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I'm gonna give you all of my love — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

The small sounds of the pup that had survived filled his ears and brought a smile to the dark maw. Despite the tragedy that has occurred to have the small bundle survive was a blessing for his friend. He remained to hear the names that had been bestowed upon the two that had not made it. For a moment he wondered if Namid had named her lost child the previous year before she had let it be taken from her to be put in a resting place just as Moonshadow’s pups would have to be. She needed time to say goodbye​ to them and mourn them but he felt that once it was time they should be buried near Anthem. Kajika felt that it was time he took his leave from the den but before he could go Moonshadow's voice caught his attention.

The question she asked him was unexpected but it filled him with a happiness he hadn't felt in a long time. For a long moment he remained quiet from the shock of it despite both sets of eyes on him as they waited for his answer. He nodded, “I would be honored Moonshadow and I will care for him as if he were my own.” He knew what it meant to be a godfather but he didn't want to be in the young pups life if something happened to his parents. He wanted to be there for Chan from the beginning, a constant in his life.

He could see Moonshadow was ready to rest which Kajika took as his cue to leave the new parents. “I will be outside if you need anything,” he told Tagg quietly before placing another lick to Moonshadow's crown. He then backed out of the den to find Vespertio there asking how it had gone. Kajika frowned as he moved to speak to the alpha quietly to not disturb the new parents. “It didn't go as hoped,” he started, “Her first two were stillborn but she did give birth to one healthy son she and Tagg have named him Chan. Mother, father and son are resting now.” The dark man explained as much as he could to Vespertio before giving him a chance to take it all in.

(This post was last modified: May 04, 2017, 05:18 PM by Kajika.)
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Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
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Vespertio Vuesain
Molten gold irises watched onward as the ebony male mumbled something to the parents before shifting backward to take his leave, the frown plastered across his maw where Vespertio had expected to find a smile causing a sense of worry to wash over his frame before his second in command began to inform him all that had transpired while the patriarch waited patiently. Immediately russet ears splayed back to brush again the back of his head, a saddened expression of his own adorning his typically handsome facial features. "Oh no..." Vesper spoke, keeping his voice hushed to allow the new parents their time to mourn and enjoy the single pup that had managed to bring into this world alive.

"When she's ready we'll have to bury them beside Anthem and our son that hadn't made it last year. Anthem will watch over them while we watch over little Chan." A heavy sigh soon followed his words, shifting his gaze from Kajika to the darkened entrance of the birthing den. "Stillborns are a fate I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemies, let alone those I care about." He then went on in a more broad manner rather than directing the statement toward anyone in particular. Fallen Tree Cove had suffered enough loss, both young and old. Hopefully, Neha's birthing when it comes time will offer the pack another chance of celebration rather than a loss.
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
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Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Moons just pooped so it would be up to @Tagg who takes the stillborns. She's also gonna fall asleep in this post but feel free to continue posting if y'all want :)

Silver eyes looked hopefully at her teacher hoping he'd agree to be little Chan's godfather. Her soaked tail thumped happily against the ground as the dark man said he would take care of her little boy as if he were is own. As she laid her head down she heard Kajika make his exit. A sigh was let out as her mournful gaze once more fell upon her firstborns. It was time to lay them to rest. "Goodnight my little ones. Ill see you again" she whispered to the small bundles before giving each one final kiss. Looking up to the man she loved she gave him a small nod, giving him permission to take them from her. She watched as her husband gently picked up their young and exited the den. A fresh wave of sobs came as the woman curled tighter around the small boy sleeping at her side. She cried until sleep finally overtook her. She would do anything and everything to make sure her third born was never harmed, so help her.

-Moon is now asleep and unaware of the rest of everyone's interactions-

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Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall



Word Count: 237

Tagg was pleased when his best friend agreed to take the roll of godfather. He hoped little Chan would bring some joy into the darkness that seemed to have taken over the beta’s life.  The veteran knew he himself would likely come to rely on that same ray of sunshine to keep him from sinking into the same darkness that had overtaken him during his time of fighting.

Moonshadow wished her final farewell to the two pups who hadn’t made it, then moved so her husband could take them.  He offered her one more kiss before taking the scruffs of both bundles – they were so small – into his mouth and carrying them outside.  Kajika was just finishing explaining what had happened to Vespertio, who must have just arrived.

