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komorebi — Quaking Vale 
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Played by Grey who has 228 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Niles Archer Lyall
Even if he had expected her, had heavy suspicions that he had successfully tracked her down and had heard the thumping of her tail in the dirt, seeing her burst through the brush made him jolt. What shock had seized him immediately fell away though as she giggled and touched her nose to his. His own bottle brush of a tail was set into a frenzied, excited wag as his smile touched his eyes. "I found you!" she beamed. Niles gave her a low woof - one that unmistakably said "all right, all right, ya win" without actual enunciated words.

Her happiness and playfulness was infectious. It lifted all the weights in his paws and put oil in his figuratively rusted joints. It calmed the fluttering bird in his chest and set alight that spark in his eyes.

The Lyall reclined forward in a play bow, his own tail waving about like a flag. He shuffled to one side and back in a show of elation and giddiness, catching the touch of her muzzle to his own snout. He let out another playful growl that was part bark - simple, definite acknowledgement in who truly held power here. A huff was given as he caught his breath, his eyes still trained on Castel and her every move. For her ask if he was happy made him wonder again just what went through her mind in times like these. Thus far, as Niles considered it all, they had been two strangers who turned into friends and their constant companionship to one another had, well, brought them into something a little more... personal, at least Niles supposed.

At one time, Castel had been merely a friend. Now, as he turned the question about in his dark-furred skull, he realized now, in depth, that Castel had grown to be so much more. She had become his happiness. Most times - most especially when she wasn't feeling under the weather - he had no choice but to be happy in her presence. So, of course, he was happy.

"Yeah," he answered her, his voice soft. He finally settled back down on the ground, sphinx-like with his long forelimbs stretched out before him. "Duh..." He smirked at her, resisting the urge to chuckle at her for asking such a silly question. "Are you happy?"
[Image: grey-autumn2014sigNILES.png]
we can say goodbye, just head home, but if we're going to be alone
Chimera is currently traveling with Niles and may hop into this IC thread!
Played by Van who has 237 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Castel Lyall-Noor
I missed threading with you T.T - feel free to fade with your next post, or archive here <3

'Are you happy?'

She hadn't expected him to ask the same question in return. She figured that she was easier to read than Niles was, and that he wouldn't need the verbal assurance that she did. Apparently, she was wrong, and it felt... nice to know that someone else valued her happiness as much as she valued theirs. Even if she was bouncing and bubbly and they were playing, he still felt the need to ask her about her own feelings.

It made her feel all warm and tingly and gooey inside.

Huh. So much for being a so-called badass.

A smile spread across her maw and her blue eyes illuminated with mirth. She padded over and planted both her forepaws on top of his much larger ones and touched her nose to his forehead before bouncing away, tail waving. "Of course I'm happy!" she replied, falling into a play bow and facing him. "I've got a home, and a pack, and amazing friends, and all the food I could want..." She trailed off, casting her eyes to the sky above before glancing back to meet his gaze. "And I've got you!"

Laughter bubbled from her chest and she rose back into a standing position, changing the subject from the gooey and mushy stuff. "But I'd be even happier with breakfast," she jested, turning away and jerking her head lightly in the direction of their nearest cache. "C'mon, Ni - let's go!" The urging was light and lilting, as though they were going on some sort of grand adventure rather than just a short jog to the food pile. But Cas didn't really need grand adventures anymore - not like she used to. Because here, in the Vale, with her friends and her Niles, she could find adventure in the mundane activities of life.

And that made her happy.
Played by Grey who has 228 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Niles Archer Lyall
He gazed up at her from his spot on the ground, watching as she came over, placed her paws on his and planted a 'kiss' on his forehead. His tail gave the earth a few thuds before she came around in a bow. She was happy. Niles knew better not to assume (his parents had taught him that), and it made him even happier to know that her good spirits weren't just for show.

It was true, though, that she was well taken care of, that he had a home and a pack full of friends. That she did not have to worry about going hungry. That she had him - and that made him feel quite special. But, breakfast...

"C'mon, Ni - let's go!"

Without even a hint of hesitation, the Lyall drew his limbs beneath him and took his place at her flank, ready to accompany her to wherever she chose to go. He never knew with Castel if they were going to the nearest cache or some other part of the Vale (in his short-lived patrols around the territory, he was certain there were neat places for mice and rabbits and fish around somewhere) to scavenge and hunt, but that not knowing - with her penchant for spontaneity and living in the moment - sometimes made him even happier all the while more.

[Image: grey-autumn2014sigNILES.png]
we can say goodbye, just head home, but if we're going to be alone
Chimera is currently traveling with Niles and may hop into this IC thread!