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just a phantom passing by — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by Ace who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Felix Macieo

“I never heard of it.” But the name ‘Crooked Stream’ was carefully lodged away with Felix’s ever growing pile of information. It sounded interesting, at least. And this guy, he was growing more and more likeable by the moment! “Oh! Me too. Well, without the strict part, I guess. I come from Grizzly Hollow – it’s not too far from here. My dad wasn’t strict, I just… I guess I never did very much? And my dad said when he was my age, he was allowed to leave and see the world. So I wanted to do the same thing.”

Admittedly, Veho was already honing his healing skills by now, but Felix didn’t mention that. He had no idea what he wanted to do with his life.

But that spiral of thought was not long for the world. Instead, Mathuin took him up on his offer to play and the boys leapt forward, clamoring up the rocky pile. Stones skipped and slipped beneath his feet; instead of fear, he felt only exhilaration. Maybe this was why Ophelia loved breaking the rules so much? It was something he would consider later – though their sprint was short, it seemed he’d fallen a bit behind. The lad was a bit out of shape, even if he was gangly – and he scrambled as hard as he could – the boy never gave much thought to exercise. Until now.

At the top, he was out of breath, huffing softly as he grinned at Mathuin. “That was awesome. There are – only trees, back home. I hope I find more thinks like this. You?”

Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
He hadn't really expected the silver boy to hear of them. While Crooked Stream had by no means been a shy place it wasn't usually openly discussed with everyone. So Mathuin simply nodded his head with a smile and kept listening to Felix. "Do you guys have grizzlies?" The large yearling asked as if that was the most important part. He had never seen one only heard stories from his mother and father about them. "I kind of get that I guess. I feel like I did too much, though. A lot was expected of me. I just wanted to know what it felt like to be free. But it makes sense that you'd wanna go out to see and do things." His tail swayed happily.

As they clambered to the top Mathuin noticed his companion lagging but didn't say anything. Instead, he only gave encouraging barks and glances when he was sure he wouldn't slip. It was by no means a long run but that didn't matter. The feeling that had come along with it was what mattered to the large Whitebark. He had made a friend, a fun one.

"Me? I don't know. I just want adventure no matter what form it comes in." He laughed softly and took a seat to catch his breath.
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts
Played by Ace who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Felix Macieo

“…you know, I’ve never seen a grizzly bear, there.” Or any bear. Veho had taught his son the scent of a black bear passing through, but the large omnivores were definitely on the yearling’s list of ‘to see’. The only real danger he’d experience whilst at home was one very angry moose. Maybe he should suggest renaming the territory to Moose Hollow. Or Bull Hollow?

No, those both sounded dumb. At least Grizzly Hollow seemed kind of powerful.

Felix shook out his thick coat before settling next to the larger yearling, tongue lolling out of his mouth as they caught their breath in silence. It was nice, to meet someone who didn’t insist on constant chatter, and didn’t badger him for ‘not listening’. When Mat did speak, silver ears pricked back up and he hummed, nodding in general agreement. Adventure. It had seemed scary when he’d first left the borders of his parents’ pack, but this? This was fun! Mathuin wasn’t frightening at all. “I don’t…don’t think they have plans for me. Both my sisters are more bossy. Better alphas.” Well, perhaps better was a strong word, but both Ophelia and Joan were certainly more commanding than he was. “Are you gonna go home? After you find adventures?”

Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
Well, that just didn't make much sense to the young Whitebark for a place to be named Grizzly Hollow but not have grizzlies. All he did though was form a small O with his mouth and nodded his head. Perhaps it was for the best they hadn't seen one. Most of the stories Mathuin had heard about them were not stories he wished to be involved in. He drew a thin line between his adventure and danger.

His head cocked sideways when Felix explained that his home didn't have any plans for him. Was that a normal thing? Had his family been the only group to groom him from birth to the role of guardian? It made something within him feel uncomfortable. At least he hinted that his sisters might be alphas one day. Maybe things were just a bit backward here than what he was used to.

There was a question, though. One he hadn't thought about nor did he think he could know the answer to. "I don't know." He admitted with half a frown. "I mean, when do adventures end and would they even want me back home?" Would there even be a home to return to? He mused aloud as if his new friend might have the answers for him. "Are you gonna go back?" Mathuin asked softly. Perhaps if his friend could go home he could too.
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts
Played by Ace who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Felix Macieo

At the very least, Felix decided, at least he wasn’t the only one that felt that way. Maybe that was why his father had been so supportive of his idea to see the world – maybe he knew things the yearling didn’t. He was going on his own sabbatical, now; he’d mentioned something, about not being tied down…but he’d dwell on that later.

“I dunno, either,” he admitted with a small shrug, some of the smile falling from his face. “Don’t think they know what to do with me, there. Not like I’m good at anything.” He wasn’t bossy like Ophelia, or strong like Joan. He wasn’t a good fisher like Pip, or a good hunter like Tyne. He was just Felix, who liked to count things and collect bugs…but none of those things made a very helpful wolf. Those were little boy hobbies. The wolf scuffed the top of the stone pile with a paw. “Besides, things got kinda weird back home. A bunch of the ladies are having babies and my father’s…not very happy.” He glanced over at Mat, about to share a deep secret. “My mama is havin’ another pup, but not with my father. And my father’s having another pup, too…and none of them are with each other, and they’re all mad.”

It sucked.

“Dunno if I wanna go back to all of that.”

Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
His ears pressed against his skull as the silver-toned boy claimed he wasn't good at anything. "You're good at explorin'." Mathuin sheepishly smiled to try and reassure his almost agemate. But then things got heavy. The atmosphere around the yearlings seemed to shift from playful to dreary. His ears perked the slightest bit. A bunch of ladies having children? Mathuin had to admit he wasn't sure his own father would be happy if that had happened back at Crooked Stream.

The large male's gaze caught the gangly @Felix's gaze. The words that came forward seemed confusing. If his mother had wanted children and his father had wanted children...well why didn't they just have children together? Of course, Mathuin wasn't knowledgeable in the world of romance and relationships. Not to mention the thought of having children never even crossed his mind. He was far too young, far too alone. "I don't blame you, Felix." Mathuin whispered as his paw twisted into the earth below. "I don't think I'd wanna go home if that happened." He admitted. The peculiar situation that Felix had described was one that would settle into Mathuin. Maybe it would help him understand things like that when the time was right but for now...

"I'll walk with you for a bit. If you don't mind." He rose to his paws slowly. Mathuin was ready to move on from this area and this atmosphere.

[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts
Played by Ace who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Felix Macieo

The compliment was lost on him, if only temporarily. Felix was already too deep in his familial considerations. To be quite honest, it was a small relief to hear that Mathuin would feel similarly if his situation back at home as similar. It made him feel less weird. Did it make the Grizzly Hollow conundrum any more normal? No. But he felt a little less out of place. He offered the other yearling a small smile, bobbing his head.

“I would like that,” he agreed, glancing down the slope they’d raced up. It wasn’t as if the Macieo boy was going anywhere in particular, or had to be there by any given time. And to have someone to talk to, who didn’t talk over him – that would be nice. Especially someone who clearly did not judge him for all the goings on back in the cedar wood forests.

“Let’s go.”

With that, the silver male began his careful descent down the stony hill. They would find their way out of the caves and back into the meadows. From there, he supposed they could decide just what they would do, and when they would split. But for now, Felix would content himself, and try not to think too hard.
