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cage of bones — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn
Eirian's gonna attempt to make his exit.

Saliva clung to the man's face with each snap of his jaws near the woman's face, the points of his teeth barely grazing her cheeks enough to remove tufts of loose fur which stuck to the surface of his tongue and the roof of his mouth. A simple annoyance while his paws raking her undercarriage earned a more rewarding response from the larger wolf. Clearly, the mother to be was beginning to realize the jeopardy she was putting her developing children in and after a couple more strikes to her vulnerable belly the pressure upon his skin clamped between her jaws released and citrus eyes watched her stumble backward to shift from offensive to defensive.

A snarl rippled forth from Eirian as he used this moment to quickly rise back onto his paws, mirroring her stance and bared fangs while the russet ears upon his head listened to her final attempt at convincing the man to leave while he still had the chance. At this, he spat in her direction with a sinister smirk curling the corner of his lips before cautiously backing away and turning to make a bolt for the nearest exit. Yet not before pausing to offer a final statement of his own. "If we cross paths again you must tell me how many of your pathetic pups I killed in the process today." That smirk only growing wider before finally accepting it was time to leave.

With that, creamy limbs refused to delay any further and bolted through the cedar forest away from the fighting ring, content with the fact that although he may not have won the fight today, the chance he ended the lives of more unholy abominations in the process before they could fully enter the world was victory enough.
(This post was last modified: Jul 19, 2017, 03:12 AM by Eirian.)
Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oula Whitebark
Oula met the man's sneer with a grimace, a crooked expression that bared her fangs and curled her lips as if she had tasted something bitter and foul. She didn't want to think that he might have injured any of her unborn cubs, and at this point it was not something she would even consider, despite the cramping in her abdomen. He'd simply knocked the wind out of her, that was all. 

"You'd better hope I don't see you again," She spat, a threat she would gladly cash in on if the time ever came. "You won't be so lucky next time!" She bellowed at his retreating backside. If there was a next time, she would be sure that would be the end of him. She wouldn't be disadvantaged as she was now, her pregnancy weighing her down and forcing her to pull her punches. 

Her hackles still bristled in a jagged line down her back as she watched the male disappear through the trees. Oula stood silently for a few minutes after, watching the forest to make sure he wouldn't try to return as she brought her heavy breathing back to normal. She finally allowed herself a sigh of relief. Maybe she hadn't won, but the devil was gone and that was good enough. 
(This post was last modified: Jul 19, 2017, 05:53 AM by Oula.)
[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]
Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn
There was string of words his russet ears picked up behind him and Eirian couldn't help but laugh at the idea of them undoubtedly going along the lines of promising to do worse next time should he ever dare to grace this neck of the woods again while his paws weaved themselves among the cedar trees that stood like a silent audience. Did she really think he was stupid enough to linger around these parts after stirring up shit? Regardless of the answer to that question Eirian wasn't going to be sticking around long enough to find out.

Gradually the words that were bellowed out behind him grew fainter and fainter until the sprinting male surrounded himself with silence if you excluded the sound of his paws crushing the bed of pine needles underfoot and the heavy panting of his lungs with each stride he took. Once the splash of cool water from a creek washed over his heated paws and plenty of distance separated himself from Oula did he dare halt, salmon tongue lolling out from between parted jaws while a dryness made its presence known in the man's throat. Head lowered he greedily lapped at the surface and sucked in the welcomed liquid until his gut sloshed with the weight of the water, content to plop down in the shallow water and relax now that the adrenaline faded and zapped what energy he had moments ago. Yet again the Asurn would see another day.
