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in spite of all my fears, i can see it oh so clear. — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer

It was to Kyna’s utmost delight that the entire group seemed to approve not only of the decision to form a pack, but also her chosen location. Chosen name. It felt like she was doing something right, or had the right idea, like the lights in the sky had affirmed her decisions and her friends were here to do the same. It wasn’t Silent Moon Plateau, but it was never meant to be. She would hold the memory of her father dear, but this was for her. This was for her future with Greer and their child. This was for her future with those she trusted, whom she was willing to offer her all to in return.

“Wonderful,” she breathed, moving just enough to find the middle of their small gathering. “Than it is settled. This place, this is ours.”

The redhead tipped her muzzle towards the sky, the dancing lights reflecting off her fire bright eyes. A small smile spread across her jaw before she began a hardy song, announcing to all the world that this was theirs. The mountain was no longer empty and unoccupied – the wolves of Aurora Heights would make this their home, now, and long into the future.

Resources by freepik.com, table by Kydnt

@Greer @Iyes @Heigen @Ember -- Last round!  Send your howl up and we're done!  Thank you all for your speedy responses.  <3
Played by Becca who has 91 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Heigen Colette

Everything seemed to run so smoothly. Heigen couldn't have imagined that the thought of something so complicated had come to life in such an easy fashion. It left his tail wagging with energy. His eyes flickered around as everyone put in their two cents about the name Aurora Heights. There wasn't an opinion that was negative about the name. A small smile tugged at his ebony lips.

Just like that the deal was sealed. The Aurora wolves would stake a claim to this beautiful place and the world would know it. His instinct washed over him and he raised his head to join the call. The large male's voice was strong and deep. He had already worked on guarding their makeshift place but now he could guard a real place. Borders to attend to, caches to fill, soon children to watch over. Energy surged through his bones and Heigen didn't mind it for once. This was all something to be excited about.

Despite it being the wee hours of the morning or late night (he wasn't truthfully sure thanks to the lights above) he was sure they all would be given tasks soon enough to help keep this setup running smoothly.

Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Then it is settled. This place is ours. Kyna said the words resolutely, simply, and suddenly they were true. Iyes had a home, she was part of Aurora Heights, and none of it had been as painful as she imagined it would be. On the contrary it had even been a wildly pleasant experience - well, perhaps apart from the very beginning where she fell into a river and bruised her ribs. Her tail rose with confidence and swung from side to side as their red-coated Leader lifted her head in song and told the entire world that it was official - they were here.

At that moment there became so much to do, many things that the ink-coated yearling would come to learn in time. They would have to aggressively mark up their borders, leaving behind the scent of them in places that had previously been neutral ground. They'd have to watch those borders too, just to make sure no one thought they weren't serious about this new life. They could hunt all kinds of big game, now that they had the numbers to do so, and they'd have to have one soon to start the cache. But all these duties were irrelevant, at least for a couple moments more, as Iyes decided the primary task right now was to amplify her friend's call to the wild, to spread the word as loud as they could.

Black jaws lifted toward the painted sky and parted, her voice a crescendo into absolute certainty as she joined Kyna in staking their claim for Aurora Heights.
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

The willows and the monadnock had always felt temporary to the shadow. A change of leadership and an uncertain future had compelled the Archer to seek other options. At first he had wanted to seek out Kyna sooner, seeking refuge in the bend, but an unexpected turn of events had driven Greer north. Initially his stay at the rock was supposed to be brief. Help his sister and the silver spider establish the pack, wait for Morganna to give birth, and then seek out the strawberry blond. His stay only lengthened as he grew more comfortable and he toyed with the idea of bringing Kyna north. He knew, however, that she would never abandon her mountains. And the thought of the distance growing between them did not sit well with the lanky shadow.

His sister had been the one to encourage him to go south, to find his mountain girlfriend. Greer knew that his absence from Whitestone wasn’t supposed to be permanent and that Morganna wanted him to bring Kyna home with him. But here, with the aurora shining overhead and the crisp mountain air filling his lungs, his dark fur entwined with the redhead at his side, this was home. The home he never knew he wanted.

His tail curled high above his back as the redhead took the centre of the group, his mercury gaze never once wavering from her russet frame. He did not hesitant in joining her song, their song, his black nose pointed to the sky as the sound of the Aurora Heights wolves danced with the lights overhead. The mountain now belonged to them and Greer would do everything to ensure their position was not threatened. He had never desired the spotlight—and even now he still wanted to shy away from it, seeking refuge in the shadows that consumed him—but he knew he needed to do this. For Kyna. For him.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Cadence who has 112 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ember Reinier

They were all clearly in agreement. As Ember finally forced her eyes away from her sunset coated friend to better survey those around her, the strangers that had so suddenly become her pack mates, and the conviction in each of their gazes was inspiring. They all held the same hopeful light within them, the same determination to make this paradise last. She couldn't help but wonder, briefly, if this flame had been alive when her parents had founded the Pines as well. Ember knew the story well, of how Iopah and Koda's love for one another had made them pariahs, how they had struck out with nothing but each other and hope for the family that they wanted. They had fought and survive to make their own home, but then somewhere along the line that flame had dimmed and then ultimately flickered out.

That was what Ember was here to guard against. She would be the wind breaker for Kyna's family, for the fire that they were all kindling to. She would ensure that this place did not meet the same demise as her natal pack. That was the silent oath she was making now, and its determination carried through into her voice as she tilted back her blonde head to join in the victorious song of the Aurora Heights pack.

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[Image: BYPyAlz.png]