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i guess i take after my mother — Aurora Heights 
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Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Backdated to 4/14 - Night time, clear skies, 16 ° F, -9 ° C
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The high of the formation of Aurora Heights had engulfed the ink-coated yearling like a high tide, keeping her spirits saturated in the good will of this new beginning. Thrilled by this dream becoming a reality she had been more than happy to ride the good wave for as long as she could, but inevitably she began to settle into this new and official life, and the surf was over. An internal dread over the encounter the day prior to Kyna's beckoning took the opportunity to come creeping back into the beach of her mind, waves of discontent disrupting her sleep.

Beneath a night-cloaked sky she lay tightly curled under the branches of a white fir pine, her black tail resting over her forced shut eyes - but it still wasn't enough to trick her into slumber. She kept thinking of the life that she had known to be her's, all facts that were unequivocally true just a week ago. Iyes Attaya Luna was both her birth name and a name she never went by, something she often wished she'd just forget because it didn't matter. Whatever fragile identity she'd had as a pup was destroyed with Phaios' murder, and ever since then she had lived without a family claim. Wandering from place to place she had known those three things which severed any affiliation she'd once had: her mother was dead, her sister had left her, and her father was a good for nothing who had never been around.

Except, she had just learned, that last part was incorrect.

An ache set into her jaw as she realized she'd been pressing her teeth together, her jaw clenched as she reeled through the emotions that were fogging up her mind. Bright eyes popped open as she flicked her tail away and served the bright moon above her with a venomous stare. Maybe if she just walked off the kerfuffle she could finally fall asleep, she thought, and so wrenched her body out of its careful cocoon and into the frigid night air. Black tail lashing from side to side with a burning agitation she stalked across the plateau and toward the creek that ran through their territory, stopping when her toes were parallel to the bank.

She gave her black pelt a furious shake but still couldn't dislodge the idea that her father had abandoned them. It wasn't true, according to what he'd said. Mace Attaya had never known about her, or her sister or brother, and couldn't be held accountable for what their mother said about him. And if that was true, the way that the jet black male had insisted it was, that would make her Iyes Attaya. Reaching her muzzle forward she stared at her reflection, searching the depths of her amber eyes to see if she could find that wolf, whoever she was.
(This post was last modified: Jun 26, 2017, 12:16 AM by Iyes.)