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every gift has its price. — Aurora Heights 
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Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
SRY everyone that you waited 11 days for this steaming pile

Iyes tilted her head at the sound of Heigen's beckoning, her anxious expression melting into a soft smile as she trotted toward her mentor. She came up toward his chest, offering him a submissive lick against the underside of his muzzle before stepping over toward his side. At his question her bright amber eyes swept back toward the den and an absent minded swing began in her tail. "Sort of," she offered with a shrug. She didn't really know what it was she was supposed to do here, but her deep-rooted loyalty to the two - now three - within the confines of the den required that she be present.

Movement from the mouth of the den stole her attention immediately, watching as their shadow Leader rose quickly from the darkness out into the mountain air. Iyes whined at his approach, lowering herself in reverence of the new father while her tail thrashed in excitement. She wanted to congratulate him, maybe find a body of water and give him a celebratory dunk, but there was a reason for his appearance and concern written in the subtleties of his ebony expression, and that was more important than wickedness.

Plants, Greer requested, and a bright smile appeared on her face. She did know a healer! But it quickly disappeared after she recalled just how far away @Emrys was from them at this point. "I know a healer from White Fir Notch, far north," she offered with a frown adorning her muzzle, acknowledging the uselessness of her information. She squeezed her eyes shut and wracked her brain for anything better than that - anyone closer. They popped back open. "There is a pack in the valley north of here, where the lake sits on the mountain. Maybe they have something?" Her eyes flickered between the two males. "I can go?" Unless, perhaps, Heigen's guardian talents came with the added bonus of botany - something she'd also want to pick his brain for if it were true.
Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer

Oh dear.

She certainly hadn’t meant to set the small group into a frenzy. She knew Greer would be worried – it was unlikely that would ever change – but she was not in such sore shape that she wanted her wolves to go running halfway across the forest. It would be much better if they were close. While it was unlikely anything might happen, she was clearly indisposed, and Revon… No, that simply wouldn’t do at all.

Kyna cleared her throat and shifted, trying to peer out the small opening without disturbing her daughter any further. Though the noise didn’t seem to upset the infant, the new mother was aware that any movement would likely wake the child back up. “Don’t leave,” she hummed quietly, wanting her friend nearby. She would have to ask about this White Fir Notch later, when her mind was a little less busy. “I want…I want everyone here. It’s not that bad. If it’s not here, it’s not worth the trip.”

She sighed, laying her head back down on her paws as she eyed little Revon. Yes, much better to have everyone in the home and nearby, least a true emergency arrive. For now, they could all relish in the small gift the world had given them, and Kyna would pay the price without further complaint.

Resources by freepik.com, table by Kydnt

@Greer @Iyes @Heigen  Figure this can be the last round unless someone has another idea?  <3
Played by Becca who has 91 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Heigen Colette
His tail beat against the cool ground as Iyes showed him respect. As far as he was concerned, the dark yearling was a saint. With his help she would be a saint with unbeatable strength - or so he hoped. He chuckled softly at her answer. "I understand." His brown gaze followed hers to the mouth of the den where fresh life was now eating or slumbering.

The large male stood up as Greer exited into the night. A frown crossed his face as he let Iyes speak first. How did she know of White Fir Notch? Perhaps they would chat about that when this was settled. "I'm afraid I don't know the art of healing." His voice was deep and trying to hide notes of sadness. Heigen truly hoped it wasn't too bad. It seemed his worry would be soothed in the form of Kyna announcing her state. A soft sigh left him as she made it clear it wasn't that bad and she wanted everyone here. He nodded his head softly in understanding. If she wasn't dying or close to it then he was content to stay put.

His gaze flickered between the two dark wolves by him, wondering what they would do. The large male could only figure they would all settle back down at the word of Kyna but perhaps the father was more worried than the mother. In that case, he would help do what he could to ease some nerves of the parents.
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

He could not help but worry for his mate. Their daughter appeared healthy and strong, but she had drained the strawberry blond. The shadow mentally kicked himself for not knowing anything about after-birth herbs, or seeking out his birthplace for both knowledge and plants. His mother had been a skilled healer and although she had passed away Greer was positive she had shared her knowledge with one of her subordinates. The Archer made a mental note to seek them out in the morning, once Kyna had gotten some rest (and food).

A whine escaped him as Kyna protested Iyes leaving but he knew there was no use in arguing with her. The Archer understood why she wanted everyone present and he knew that nothing he said would change her mind. The shadow nodded slowly, his mercury gaze focused on his scarlet mate. “Food?” He asked, tossing the question in the direction of the subordinates. “Willow Ridge—west. Morning. Have healers, maybe.” He would not object to going, as it was his former pack, but he did not know if Kyna wanted him to stay with her. “Sure ok?” He asked once his mercury gaze settled on his mate, his features softening. 

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Iyes had nearly begun to plan the route back to the hot springs in her mind when a gentle protest emerged from the den mother. Though she certainly understood the decision she still felt a heaviness in her now shackled paws, wishing that she could have had a better answer. None the less she obeyed. "I'll stay right here," she agreed, her tail giving a reassuring wag even though Kyna could not see it. They would have to pick up a healer somewhere around these parts, unless - maybe she could also become an expert at healing? She could at least try. Behind her amber eyes her mind was rolling a mile a minute, imagining a hundred different scenarios where she would be better prepared next time. It was only when Greer pointed a question in their direction that the yearling returned to reality.

Food, yes, definitely. Perhaps just a little something to return strength to Kyna would help her feel better, even if it didn't necessarily ease the pain. Willow Ridge was a pack that Greer seemed to know - and if he was going to head that way tomorrow morning, then he'd find the yearling attached at his heels like a shadow. Whatever she had in her power to be useful she'd use. And on that note, the young wolf turned and angled herself for the pines. Thankfully she had at least one cache close by that had been recently tended to. "I'll go grab something for her to eat," she proposed. Her amber gaze swept between Heigen and Greer, awaiting any protest. If not, she'd go and fetch something tasty for the new mother.
Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer
They were good packmates.  Few in number, perhaps, but she and Greer had chosen well with the lot that had helped them found Aurora Heights and nurse it along as the months went by.  Such a small little pack, even smaller than Silent Moon Plateau in its death throes, but how well they worked!  Kyna’s heart swelled with pride (if that were even possible, considering he little bundle of russet fur tucked at her side) as she listened to them outside, humming softly when Iyes volunteered to find food.  Considerate, and good at following instructions both – what an excellent bunch.  Numbers didn’t matter so much when every wolf pulled his (or her) weight!
Settling back down tiredly, the new mother relaxed into grooming her cub until the suckling ceased, and young Revon drifted off back to sleep.  And that was just fine as far as the redhead was concerned – though there was but one pup, she found herself incredibly tired.  With Greer and Heigen remaining to keep watch, however, she was certain that she was safe – so that was exactly what Kyna and her baby girl did.

@Heigen @Greer @Iyes -- Thanks all!  Make sure to claim all your points, including for a pack event!