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Fire and blood — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
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Ravenna Archer-Lyall
This is the post to take note of Sven's disappearance. Anyone can show up if they'd like, although Ravenna is calling for help to her pack. @Eskil @Enoki @Nicolò @Eek .

She hadn't been looking for him. To be honest, the first few days he had been gone she had thought nothing of it, had even assumed he was up north to the pack two days away. As far as she knew, they were more or less allies. Ravenna herself had met a good handful of their members, each rather polite and respectful. It was Kerberos whom she had favored, who had done so much to help her on her venture for a very specific fungi. She had a good that soon, now that the children were born, she would be able to steal some time away to meet Kerberos in the middle for a day's training session on herbs and he had asked her too months ago. Surely they could use the help, if only to ease a mother's pains, lethargy and anxiety.

Ravenna's head lifts to the overcast sky, taking in a deep breath. His scent was strong here. "Sven...?" The name whispered under her breath, the name of both her nephew and her Leader. As the days went by without seeing her nephew she began to wonder if him. What was he up to now? Perhaps he had not gone to the north after all. Perhaps Sven had gone east to the mountains and this was not odd for him to do ether. Sven cared deeply for his pack, but as a young wolf (as Ravenna's self) he still was curious of the land around him. The world was filled with both beauty and disaster but even if he was curious nothing trumped the comforting Willow forest of home. He had promised he was here for the long haul and Ravenna had trusted him.

It had been weeks now, however, and Sven's scent on the borders was fainting, replaced by both Nicolo and Eskil's as far as the men in the ranks went. A high pitched whine vibrated out from her throat and into the air as she pressed her nose to the ground, the scent of blood mixed into the caked earth. Ravenna followed it south and it grew stronger. The tall grasses and fresh soil holding onto the blood here. It smelt of someone she did not know, though more importantly it smelt like Sven. He had gotten into a fight, this much was obvious. But with who? And where did they go? Her worry and anxiety heightened, she kept her nose to the ground, sniffing out the fields furiously in her search. The silver belle pauses, only to lift her head to the sky and call out to her breathren for help. Something had happened to their Leader.
Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
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Nicolò Archer

Nicolo took it upon himself to become extra attentive after the children were born. His mate had born him a beautiful daughter and son, it was more than he could ever ask for. However, as he went on hunts in order to continue providing for Enoki and going by the border in order to remark them now that she was nursing their children, something became very clear to him: Sven's scent was fading from the borders. At first, Nicolo shook it off. It was not uncommon for a leader to need to take business outside of the pack borders and with numbers as low as they were, the Archer was grateful that his nephew hadn't asked him to leave Enoki's side to do whatever it was that needed to be done. Nicolo needed time with Enoki and his children, to form his familial bond with them, especially since he lost Adele and Elettra. This allowed him to do so.

As the days turned into weeks, the dark man doubted that Sven had simply gone away on a diplomatic trip. Nicolo began to resent him for leaving them, as he doubted something dire happened to him now. The snow had since melted and they were no longer facing such dire times. The younger Archer had been so determined to take Nicolo's place as second and then uproot Renier from his throne, causing the former to leave indefinitely. It made no sense for Sven to leave now when he had everything and Nico resented him for it. He had just finished lifting his leg to mark the borders, with the intents of returning to Enoki's side when a call from Ravenna filled the air. She needed help.

Without a second thought, the dark man tore up the ground beneath his paws, yellow eyes narrowing against the wind and watering against the bitter backlash. When he came upon his silver niece, the first thing he noticed was the scent of blood and the second - Sven. Guilt slammed into Nicolo's heart, ears flicking back with the realization that something could have gone wrong. He knew if it had been anyone else within the ranks he would have worked harder to find them perhaps and it was his own selfish beliefs that led to this. They would have to find him or at least try but by this point, there was the possibility that they were already too late.

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
It did not come as any shock to Ravenna when Nicolo arrived to the scene firstly. Had Sven still been here, he would have been the one to come to her call first and if not him, then Enoki, although she now did not stray far from the birthing den with the pups still very young and unable to move around on their own. For the longest time, Willow Ridge had been a rather small pack of five or six wolves. The options were limited on who would arrive though she was thankful for her uncle. After all, @Eskil did not know Sven like her uncle and Enoki did and @Eek probably only just met him before he had gone. Ravenna had yet to fully have a conversation with the new girl, ether, and had more or less disregarded her whilst being so busy. Not a move Ravenna was particularly proud about. They were broken up enough as it was.

