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summertime cold — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
healer dem 3/3 -- poor rissy XD just need 1 more post from each of us and then we can archive! <3

He watched her with silent amusement as she struggled to devour the plants he had placed before her. Even with honey soaking their leaves the plants were by no means tasty. If she had been a little older he might have given her the herbs with a squirrel or rabbit’s foot—something to take most of the bite away.

The sweet grass went down easy, as expected, although her nose still wrinkled in protest. Lachesis did not mind the taste of the grass, for he had taken it a number of times to fend of colds before they could weaken him. Although he busied himself with both his leadership and fatherly duties XIX tried to take care of his body as much as possible. He could not be there for his pack or children if he fell ill.

“I know it’s yucky,” he commented absently as he watched her crunch down onto the bark, her little teeth working hard to chew it into swallowable pieces, “I’m sorry. It will help, I promise.”

The cloud watched as a yawn tugged at the girl’s jaws, and could not stop himself for mirroring her. He frowned at himself but did not protest the weariness that washed over him. He needed to ensure that Risaela did not react to the herbs and that she got a sound sleep. Rest paired with the medicine would surely chase off the bulk of her cold, but he wanted to be sure. He tucked in beside the tawny cub, his chin resting against her small frame. “If you’re feeling better in the morning Uncle Cloud will take you somewhere cool, okay?” He suggested, knowing that the little bird would not refuse an opportunity to adventure. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Van who has 241 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Risaela ???
Lach referring to himself as Uncle Cloud will forever be my favorite thing xD Feel free to archive with your next post!

He apologized for the taste of the herbs, but it wasn't like that was his fault. After all, Ris was fairly certain her uncle did not make the plants grow, and did not have the all-powerful ability to change the flavor of them. But, she wouldn't lie, it would be pretty awesome if he actually could do something like that. Like a superpower.

After she flopped down, he soon followed her, and she pressed her flank up against his neck and head so that her nose matched up with his. She was certainly small enough to do so - while she currently was not the smallest pup in Hearthwood (the title belonged to Oksana), that would end up changing in the future. The child would always lean on the smaller side of medium growing up, just barely making the mark of the size, and it was likely that all of the other children would outgrow her sooner rather than later.

Silvering blue eyes creaked back open when he promised to take her to a cool place the following morning if she felt better, and she resolved somewhere in her puppy mind that she would feel better then. Specifically so that she could go adventuring with one of her favorite wolves in the whole entire world. Her tail thumped on the floor of the den and she nuzzled his cheek with an imploring whine that vocalized (without words) that she would love to go somewhere cool the next day.

But the excitement only lasted for a moment, as she was absolutely exhausted. Her eyes shut once more and she snuggled up beside the white-furred healer. "N-ni', Ung-le Cwoud," she stuttered, a yawn escaping her before her breathing evened out and she drifted off into sleep.
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

He had faith that the little bird would return to her usual rambunctious self once she woke, as the herbs would do their magic as she slept. The cold did not seem too severe, which meant a good rest would hopefully chase away the soreness in her throat and the built up snot in her nose. Another dose of medicine would be given to the bundle of soft fur in the morning before they set out on their adventure, to tackle any remnants of the cold.

With his chin pressed against hers Lachesis remained where he was, enjoying the quiet moment between the two as sleep began to pull Risaela under. Her small voice filled the den before her silver pools blinked shut; however, the ghost remained silent, not wanting to stir the child. Prior to entering the den Lachesis would have scoffed at the idea of falling asleep, for he was mostly nocturnal, and preferred to stay awake for most of the night. However, with the sick girl at his side, he could not stop his own eyelids from drooping. Perhaps he needed a good night’s rest, as well, for he had been keeping himself busy since the arrival of the Hearthwood litters…

He hummed softly, hoping the sound would lull Risaela to sleep, but his own mind began to drift instead… Fade.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you