Putting down the still children, the russet man nodded respectfully to his leader. “The one who survived is strong.” He told him. He would have to be. The anger stirring in the new father’s chest threatened to explode once away from the grief of the den, but somehow Tagg managed to keep it in.  Not yet.  There would be a time and place, but this was not it.

He glanced back at the den. “I shouldn’t leave her right now. Could you…?” He returned his pleading gaze to his alpha, unable to finish the question out loud. Burry my children? Even the thought renewed the anguish in his heart.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: magg_sig_by_becuffin-daxiy8t.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

He had been surprised by the question that Moonshadow had proposed to him but once he was over his initial shock he didn't have to think about it. For her to want him in her son’s life and to take care of him if it ever xame to it Kajika could be nothing but honored. He may not have been able to have children of his own but a godson was the best gift his friends could have given him. Through the anger he felt at losing Des and the stillborns Chan was a little ray of light for them all.

Kajika didn't want to upset Moonshadow with condolences for her lost children or words to tell her not to blame herself, he knew she would. Instead he took his leave of the couple to take up a place outside the den where he would keep a vigil for parents and child throughout the night.

He couldn't settle in just yet however as Vespertio had come to check in on Moonshadow and the birthing. Kajika didn't hesitate to inform him of what had gone on inside the den since his arrival. It was with a sad he spoke of the stillborn children and nodded as Vespertio spoke of burying them next to Anthem. “I felt that the best place for them, Anthem will take good care of them as he has always done us.” The former beta had been a Guardian to the pack and Kajkka believed he still looked over the lands that belonged to the cove wolves. “I worry about her, she will need the pack now more than ever.” He said with a nod. Tagg soon joined them with the small still bundles asking that Vespertio take care of them so that he wouldn't have to leave Moonshadow. “If you would like some help…” he offered to the patriarch.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
This will be Vesper's exit.

"I know.." was all Vesper could manage to utter in a hushed voice in regards to Moonshadow needing the pack before motion within the entrance of the den caught his attention, russet ears pricking forward while the other agouti man slid free with two tiny forms dangling lifelessly between his jaws. Once more his ears pressed back and a solemn nod was offered to Tagg as he mentioned how strong their single living son was before speaking a half finished question asking for the patriarch to dispose of the lives taken far too soon. The pleading gaze he made tugging harshly at the man's heart so rough he swear it would break into a million broken shards. He too had felt that same pain, although hidden better than that of his mate. Tagg hadn't needed to finish the question, though, the Vuesain's head nodding. "Of course. Go, comfort your mate while we tend to this."

Molten gold irises then watched the grief-stricken man turn and disappear back into the darkness of the birthing den, attention shifting toward Kajika when he offered to help with the task at hand. "Please. I think they deserve some privacy for a little bit." With that, he padded forth to gingerly grasp one of the stillborn pups between his jaws and begin heading toward the gravesite of their fallen Guardian. Once they arrived the tiny graves were dug and bodies gently placed within before the discarded dirt was shoveled and packed back into place, the alpha's head tipping back afterward to release a howl to express the loss the pack had endured today and the joy they would find in little Chan as he grows, each note alternating between sorrowful and joyous. 
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Ooc: This will be Kajika's exit as well.

Kajika was sure that Vespertio knew how much Moonshadow needed the pack especially after Namid had gone through the same thing. He needed to hear it out loud and know that by saying it he was helping her. He felt helpless to help her since he had never experienced losing a child, he had no idea what to do or say to help her feel better if he even could. For now all he could do was show her his support and hope she would tell him what she needed. Kajika's attention was drawn from the patriarch to the mouth of the den where Tagg had appeared and in his mouth hung the lifeless bodies of the first born pups. A grave next to Anthem’s had been decided as the most appropriate resting place for them. Tagg had asked if Vespertio if he could take care of them to which he agreed.

Amber eyes had fallen to look at his paws during the exchange, he could see the pups as they lay at the tawny man feet. He then watched as Tagg disappeared back into the den before turning back to Vespertio and offering to help. “Yes of course. I couldn't agree with you more.” Kajika had left the den for that reason and now it was time to lay the children to rest. He carefully picked the pup that Vespertio had left up in his jaws and followed the patriarch to where they would lay the pups to rest. The dark male helped to dig the tiny graves and cover the tiny bodies and when that was done he joined Vesperito in his howl for the pups that had been lost and his godson Chan.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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