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[M] Here's to the Fools Who Dream — Wild Rye Fields 
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Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
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Jessie Tainn

His words caused a dark grin to cross on her features. Good, now you know how I feel. Jessie watched him closely as he took his time taking her in. It had been so long since they had time alone and Jessie knew that with all the drama that the pack was going through, they would not be receiving much downtime in the future either. The grin on her face only grew when she saw his familiar crooked smile form on inky lips. No, this was not a game they were playing, but surely a dance. This season they did not have to worry about a pack for support, they had that. They had everything they wanted, except for peace, but it was a work in progress. Emerald eyes flicked up to his face again before planting another small kiss on his chin. Her voice was light when she spoke, "Who said I was playing any games?" Blinking up at him, she stood on all fours before making her way towards the exit of the den, lifting her banner as she left.

Glancing over her shoulder, she gave him a heated look, her voice firm, "Don't keep me waiting." With those final words, she bounded into the snow, a kind relief to the burning she was feeling all over her body. Whether he chose to follow or not was his choice, but she needed some kind of relief for the gift that was Mother Nature. Sighing, she rolled in the snow, enjoying the cool feel against the pelt before she turned to see if he had followed her or not.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
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Drestig Avalon

Seeing her smile made his heart swell even more, his own expression growing warmer. He was so happy to be back with her, not just physically, but like this, happy. The light tone made him chuckle, her touch and reply sending fresh warmth rushing through his veins. But then suddenly she was up, on her way out into the snow on quick, light feet. He tail waved high behind her, plenty of lure, even if she hadn't turned to taunt him as well; You little liar! He thought with a grin as he scrambled to follow. He would have gladly accepted her surrender already, but her playfulness was easily infectious, and he hurried after her, ignoring the shock of the cold. The snow had mostly stopped, only a few small flakes drifting here and there through the still air, thought the ground was littered in a fresh, thick blanket.

Already, Jessie was putting her mark on the blank canvass, seeking relief in the cold, and he could hardly blame her, as the same fire heated his own body. But he knew the snow would not be enough to douse the flames. Chasing after his mate, head and tail high, the silvered man called impishly: "Oh trust me, I won't!" Oh no, when he caught her he had no intend on letting go again soon. Even in the cold and snow, his body told him it was spring, and this one was so very different from the last. What had been only hopes and dreams back then, they had made reality, a home full of loyal wolves and growing bigger and stronger every day. When they had had Percy, she'd been brought into a shaky world, with just the two of them to protect her. But since then they had build a family, a stable home for the future with no more uncertainty; Not this time!

With a bright grin, Drestig leapt after his mate, stopping briefly to sniff at the snow where she'd been rolling, filling the area with her alluring scent. Then he continued forwards, catching up and snapping playfully at her sides, an affectionate growl rumbling in his chest. Yes, the circumstances were very different from last year, but his feelings were the same, and so were his intentions.


Word Count: 381

 Thoughts "Speech"
