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mess is mine — Edge Stone Pool 
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Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laike Artemieva


She was more spunk than Laike was used to. Everything from the way she moved over the land to how she kindly teased him had a certain way to it. He didn't mind it, not for a moment. While earlier he was uncomfortable under her gaze it didn't bother him as much now. In the large male's mind, she didn't pose a threat for him to worry about.

"Ain't much of me that's worth seeing if you ask me." He happily moved next to her. The River wolf had no idea where she was leading him but that didn't matter. "But you.." He thought silently to himself as his fiery eyes quickly glanced over her. Stunning coat, nice build, and those scars that matched his own. Laike wanted to ask where she got them, who did it, what happened but none of those seemed very appropriate to ask his company. Besides, if she hadn't inquired about his own maybe it was best he didn't do the same.

His ear flicked softly as she asked him about Heartwood River. Pale tawny head nodded softly to confirm her first question. "I plan on sticking around. That whole nomad life isn't for me." His voice was smooth and genuine. Laike would have never left home if he had the chance. "What about you, Miss Stranger? Do you hang around here a lot or did I just get lucky?" Fiery eyes shifted to look at her with a smile.

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[Image: wrf_sig_by_becuffin-dax4am3.png]
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Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
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Adelayde Artemieva
she says beauty is pain

"That's debatable," she mused as he reached her side and they began their descent away from the river, towards who knew where. It wasn't unlike the Snow woman to just let her paws decide where to go. Not that she was filled with wanderlust, on the contrary she was well planted in the rye fields. Though, who didn't like an adventure to new places every now and then? Adelayde needed to get out a little more anyway and explore more what Relic Lore had to offer even if she planned on returning swiftly back to her home in the rye fields once she was full of adventure.

His answer seemed sincere and true as he assured that he wasn't around for just the moment. Now if she wanted, she'd be able to find him if she ever desired to as long as he kept with the River wolves. It didn't take him long before he turned the table back to her and asked a question of his own. A smirk followed as he called her Miss Stranger, her mismatched eyes looking back to catch his again as his question followed. "I mean of course you got lucky finding me here. But, you're even luckier I don't live too far from here. I'm about a day or so to the southwest." Wild Rye Fields was a much longer journey from Hearthwood River than any of their other surrounding neighbors, but at least she believed their packs were still on good terms. The Whitestone wolves from what she heard recently were under new leadership who only wanted peace with them, but part of her didn't want to believe them fully. 

Raising her mismatched eyes to the sky, she could see the dark clouds above them threatening to pour out the snow that was held within them. Suddenly, the gently cool breeze picked up speed and began to send swirling snow flakes about. "Did you order more snow?" She chuckled lightly before groaning with distaste. All she wanted as for winter to release its grasp upon them already and let Spring take its course. 

and there's beauty in everything
Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laike Artemieva


He laughed and shook his head. There was nothing debatable about what he had said. He was plain and earthy with the usual tones of most wolves. Even his orange eyes were nothing unusual. If they had been talking about her he would have agreed on it to be debatable. Her eyes were something he had never seen before. Nor was he familiar with such a well built and tall female like herself. He liked it, though. Laike realized he could have mentally listed all of the things he was enjoying right now but he didn't. He needed to focus on her while she was still here.

The beefy male moved next to her with ease. He waited for her next snippet of perhaps feisty words. Once her voice reached his ears his tail swayed behind him. He was indeed lucky and of course even luckier that she was so close. Laike wouldn't admit that he so eagerly wanted to see her again. Enjoy another bout of jokes and teasings with her. "Very lucky." His voice was deep and calm, masking the energy that brewed within him. "Do I get a name of where I'm supposed to go or who it is I'm asking for? I don't think me asking everyone for directions to the girl with the pretty blue and green eyes is an appropriate way to go about it." His voice teased kindly.

As they walked along a bit of snow kicked up with the wind. "I certainly didn't." Laike slowed down some and looked at his company. "If it's gonna be like this I should probably head home, you know. Don't think Hearthwood wants one of their members hanging out in snow storms." He shrugged his shoulders as his teeth exposed for one last smile. "Pretty sure your place might feel the same. And I'd hate for you to get hurt or lost, who else would be so kind to take a stranger for a stroll?" His tail swayed softly before he offered a gentle chuff to say goodbye to his company. He would slowly dismiss himself while tossing glances over his shoulder.

art by kydnt
[Image: wrf_sig_by_becuffin-dax4am3.png]
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Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
she says beauty is pain

Perhaps curiosity killed the cat, but in this instance, she was glad she wasn't a cat. To her, nothing was plain Jane about him. To her, he wore a mysterious and interesting aura that kept her curious and intrigued. Ade was never about looks, she was hardly one to ever judge, but boy he was pleasing to her eyes in the very least. That created even more connection towards him, but one could never know if it was truly real or even fate for such a thing.

His deep, smooth voice again questioned her further for a name of her home or herself. He was growing much more interested then last time he asked for her name out of shire politeness. Now, though, he truly desired her name or any trace that could lead him back to her. Musing to herself, she glanced to him once again, a smile upon her ebony lips. "I'll tell you what, you meet me back at this very spot when the new moon rises and I'll tell you all my secrets," she bargained, her brows raising as she glanced back at him again. Will he agree or shy away from her? Quickly, he agreed with a nod and she returned it with a smile.

As the snow picked up, Laike determined it was time to go their separate ways. Then came that toothy grin he had yet to grace her with, but oh did it just melt her. Smiling largely, "Hopefully, next time we won't be strangers," she said before she too turned away from him and started on her way home. Turning her head back over her shoulder, just as he did and a smile crossed her face as she retreated home.

and there's beauty in everything