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You Will Be Safe In My Arms — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
I'm so sorry - I forgot to reply to this xD

Aytigin was not going to move from the clearing unless acted on by an external force, so he remained laid out close - but not too close - to the den's entrance. He relaxed as the other two men came and said their piece, but the usually-talkative wolf remained quiet. Inna had not addressed him directly, and the young mother was likely overwhelmed anyway. So, the man just closed his eyes and rested his head on his paws, intending on taking a little nap while guarding the den. It calmed his nerves further that Lorcan was close and Mace was just a bit further off; between the three of them, absolutely nothing would get near Inna's den.

It was rather... odd, if Aytigin thought too hard on it. How quickly he'd been domesticated by the raven and her packmates. After living a life of pure hedonism before he'd arrived in the River, he'd expected to spend his time here flirting with everyone, having a few flings, and just continuing his self-indulgent behavior. He hadn't imagined he'd care enough about one of the girls to watch over them and their pup while they slept, but he found that he liked this far better than anything he'd done before.

He drifted off, satisfied with the decisions in life that had led him to this moment. Even if he wasn't directly needed, he was doing something more than just satisfying himself. For the first time in a long while, he was investing himself in someone else.