised alongside mine as if they were siblings. They’re not gonna be taken away of course.” She hastily added at the end, not wanting Oula to get the wrong idea. “But I can’t punish something that has yet to be even be born yet. And I cannot punish their mother either.”

Hopefully, Oula wouldn't take any offense to her words and accept her offer though she didn't have to if she didn't wish to.
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oula Whitebark

There was a quiet few moments of silence drawn between them that put Oula on edge, waiting for Amaryllis to make some sort of decision as to what to do with her. Finally as Amaryllis spoke, it seemed that she'd gotten off easy. Oula leaned into the gentle touch Amaryllis placed on her brow, tilting her face upwards to nuzzle her alpha's throat in gratitude for her decision. "Thank you," She whispered, before pulling away.

Oula kept her face steady as Amaryllis put forth a proposition. Truthfully, it was for entirely selfish reasons that Oula opposed this idea. She would take any punishment given to her and willingly see it through, but the one thing she would not do is give up her children. Even if that offer was given wrapped as a gift rather than penance. This litter was hers, and hers alone. Not Amaryllis's, not Rook's or Veho's, not even Savion's if the male ever chose to show his face around these parts again. 

But Oula would not say this to her leader's face, the leader who's benevolence she was wholly undeserving of. Instead Oula took a more diplomatic, if less honest approach in declining the offer.

The Whitebark wolf shook her head, "Oh, I couldn't. You've been too generous already, I cannot put that burden on you and your family." She said gently, but firmly. She looked into Amaryllis' face and smiled. "But perhaps they will make fine playmates for eachother."

(This post was last modified: Apr 20, 2017, 03:13 AM by Oula.)
[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]