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take me back to where i need to go — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
You know, brothers. The tawny youth shrugged her shoulders, perhaps suggesting jest or some flippancy to her remark. Iyes could only put on her best fake smile, one that didn't quite reach her amber eyes. She had no idea what Kaden would've been like as he died so very early in her life that she forgot what he had even looked like. Thea, on the other hand, had never been very open with her sister. Whatever this she-wolf was referring to, Iyes hadn't any experience, though she did feel some sort of sad jealousy begin to pool in her stomach at the thought that she had missed out on something good.

Iyes forced herself to ignore it, and smiled a bit more genuinely when her companion continued. Now being a little tag along she could get behind. "I get that - I think my sister always thought that I was just sort of hanging on to her. She wasn't exactly wrong though." Thea had never really said as much, but Iyes had always gotten the feeling that she wasn't exactly invited. Perhaps that was why Kyna's suggestion that she come along with her to the mountain had been so significant to her. She'd been wanted.

Though it seemed like the other female didn't have the problem of being considered a pest, she did appear to have the same goal in mind that Iyes had only recently fulfilled. Her tail waved a beat against the winter-lulled field, a quiet excitement filling the amber depths of her gaze. "That's exactly what I wanted too. And it kind of took a long time, but I didn't stop looking for it until I got it. My friend Kyna leads my pack on the mountain. She's really nice," and smart, and good, and beautiful, and Iyes' admiration for the strawberry blonde soared about as high as the snowcapped mountains themselves, "and so is everyone else. That's my home now."

Her eyes trailed down toward her toes, wiggling them against the frosted dirt. She waited on an uncertain beat, mentally weighing on a decision before finally looking back to the girl. "You might like it." Another beat, a shrug, she added, "There's room for all of you." Probably, she assumed, not knowing exactly how many 'all of us' entailed. But the mountain was big, and Iyes was open to more friends.

scouting dem 3/3
(This post was last modified: Apr 25, 2017, 02:41 AM by Iyes.)
Played by Ku who has 34 posts.
sorry about the brief delay, this cold is beating me senseless :(

Vesper missed the social cue that her remark wasn't quite received. Of course, she hardly knew any better, as presumably everyone had siblings everywhere and they were among the living. It was probably best that she was in the dark on that -- knowing that she might have spent more time backpedaling and mentally kicking herself to last a lifetime. It wouldn't have done her all together (or lack thereof) image any justice. Either way, it seemed as though it didn't matter too much, as their conversation progressed smoothly. Her attention honed in on another snippet of information she hadn't quite intended to be privy to, but she didn't entertain the thought that perhaps Iyes had gone through a hardship of some sort.

No, Vesper found herself entertained with the notion that the ebony she-wolf had worked up the gumption to disperse on her own. At least that was the assumption that crept up on her thoughts, lending the question that she thought she would ask when she did catch up with everyone else. Had they essentially dispersed themselves? She didn't realize that she was subtly opening herself up to suggestion, that this pack this yearling spoke of was looking to bolster their numbers.

"You guys live on a mountain?" Her eyes went to trace the tallest, nearest peak to them. The thought seemed novel... and scary. Vesper had never gone that high into the air, there were plenty of reasons to avoid such things, among the previously listed. "How... how does that work? We always stayed away from the mountains, especially this time of year. The snow tumbles and takes everything with it..." Concern laced her tone, her head canting in thought. Weren't they afraid of it? An avalanche was no joke, nor did it have any concern for what it plucked off the mountainside like drupes ripe for the taking.
Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
no worries ku! i hope you feel better soon <3

Iyes watched the youth's eyes trail up the foothills to the snowcaps, her question touching on her own reservations to the beasts of stone when she had been on her own. Only her pack had made a molehill out of what was previously beyond her reach. Now she loved it - being able to see the forests and valleys of the eastern vale from the highest peak, able to turn and observe the flourishing eden to the west just by rounding a corner. It was incredible to behold - more so, at least, than this soggy field they were hanging out in.

"We live on a plateau so it's a little easier than living in the slopes but," she acknowledged the tawny wolf's concern with another lackluster shrug, "Danger exists in the forests and the fields too. We look out for each other, though, and that's what matters." Of course Iyes didn't know what an avalanche was and so she was able to easily swat away the other wolf's concern about the tumbling snow. One could only hope winter's winds carried away quickly and that possibility would hibernate through the spring and summer.

Swinging her dark head over her shoulder she looked at the mountain, unable to discern exactly where she'd descended from at the distance they were at. A small smile blossomed on her muzzle because even though she couldn't envision it, she knew that was where she belonged. Iyes turned back to face her companion and added, "It is a little colder up there. And the air can feel funny, like you need to take deeper breaths? But I got used to it very quickly - I've got my mountain legs now." She grinned and held up a foreleg in the youth's direction, flexing and admiring the lean muscles and great gams she had acquired from climbing. Placing her leg back down she lifted a brow in curiosity. "Have you ever been up?"
Played by Ku who has 34 posts.
i am trying, believe me. i wish this was just a cold versus allergies because then i could fix it real quick haha

Living on a plateau made more sense to her than living directly on a mountain. Of course, Vesper was smart enough to consider that there were no doubt advantages to such living as well – something that the ebony she-wolf was swift to point out when she showed off her 'mountain legs'. No doubt wolves living at an elevation would acquire muscles designated for such, just as she had an affinity for the water having lived around such. Still, it seemed rather bizarre to her to think about living on a mountain, even if the view was spectacular.

