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walk the moon — Kettle Pot Pond 
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Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
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Cyril Kael-Santoro

The boy watched her tumble past him with an amused expression, a victorious grin working its way onto his dark lips. He raised his nose, a brow raised as he adopted a dominant stance. Unable to restrain himself the Kael scoffed at her words and responded with an indifferent shrug. “Y’wan’ be f’iends? Y’try ’n bite me ’n you think s’ok?” He spat, his nostrils flaring as he pummelled her with his words, his claws digging into the soft ground as his frustration grew. Cyril knew that he had instigated the scuffle with the river cub, and that she would not have tried to bite his tail if he had not provoked her, but it did not matter. He was trying to get it through her thick skull that he did not want to be friends.

Quickly he shook his head, dismissing her apology. “No fo’give,” he retorted quickly as he turned on his heels, his hackles raised as he stomped away from her. Perhaps, in the future, he would not mind the company of the silver-eyed girl, but for now he wanted nothing to do with her. Cyril had enough friends on the monadnock and preferred wolves older than him. They were much more fun to play with… and not as whiney.

Played by Van who has 241 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Risaela ???
Oh, well. She had tried. Sometimes, she supposed, there wasn't much that could be done about a wolf that just didn't want to be happy. Suddenly, it didn't matter that she didn't mind so much that she'd never gotten his name. As far as she knew about the dark little cub, he was a meaniehead that she did not want to play with ever again. It was beyond her grasp, for the moment at least, why he would not want to be surrounded by friends (old and new) all the time.

That just sounded silly.

"Okay," she chirped as he turned to leave, and she turned around in the opposite direction. Regardless of if Ris had had a fun time with the other child or not, her trip to the Lowlands had been oodles of fun! And since it had taken her a day to get there, it would probably take a day to get back to Hearthwood River. So, she took off again, excited to return and see her family again.

She couldn't wait to tell her mom about her trip!

{ Fade }