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Living by Association — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Becca who has 31 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Vasu Stormwright
woot woot! Vasu is pretty much just using all his weight to shove her into the ground

It seemed his hopes wouldn't come true as Flair jumped into the fight. He noticed her sliding into the snow and once he could see she wasn't going to hit a tree his focus was zoomed in on the wrench who was trying to escape his grasp. There was no way he was going to let her go but he also wasn't gonna draw blood if it was something possible to avoid. He let out a loud growl and forced his weight into the damned loner. If she was smart, she would follow suit on getting on the ground or he would not waste a moment to get more aggressive. Vasu was not going to stop until she learned her place.

His tail raised above his back as one last warning sign. "You would do best to never come back to these thickets." Vasu's voice was low and stern. He clicked his teeth at the female. If she wanted to go now would be her chance but Vasu wasn't going to promise he wouldn't chase after her to make sure she was truly gone. Until he could see that she was completely gone he would not deem the place safe. She proved to be a hazard to those who lived her. The fact that he had caught her practically bullying Flair had been enough of a reason for him to snap.
Played by Flywolf33 who has 52 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kaela Isenhold



Word Count: 204

Kaela knew she was beaten, but that didn’t mean she had to like it. His sheer size was enough to crush her into the snow. She allowed her legs to buckle to avoid further injury – she wasn’t stupid. She kept growling at him, all but ignoring the attack attempt by the pup.

His warning to never return was met with an increase in her growl’s pitch. She glared up at him, ears back.

Kill him.

No, she couldn’t. Not right now. His disrespect would be paid back soon enough. Or she could just leave. Why stick around where it was clear she didn’t belong?

But she was mad. For once, she hadn’t started it. She had been minding her own business when the child had shouted at her. She had merely retaliated to the hostility shown her. Why should she give in to what was clearly a desperate desire to dominate? She wouldn’t be controlled so easily. She would show them.

With the beginnings of a plan forming in her mind, Kaela shrank back and wriggled away, pushing herself backwards through the snow. She snarled all the while, crystalline eyes darting between the pair. This isn’t over. She thought before finally turning and dashing into the storm. This isn’t over.


"Speech" Thought

[Image: laughing_like_hell_by_night_fury_art-d93n45y.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]