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You're a true work of art — Pasos al Cielo 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan couldn't help but laugh, wholeheartedly until his whole frame shook.His eyes stared to water a little and his lungs started to hurt a bit, but that didn't stop it. It was damn funny. He was funny, with his stupid squint and sour expression. Askan couldn't help himself. It was too much, too funny for him not to have a laugh.  And the fact Reyes called him a meathead just made it all the funnier. How serious he was trying to be, when in reality there was nothing to frown at. Not when Kana was so happy, for once.

"Gaaaaabe." He drawled, just barely able to contain his terrible case of the giggles.

When Gabriel continued, Askan simmered down as the conversation turned sombre. Never did he once think that Reyes would make him choose between his home or him just to prove his affection. But...It was good to hear it, to know that never would it ever come to that. Not that he'd worried, but certainty was assuring in a world as turbulent as this.

It was truly good to hear that he was doing better and that he actually thought that Drestig was okay. The Old Man was more than okay, leagues more than that but the weight of the word wasn't lost on Askan. He knew what Reyes was like as he was pretty damn similar when it came to these sorts of things.

Maybe if he hadn't been so content he would have said something meaningful in return. I feel the same, home is wherever you are, Gabriel. But come on, how mushy was that? It wasn't as though he disliked the attention, far from it. But Askan was flattered and smitten as heck, and his knee jerk reaction was to just...You know, try and not flail like a fish out of water.

"Ah jeeze, you are smooth as fuck." Were his cheeks red? Yep. Was he gonna admit that? Nope.

Bumping into his side, with a little more force than he meant, Askan nibbled at the end of his ear and gave it a little tug. What? He was feeling touchy feely, sue him.

"Not telling you to stop though, so by all means continue."

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Reyes threw a paw in his lover’s direction, bopping the wolf with an exasperated sigh. Dios mio, you’re the worst,” he rumbled fondly. He should have never told Askan about his given name – now he was never going to hear the end of it. Sure, Mama would be happy someone was using the name she’d so painstakingly chosen for the sun, but shit! It wasn’t a secret he shared lightly.

Thankfully, the other heartfelt expression seemed to dampen the beta’s sense of amusement at his mate; if he was looking for an argument, he might have actually accused the younger wolf of being a bit of a romantic!

But he was feeling lazy – and content, damnit all – so he just tossed his head and flicked the offended ear. One paw fell over Askan’s and he thrummed, deep in his chest as he bumped their noses together. Shit, this was affectionate. (He’d blame the jaguar and her rainbows for it later.) But that was okay. They were alone, and after everything his mate had been through lately? He deserved a little loving from Reyes, even if it was a little further outside his comfort zone. “That’s it for now,” he rasped, pushing his nose into Kana’s ear. “But be good and you can have more when we get back to the den, mi amor.”


[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health