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I Was Just Guessing — Umbra Copse 
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Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
i don't even know if i believe
Aurora Thane

The woman wasn't much of a talker but she didn't mind, the silence helped her concentrate on the job at hand. Her focus was solely on finding the deer, which had become so elusive that she wondered if it truly were injured considering how far it traveled in such short time, but that didn't stop her from casting side glances at Kuwindwa and wanting to spark some kind of conversation to break the ice but no words found her tongue.

She mimicked much of the woman's movements, careful to watch her feet and watchful of her camouflage in case her contrasting pelt gave up their position but time would soon carry them within a few meters of the grazing deer and she turned to her silent companion with a wag of her bushy tail. She could taste the victory but patience kept her glued to her spot, the only movement was her ears that perked to attention at the mention of their plan. She was the driver and the larger woman would be the muscle, it was risky but fool proof and Rory licked her lips with anticipation.

Her body lowered to the ground in an effort to conceal herself further while she scooted along the uneven ground, stopping only when the deer lifted its head no doubt because of her musky scent, and when she knew it was about to desert its position for safer ground she launched toward it, confidence controlling her. She'd become more agile as her life of a loner lengthened and her limbs propelled her with a speed no particular match for the deer but she was hardly far behind, turning sharply to confuse it and force it to double back around toward her waiting partner.  

What happened next was unexpected. There was nothing to intercept the booming hooves of the frightened deer and she watched in disbelief as it jumped over a prickly bush and into the distance. She watched the deer flee but didn't have the energy to run after it and watched in disdain as it's run resembled a prance as though mocking the woman who had startled but not successfully caught it. She cursed her luck. Silence fell over her and she wondered what had happened to the pack wolf, her scent lingered but nothing else remained of her presence, she assumed that her interest in Rory had faltered just as quickly as this meeting. It was her fault, after all, for trusting a pack wolf to care of her well being and continued in the opposite way that Kuwindwa's scent was, wanting to get as far away from the woman who had so easily left her. I didn't need her anyway she reasoned with herself, cursing herself for trusting the woman so easily.

-fade to black--
(This post was last modified: Aug 26, 2017, 07:34 AM by Rory. Edit Reason: Fading since Kuwindwa has gone inactive. )
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