Padding over to her uncle, she presses her forward to his shoulder, offering a whine to express her worry and frustration. Would Nicolo be happy Sven was gone? Ravenna had no doubt Nicolo did not care for the young man. After all, he had taken his second position and had caused Renier to leave, only to have him gone now too?? Ravenna began to wonder if her father had placed some kind of curse on Willow Ridge that no wolf, perhaps not even Skoll or @Niles would ever make it at the head of Willow Ridge.

Ravenna's throat tightens, thinking back on her thoughts of Sven's every intention of making this pack great again. That he would not abandon them, as she had thought Attica never would. That one day, they would rule Willow Ridge and it would be something for her parents to be proud of. Perhaps, however, the pack of Willow Ridge was never meant to be a pack without Angier Lyall and Elettra Archer. "The trail goes south beyond Relic Lore..." She speaks softly, her voice offering a sense of defeat. She would fight back the tears. Sven wouldn't have wanted them. "I ..." She hesitates. She did not know what to do. She could run after him into the unknown world beyond the fields, hoping not to get lost. Hoping to make it back to her pack with Sven in tow, but it was a risk she could not make. "I'll go to Charred Ash Draw..." She then makes up her mind. If she could not follow him beyond Relic Lore, she could at least get out the word, should he show up, should anyone have any clues... "...Let them know what happened, have them keep a look out." It was more or less a statement. If Nicolo would be leader now, he still would not be able to tell her no. She would deliver the bad news as she had delivered such before to the north.

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nicolò Archer

The dark Archer wrapped his neck around Ravenna’s in an act of comfort. She reacted thusly so to the disappearance of Sven. Ravenna was the closest to Sven out of those who remained in Willow Ridge. The newest members were of no consequence to Nicolo, as he had not made of close acquaintance of them. Though he was not proud of that, he had other important matters to occupy his time, much like the current situation, of which none had shown up. His brows furrowed in concern. With only serve to divide them further? Sven’s rise to leadership was already something of a concern but with all the newcomers Nicolo had not been overly worried about the future of the Ridge, but now that he was to lead them? Who was to say that they would. He very much doubted that he even had his niece’s support. He would not dare to even broach the topic now, for the woman had lost someone dear to her and he had no right to be thinking about himself when Sven, his nephew, was missing.

A frown tugged on his lips when the light woman tugged away, light yellow eyes searching her. Nicolo’s frown only deepened when Ravenna spoke, her tone reminding him very much of himself when he lost Adele. His heart gave a lurch at the thought. Her determination was heartening, however, and the dark man simply nodded his head in acknowledgement. It would do them good to have further contact with their neighbors, despite the circumstances. When he spoke, his voice was soft, "Hey? Don’t give up. If Sven has the opportunity to get back here, he will." After all, his nephew was quite determined to see Willow Ridge rise by his paw again and he could not fathom why he would leave without reason.

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
I suppose we can wrap this up if you want to make one more post?

For the time being, Ravenna remained silent, only nodding when Nicolo told her to not give up and surely, with how determined Sven was, he would make it back to them, injured or not. The fact that Sven night die of his wounds, or was murdered in that scuffle, did not even cross Ravenna's mind. It was not an idea she could fathom.

Lifting herself back up to her usual 'high and mighty' display, Ravenna would not once more, as though confirming to herself what she planned to do. "I'm going to look south a little further and see what I can find... I'll head out to the Draw in the morning." With a last farewell to her uncle with a touch of her nose to his shoulder, she turned off and trotted further south. Unfortunately out in the unknown landscape, she would loose the scent of her nephew, leaving it up to the gods if Sven would ever come goes it not.

Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nicolò Archer

His niece looked so defeated and then in the next instance he was completely stunned. Ravenna took his breathe away for a moment, her show of strength reminding him very much of her mother. Pale yellow eyes softened at the memory of his sister. If she had ever told him that she could conquer the world, he would have believed her and in that one moment had Ravenna said the very same thing, he would have believed her too. With her parting words, the dark Archer only offered a nod of acknowledgement, not wishing to upset her even more. Out of every one in the pack, she was the one that was closest to Sven.

Nicolo brushed her shoulder in farewell, watching her departing form, a deep frown on his face. With Ravenna gone, the responsibility went to him to tell the rest of the pack what they had found. It did not bring him great joy to find that his nephew was gone, a valued member of Willow Ridge, despite the trouble he may have brought them in the past. A heavy sigh escaped the Archer’s maw as he forced himself to turn back towards home to tell those that were now under his command what had befallen his nephew.

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief