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with my back against the wall. — Edge Stone Pool 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan watched the bird take to the sky with a few beats of its large wings. So it was a bird then? Hm. It was almost funny, that the two of them -who were arguably the grumpiest, toughest wolves in the north- had both gotten spooked by a bird. And not even an intimidating one at that. Eagles and various other birds of prey had long talons, so any sane would would avoid them, but this one? It was just a goofy thing, with a pointed beak and ridiculously long neck. It's name didn't immediately jump to Askan's mind, but he knew the bird ate fish. Hence as to why it had been loitering around the pond, hiding in the long grass.

The Selwyn didn't expect-or even really want- Reyes' condolences, but he got them anyway as well as a whole load of kisses.He knew that they weren't empty words, that Reyes only said something if he meant it but even so they did little to mend his wounded heart.

"Everly is gone. She went back home months ago to tell them where I was and she never came back. She wouldn't just...go like that. She's gone too, like the rest and I-" He stumbled to a stop and pulled in a shaky breath, as though that would help him gather his senses. It didn't, not by much anyway."And I know you and the Old Man and Lachesis care but...S'not the same is it?" Leaning into his mate's touch, Askan's eyes fluttered closed."I wanted to go home one day, like Everly did, to fix things. But I can't and...and they all died th-thinking I hated them."

He might have spat insults and behaved like an infant, but Askan never hated them. Not really. They at the very least, deserved to die in peace, but Savion stole that chance from them and in all likelihood they died scared and alone as he whittled them down one by one.

"Just not sure what to do anymore. Feel so off kilter, like I can't even remember who I was."

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

When Askan did not respond to soft words or soft kisses in the slightest, the older wolf drew back, ears folding against his head. So what if they thought Askan hated him? The beta had been pretty sure the rest of the pack had hated him, hadn’t he? Their loss, Reyes had said, though clearly, the Selwyn didn’t see it the same way. For perhaps the first time, he started to wonder if perhaps they weren’t of the same ilk – his tail hung limply behind him, and he just listened. Fix things.

Should he do the same?

No. Even if he found his way back to the hillside his mother raise him on, they’d dispersed when the naked bears had come. Thunder sticks, another wolf had told him, though he’d never seen for himself. It hadn’t bothered him as it did them, but that was the point, wasn’t it? The twins and his mama, they could be anywhere right now – even in the cold, hard ground.

Reyes exhaled nosily, stepping away to wade back into the water. His hunt was over, and clearly, Kana was uninterested as his best attempts at empathy. “Don’t see why you can’t go back to what you were doin’. Guardian, and all that. Drestig trusts you. An’ there’s puppies to take care of now, too.” He didn’t particularly care for small bundles of fur, but maybe they’d perk Askan up. He glanced back over his shoulder, expression particularly neutral as he studied the younger wolf. “You give up now? You might as well died on those damn rocks, ‘cos he still won anyways. And I never too you for a pushover, Selwyn.”

REYES | Dead man walking.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan couldn't help but frown as his mate pulled away and turned his back on him. His ears twitched at the sound of Reyes' paws dipping into the pond and sloshing the water about as he pushed further in, putting even more space between them. Perhaps turning him down like that had been rude, but what was he supposed to say? Was he supposed to lie and say he felt better? He just assumed that Reyes would want him to speak his mind, as that was just what Askan wanted in return.

"Mmm." Askan agreed with a hum as he followed the southerner into the water. He waded in till he was knee high then sat down on his haunches with a pleased sigh. He remained content, at ease, but soon enough he felt the sting of Reyes' words and he squinted in annoyance."I'm not a pushover. And I'm not giving up. I just...wanted you to understand where I was coming from, who I am now. I won't lie to you, Reyes. Not ever."

And he meant it, with everything he had. He'd never been the sort to smother his thoughts, to keep them hidden and damn it, he wasn't going to start to now. Especially not with Reyes, anyone but him.

"I just want you to know all of me. The good, the bad and the...the rest." He shrugged, not really sure where he was going with that part. Oh Gods, this all seemed so cliche but it was true. If either one of them were to die tomorrow then at least they would know this. No more things left unsaid."And I want to know you too, I guess. Like no one else does."

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

I just want you to know all of me.

The words rattled around in Reyes’ skull, forcing his silver eyes down to stare at his paws beneath the gentle waves. His ears flattened out into airplane mode, grinding his teeth together – he opened his mouth, and promptly snapped his jaws shut. No. Now wasn’t the time. Askan’s family had just died, and he certainly didn’t need his mate’s woes piled on top of whatever else he was currently dealing with. That he couldn’t help the beta with the situation at all, either…

He huffed a sigh and wiggled his toes before wading in a few more steps. Instead of sitting, the bulky wolf simply flopped down, allowing the water to lap at his sides as he finally glanced back at Askan. No, he couldn’t tell the beta what he felt, how good killing Savion felt and how much that scared him, but he supposed he could give the man something else. Even if it seemed small – no one north of the border had the same information.

“My name isn’t Reyes. Well, my full name ain’t. My mama named me Gabriel Reyes – but I ditched the first part when I ditched the rest of my family. Didn’t suit me like ‘Reyes’ did.”

REYES | Dead man walking.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

To be honest, Askan didn't know what he'd hoped for, or even expected. But as he watched his mate gracelessly lay down, he couldn't help but offer him a tiny smile of amusement. He looked good, bathed in the light of the sun, as though this was where he was meant to be. Was this why he preferred to live further south, where it was almost always like this? Did the springtime weather bring him a sense of relief, like he was home again or was it just a sad reminder? Askan hoped it was the latter, but it was hard to tell for his silver grey eyes held many secrets. Of that he was sure.

But then Reyes spoke and Askan couldn't help but stare in confusion, with a tint of disbelief thrown in for good measure.

What?Really? The Selwyn squinted at him for a moment to see if he was pulling his tail but there was nothing but honesty on his face. His name wasn't just Reyes like Askan had always assumed. And could he be blamed for it? He said he'd been a loner all of his life, so Askan thought that maybe lone wolves didn't have last names like pack wolves did. It was stupid, and probably rather prejudiced of him but at the time it'd made sense.. But now he knew better and that's what mattered, right?

Getting to his feet, Askan ambled over to where his mate laid and draped himself over the southerner with huff. There, that was better.

"Gabriel Reyes." Askan repeated aloud, after going over the name repeatedly in his head. Like a manta and just as holy. He didn't just utter it plainly, as though he'd say any other title. No, his voice was heavy with veneration and affection, like he just couldn't get enough of what he'd been given."Gabriel Reyes...Hmm. I think I like it. Don't see why you don't."

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Reyes actually cringed when his partner said his birth name out loud, ears folded back as if the words actually hurt to hear. Shit, he hadn’t heard that calling in so many seasons. If he were totally honest with himself, he still wasn’t sure if he wanted to hear it yet…or at all. But if there were ever a wolf who should know what his name was once, it was likely the one he shared the pond with. The wolf grumbled softly – if Askan hadn’t decided he made a good perch, he might have had more to say. As it were, he simply craned his neck to squint at his lover…and then he stayed put, allowing the cold water to nibble at his shoulders gently.

“I just don’t. Ain’t up for discussion.” His eyes slowly slid shut as he pretended to stare out into the center of the water source. “And it’s a secret. No one knows but you, comprende?”

It should have been a threat. But it wasn’t. If asked, Reyes would blame it on his exhaustion, or maybe his empty belly. (The empty belly he didn’t mind until a heron had half scared him out of his wits.) “Now hush. I’m enjoying this.”

REYES | Dead man walking.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

A few moments ago Askan would have most likely flinched at the icy look Reyes sent his way. Or at the very least would have been upset by it, in one way or another. But now, as he was splayed out on top of his mate he knew that no real harm was meant, and that if Reyes truly didn't like it then Askan would damn well know about it. He'd never been the sort to suffer in silence and honestly, the Selwyn wouldn't have put it past him to shake him off his back like he was a stray leaf caught in his fur.

If Reyes wanted to squint and scowl,  then that was okay.  Askan wasn't going to argue or tell him to do otherwise, like a nagging wife. He might have before-you know, before shit had hit the proverbial fan- but now he was willing to let it slide. More for his sake than Reyes', as he just didn't have the will to kick up a fuss, but even then his mate's mood did play a part in his decision. Mourning or not, Askan would always want Reyes to be happy. That's just how it was and much to his surprise it came as naturally to him as breathing. Like it was meant to be.

Chuffing, Askan wriggled forward-smooshing Reyes further in the process- and kissed the tip of his nose. It was the least he could do and it wasn't as though kissing him had ever been a chore. Not even now.

"Fine." Askan agreed, as he readjusted to rest his chin on the width of his neck."Won't tell a soul."

Askan liked his name and so just couldn't understand why Reyes-or rather Gabriel- didn't feel the same way. But if this was what he wanted, for it to be a secret between the two of them then that was what it was going to be. Askan told Reyes all sorts of things, be it personal stuff or just random thoughts that popped into his mind. So with that in mind, he assumed that there was a silent agreement of confidentiality between them. This wasn't anything new, it was another facet of their relationship, a sign that they knew each other like no one else did.

Being told to shut it wasn't his idea of fun, but to Reyes' credit he put it in the nicest way possible. Still, that didn't stop Askan from huffing, like a child who'd just been scolded. Still, it was leagues better than how he'd felt before. If anything it was refreshing, like a blast from the past.

"Grumpy old git." 

(This post was last modified: Jun 11, 2017, 04:23 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Thankfully, Askan seemed willing to agree – or if not that, at least unwilling to argue the point any further. Frankly, the older wolf wasn’t sure why anyone cared so much. It wasn’t like he was declaring himself a god amongst wolves, nor insisting he call Askan something like ‘asshole’ or ‘fish face’ on a regular basis. (Even the once insults felt more affectionate than anything else these days, even when he was truly frustrated with his mate.)

The kiss broke him free from the trailing thoughts and Reyes shifted his weight with a soft grunt, determined not to actually unseat his partner as he tried to get more comfortable in the water. “If I didn’t know better,” he groused, trying to disguise the smile tugging at the corner of his lips, “I’d think you were tryin’ to drown me, or somethin’.” But it was mild at best and Reyes relaxed into the easy affection. It was something that had been missing between them the last few days (or weeks), and even if he wasn’t going to say it out loud, the gamma was happy for the return of this part of their relationship.

“Let’s go hunting later.”

Later, though. This moment was good.


REYES | Dead man walking.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]