"That's true, there is danger everywhere," she admitted. Danger, if personified, existed in many forms. It could have been one of them, and it could have been some poisonous plant lingering out there beneath the snow, waiting to rise with the rest of the floriferous meadow. It could have been the lightning to come with the summer storms... the list went on in her head. Vesper didn't like to consider that danger did indeed lurk out there, it was too much of a damper on her usually cheery demeanor. Being aware had been enough, at least.

"And no, I haven't been up there before. I've seen mountains, plateaus, but... never really felt the urge to go climbing up them I guess." She smiled, fighting down the urge to shrug like it was no big deal. It felt like a big deal, especially in the company she was with. "I bet the view is lovely, or will be once things warm up again. How far can you see from your plateau?" If hills provided good vantage points, what did plateaus offer? Mountains probably meant she could see forever, barring the fine details.
Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Iyes did not want to dwell on the dangers of living either. Most of her early life she had been at risk of elimination, a fact that her mother made sure she thought about every moment of her life. Sometimes she still considered it, when she thought she was alone and a twig snapped, or when she woke up in the middle of the night for no reason. Out here in the day time, speaking with her companion, it didn't plague her as much. And she preferred it that way, leaving that piece of their conversation behind her.

Her tail beat against the soggy ground gleefully at the tawny wolf's admission that she had never been up the mountainside. "You have to see it," she blurted excitedly. Her entire life had changed when Kyna had showed her the mountain. Perhaps this girl could find something in it for her, as well. Even if it was just the clarity of seeing the world from way up high. "You can see the whole world," she insisted, her amber eyes wide with excitement. A sheepishness seeped into her bright grin. "I mean, not the whole world... but like, so much of it, you know? You can see where the forest ends and the next one starts. You can see the rivers. You can see exactly where you want to go."

Iyes paused, remembering that the other wolf already had a destination in mind. She needed to go north, and seek her brothers. Her grin waned a little, nearly resigned that they would have to part ways so soon. If she found her family, she wouldn't come back here. That was the realistic outcome. But Iyes was nothing if not a wolf who wouldn't try, and so she tilted her head and met the she-wolf's golden gaze. "Do you want to come with me now?"
Played by Ku who has 34 posts.
"You can see exactly where you want to go."

The words hung on the crisp air then, the biggest enticement that had been laid out before Vesper yet.  She hung on those words for the what felt like the longest time, toying with the notion that the path ahead of her would have been laid out in such a clear resolution that getting from one point to another would be easy-peasy.  She liked that idea a lot, actually.  Things hadn't been very easy over the past few months and the weeks that had drawn out through winter had been the worst of them.  Being on her own had really been the absolute worst, as she had never really had to function on her own.  The world with all of its dangers and the unknown were fairly scary.

Her companion's next question shook her loose of her momentary daydream.  Everything went holus-bolus then and something new gripped her entirely.  Vesper didn't answer right away, instead letting her gaze trace over the mountain range once again with newfound apprehension.  Go up there?  Right now?  Oh man.

"Up the mountain, now?" she managed to get out, ears slicking back with uncertainty.  The offer was really nice and honestly, too good to pass up.  But she also retained the ability to do just that, and that was the very thing that stuck in her mind.  Her gaze switched back to her dark-haired companion, only then noticing the waning smile on her features.  Vesper found herself backpedaling sharply on her thoughts, as the last thing she wanted to do was ruin any chance of help she had.

"You know the quickest way up, probably, right?"  Of course she would was the thought after that, but it was her chance at saving face and putting on a smile that was far more confident that she was.  "We could probably find the best direction to go and everything... that would be great, actually," she went onto say, finding it a bit easier to go with the flow this time around.  With a wave picking up in her tail once again, her gaze wandered back to the peaks off in the distance.

"Lead the way!"
Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Apprehensive silence sat between the two yearlings like a dense fog. Iyes could not see through the haze to predict an outcome. Her thin smile remained ever present though she did her best to mask her hope from her bright amber eyes. She didn't want to look disappointed if the answer was no. This was the other girl's decision to make and whatever she chose was not up to her.

But then she asked if Iyes knew the quickest way up - and she sure did - and voiced aloud the aspiration to find the best way north. Her dark tail thumped against the ground increasingly quick until finally she was given the optimal response, once which the night-cloaked yearling cherished with a brilliant grin. Lead the way she would!

"Great!" Iyes hopped to her four feet like a ~energizer~ bunny, turning toward their route to the Heights. "It's gonna be a bit of a walk and then a climb, too, but we can stop and rest whenever we need it," she warned, reminding herself that her companion was a lone wolf. Iyes was lucky to have good meals since the inception of Aurora Heights. Maybe she could grab something out of the cache for her on her way out too.

She flicked an ear and began forward at a steady lope, turning her head to meet the other's gaze. "It's totally worth it, though. Trust me." Then, an afterthought popped into her head. "Oh! And I'm Iyes, by the way."

fade/to be continued!