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these lies i weave are oh so intricate — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Emmett who has 375 posts.
Inactive Deceased
As the seconds ticked on, Cottongrass couldn't help but become more and more aware of one important fact. Which was that he didn't know what the heck was going on. Like, not even in the slightest did he understand the exchange his two companions just had. Because yeah, he could understand Lorcan just fine! His pack had puppies and he was going to do the just and noble thing which was bring food back for them. And Cottongrass decided that Lorcan was thereby the best pack wolf or something, one that hunted and knew lots about plants which was pretty amazing to the white yearling.

It was just... Everything else that was said that befuddled the hell out of him.

Because his ears twitched when Rosalind proceeded to rattle off a list of animals and there was only one thought in his mind. Did Rosalind know a lot about hunting? Did she have a specialty animal that she always killed? If so, Cottongrass had never been more sure that he was out of his league than in that moment. It only worsened when Lorcan responded and said they were going to hunt mule deer. And he never thought to just start adding on random words to the name deer and he wondered if it actually meant anything besides just sounding smart.

But Cottongrass was nothing but positive in his confusion. His fluffy tail wagged away behind him and he smiled, one that had his jaws parting and tongue lolling out in eagerness. Because they were going to hunt! He was going to hunt with Lorcan! And Rosalind, too! With bright eyes he followed Lorcan's slender muzzle to where it pointed, gaze settling on distant forest that started where the tundra stopped.

Without missing a beat Cottongrass was all action.

"Let's get going, then!" He chirped, bounding forward with his rear wriggling and squirming about behind him. But before he could get ahead of himself he glanced back over his shoulder, paws stopping while he waited for his companions. "C'mon, Ro." He called happily, not wanting the girl to fall behind or something. Because together they were going to help Lorcan hunt and indirectly feed a pack.

And it was in that moment Cottongrass decided that while he didn't know the differences between a regular deer and a mule deer, at least it wasn't a musk ox. There was a positive side to everything!
Played by Maeby who has 56 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rosalind Andromeda-Tainn

Mule deer. 'Mule deer. No, no no no! F-Fuck!' The yearlings eyes widened. Mule deer had horns, or at the very least the men did. Though she was almost positive that her friends weren't going to be gender specific, and there wasn't really any way to ask them to be. Did it even matter though? Back home, nobody hunted any deer! Not even the females. But was that for the same reason? The Horned God? 'They're so excited.. I.. I can't..' Would it be possible to run? Well, sure. But the two would always remember her as an annoying flake, right? Wouldn't that tarnish her name, or something? 'If I tell them about my God.. They'll think I'm some lunatic! B-but.. Oh no..' The fae had never felt so stressed or perplexed in her life.

"Y-Yeah, O-O-Okay.." Rosalind responded, trying her hardest to do anything but cry. Was she really going to go through with all of this? Really? Slowly the girl began to follow her chipper friend, because what else was she supposed to do? She'd already practically agreed to it, or at least that's how it seemed in her head. 'Please forgive me, please.. I'm so sorry.. Just..'