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rifle on my shoulder && a dagger in my hand. — Jasper Rocks 
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Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
Backdated to 3/20.  For @Nineva.

Had you been there tonight, you might know how it feels to be struck to the bone!

Pip did not know.

Over and over, it played in his mind. Whatever had conspired between Pip and her mystery man, he had to feel it was probably intentional. Consensual. But he had seen her face when he mentioned puppies, the parade of emotions as her thoughts raced just behind her eyes. She hadn’t known the act would result in children, and this loner hadn’t bothered to make sure she understood the ramifications of having a little fun in the woods.

His point was only made when the loner did not come forward in the following days and weeks, even after it became quite evident that Pip was with child. Never introduced himself. Never offered to care for the woman. Nothing. Lurked, like a ghost, and kept sucking up her affection whilst leaving her with whatever punishment a pack might lay upon her.

Ears rolled back as he growled softly, nudging the wolf resting next to him as he hauled his bulk out of the pack den. “Nineva, with me. It is time,” he grumbled, setting off at a steady pace. She knew what they were about to do – and only she did. With so much upheaval in Grizzly Hollow at the moment, he did not want to risk interruption. “No fatalities. Not today.”

“He need not know that, however.”

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok
Her forelimbs stretched outward, causing her spine to quiver with the stretch. Thoroughly roused, she hefted herself onto her paws and escaped into the forrest with Veho. For once, she felt something resembling peace as her thoughts turned toward what they were about to do. Finally, she would be able to see someone punished for the crimes they committed. It was difficult for her to be as forgiving of the possibility that Pip had been willingly mated, but regardless the man's guilt was clear cut. Zerxes had gotten away, Belladonna's murderer still roamed, Balthazar had never been apprehended and Rook still clung to the Hollow like a toxic mist. This would be a wonderful change of pace.

Her head nodded to show her understanding of her alpha's words. She could certainly handle putting on a show, her excessive frame and stern features easily threatening, especially to those who did not know her. As they walked the forrest floor, eventually crossing the boundaries of what belonged to them, her posture shifted to reflect this. Tail level with her spine and ears laid back against her skull, she all but prowled after the rogue's scent. The one that so often clung to Pip's guard hairs, that they had already identified and tracked before to know what they would be dealing with.

At Veho's mark, she was ready to put the fear of god into this wolf.